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Published May 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Gainesville, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Hall County, Georgia, Board of Commissioners (Herein "County") is soliciting bid responses from qualified contractors specializing in minor resurfacing, paving, and sealcoating services (Herein "Services') according to the Scope of Work as specified herein. Bidders Questions Due Date: May 20, 2024 All bid packets must be time and date stamped by the County receptionist on the 4th floor to be considered. Minor Resurfacing, Paving, and Sealcoating link and download the bid packet containing all required documents. Bidders must be in the regular business of providing the Services as their principal core line of work. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work performed in support of this contract including all subcontractors. All Bidders must disclose proposed subcontractors in their bid responses and the percentage of the total work that will be subcontracted. Subcontractors must be pre-approved in writing by the County. Bidders must sign and notarize their submittals. Digital signatures are not acceptable. The County requires that Bidders provide a cover letter with a wet signature by an officer of the firm with the submittal to ensure its originality. Please submit one (1) hard paper proposal marked "Original" with signature, along with three (3) copies each marked "Copy". Please put the technical qualifications proposals in a separate envelope from the cost proposals. Additionally, provide each proposal (technical and separately cost) in a digital format on a USB drive. The County reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and use any idea(s) in a proposal regardless of contract award, or not. The County shall have the right to waive any informality or irregularity of immaterial deviation in any bid received. It is mandatory that Bidders complete and return all forms, exhibits, and documents with their bid proposal. Failure to do so may deem the proposal non-responsive and the County may not evaluate it for award. Bidders must have no contact of any nature with any other Bidders, County staff members, its elected officials, nor Commissioners during the evaluation process. The County may deem such as collusion and render the submission in violation of the Official Code of Hall County. Thus, the County may render the proposal as non-responsive and not evaluate the proposal for an award. This bid is for the resurfacing or sealcoating of parking lots and driveways, resurfacing and/or crack sealing of short roadway segments, and resurfacing and/or crack sealing of intersections. The selected Contractor will be required to install asphalt pavement and any required striping as outlined in future Task Order specifications. 4.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for all work performed in support of this contract. Subcontractors shall perform no work unless pre-approved in writing by the County. Contractors must disclose any intended subcontractors within the bid at the time of bid submissions. If the bidder intends to use a subcontractor(s) to fulfill one entire segment of this contract, then the bidder should submit to the County professional references for the subcontractor on jobs similar in size and scope. Once the County has awarded the contract, the contractor cannot change subcontractors without seeking written pre-approval from the County. The County reserves the right to check all references and conduct background checks on any changes to subcontractors or workers performing work under this contract. The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the quality of their subcontractor's work. The Contractor shall disclose the percentage (%) of the work to be completed by each subcontractor. Contractor is to build shoulders on all base and pavement roadway projects as directed by the Project Engineer. Shoulder construction consists of building up the shoulder elevation to match the new pavement elevation, and extending this new built-up material to the point where the shoulder begins to drop off into a ditch or fill slope. This build up is not expected to be greater than six (6) inches in depth. The minimum required shoulder width is two (2) feet. Shoulders are to drain away from the pavement whenever possible. In the case where the existing shoulder was previously too high, the Contractor will tie in from the new pavement elevation to an appropriate point to provide proper drainage. Whenever possible, Contractor is expected to extend the shoulder width so as to retain the same shoulder width that occurs due to the higher elevation of the pavement. Contractor is required to smooth and compact the new shoulder material with clean material that is free from rocky material that could create voids or cause poor turf establishment. Contractor is required to remove all grubbing debris from new shoulder material. Contractor is required to utilize an un-erodible soil type so as to minimize repair trips at the Contractor's expense. Contractor is required to sweep new pavement as shoulder construction activities proceed.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Gainesville, GA

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