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Published July 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Wells, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Work Included: Completion of 3 Underdrain soil filters and 3 Bioretention Cells. Question Deadline 05/15/2024 at 10:00 AM ET Pre-bid questions can be submitted to Michael Livingston at mlivingston@wellstown.org Estimated Award Date: June 4, 2024 A. Background: The Town is completing a project due to the default by a developer. The work is located off the Hobbs Farm Road public street right of way but on private property. The Town will acquire written permission from all property owners for the work. B. Work Included: Completion of 3 Underdrain soil filters and 3 Bioretention Cells. The major elements of proposed work under this Contract include: 1. Maintaining safe conditions: traffic control, Dig Safe, Access to private property; 2. Coordination with the Town of Wells, Property Owners and other entities having jurisdiction within the work area and points of access; 3. Clearing and grubbing areas of construction; 4. Installing Underdrain soil filters and Bioretention Cells; 5. Installing vegetated swales; 6. Foundation drain installation for Lot 6; 7. Layout and elevations; 8. Adjust surrounding grades as needed for drainage; 9. Erosion control measures (BMP's); 10. Loam and seed all disturbed areas; 11. Relocate landscaping features; 12. Exploratory excavation where needed; and 17. Clean up following completion of the work. C. Compliance with Codes and Regulations: All work performed under this contract shall comply with the requirements of applicable state and local codes and regulations. D. Removals, Relocations and Rearrangements 1. Examine the existing site for the work of all trades which will influence the cost of the work under the general bid. 2. Provide in the bid price a sufficient amount to include all work herein specified, necessary or required to complete the work.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work



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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

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