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Published June 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a military facility in Patuxent River, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a military facility.

NAVFAC Solicitation Number: N40080-22-D-2222 NAVFAC Project No.: 1783571 The project includes but is not limited to replacement of deteriorating (27) hydronic floor mounted fan coil units to include associated fittings, piping, valves, and accessories. (2) 7.5 ton rooftop package units to include associated, disconnect switches, circuit breakers, conduits, wirings, piping, valves, temperature sensors, controls, and accessories. (2) Mini-split type a/c unit to include associated disconnect switches, circuit breakers, conduits, wirings, piping and accessories located in IDF room and locker room. (4) Ceiling exhaust fans and associated accessories located in first floor toilet male and female rooms, locker room, and weather office room- 104. (1) Baseboard heater unit and associated accessories located in second floor corridor 100 entryway. The new work includes of the following: 1) Provide and install (27) new ceiling cassette type fan coil units to include associated fittings, valves, piping, insulation, hanger support, digital control, and accessories. Provide fan coil units that match the existing chiller unit brand. 2) Modify existing fan coil units piping (cold/hot) as required for proper installation of new ceiling cassette type units. Remove any unused piping, fittings, valves, and associated accessories. Where required, drywall is removed add layer of 1/2 rigid expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam. 3) Provide and install (2) new 7.5 ton rooftop package units to include associated, disconnect switches, circuit breakers, conduits, wirings, piping, valves, temperature sensors, digital controls, and accessories. Provide necessary equipment required for ductwork cleaning. At no time both units will be down. Provide and install (2) pole metal mounted for disconnect switches. 4) Provide and install new (2) mini-split type a/c unit with cooling only to include associated disconnect switches, circuit breakers, conduits, wirings, piping and accessories located in IDF room and locker room. Existing housekeeping pads may reused if good condition is acceptable. 5) Provide and install new (4) ceiling exhaust fans located in first floor toilet male and female rooms, locker room, and weather office room- 104. 6) Provide and install new baseboard heater unit and associated accessories located in second floor corridor 100 entryway. 7) Provide and install new ceiling exhaust fan in second floor room 205; shower and toilet rooms to include circuit breakers, conduits, wirings, and associated accessories. 8) Provide and install new dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) unit to include associated ductwork, housekeeping pad, disconnect switch, circuit breakers, conduits, wirings, control, sensors, and accessories. Provide design for DOAS unit to include ductwork and electrical systems. Perform load calculation to determine appropriate size unit. 9) Provide and install new acoustical ceiling tiles and associated accessories that match the existing patterns and finishes. 10) Modify existing electrical panel to adapt serve new DOAS unit and ceiling exhaust fans. Existing electrical wiring may reused if capacity is adequate and in good condition. Building will remain occupied during construction. Very important, heating, cooling, and dehumidification shall be maintained in the Air Traffic control operation room during this project. Question Deadline 05/20/2024 Offerors who determine that the technical and or contractual requirements of this RFP require clarification(s) in order to permit submittal of a responsive proposal shall submit all questions in writing. All inquiries must be made in writing and shall be submitted via email to jennifer.l.bowling5.civ@us.navy.mil no later than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the proposal due date or 16 May 2024 @ 10:00 AM Liquidated Damages: In accordance with FAR 52.211-12 Liquidated Damages - Construction, Liquidated Damages will be assessed in the amount of $449.00 for each calendar day of delay until the work is completed or accepted. Estimated Budget Amount or Price Range: The Design Build Budget is $1,371,000.00.




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47123 Buse Rd, Patuxent River, MD

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