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Published May 28, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Livonia, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Reference Number 0000351304 Newburgh Village, 11999 Newburgh Rd., Livonia, Mi 48150 Replace the vinyl windows in buildings A through J at Newburgh Village. Question Deadline 05/23/2024 at 3:00 PM ET Bidders may submit questions in writing to the attention of Gus Kandah, Purchasing Manager at gkandah@Livonia.gov . No phone calls will be accepted. General Requirements - Contractors License Required - Installation Required - Warranty Information Required. Award Requirements - All or None Award. 1. Windows shall be custom built to fit into existing wall opening and shall be constructed completely with rigid extruded commercial grade PVC and shall include all interior and exterior trim and sills (as necessary) required to result in a completely finished installation, including 1/2 screens. Existing wood trim may be reused if not damaged. All wood trim shall be primed and painted in color selected by owner. All windows must be 2 lite sliders (no 1 lite sliders) unless otherwise noted in specifications and Almond/Beige in color. 2. All windows must have Low E glass and argon gas and must meet the Energy Star requirements. 3. Solid vinyl windows shall be furnished with all necessary hardware fasteners and sealants as specified by the manufacturer. Sash shall tilt in for cleaning. When mullioned units occur joined by independent mullions, the resulting member shall be capable of withstanding the load outlined under uniform load section of AAMA 101- 85. Window shall be constructed in a neat workmanlike manner. All corners of frame and sash shall be miter cut and fusion welded. Welds shall be dressed and finished to match the surrounding surfaces. 4. Reinforcing of frames and or sash, if required, shall be concealed within an internal chamber of the profile. A baffled, internal weep age system shall be incorporated in the sash members. 5. Hardware Two spiral balancers per sash shall be installed in the frame jam of double-hung windows to provide lift assistance and hold sash in any open position. These highperformance constant force balancers shall require no adjustment. Hardware shall be provided to allow for locking windows in partially open and fully closed positions. All windows should include safety stops to prevent windows from being removable from the exterior. All other hardware, fasteners and components shall be stainless steel, aluminum, or another non-corrosive material compatible with solid vinyl. 6. Weather-stripping A replaceable high-density silicone treated polypropylene weather-stripping with a double mylar fin running through the center shall be installed around the entire perimeter to provide maximum protection against air and water infiltration. 7. Glazing Windows shall be glazed with 7/8" double insulation glass. Marine type (wrap around) glazing strip shall be used. 8. Clean up and haul away all debris daily. 9. Contractors cannot use the Newburgh Village dumpster and may need to secure their own dumpster. 10. Provide applicable warranty


Residential Subdivision


Public - City


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May 28, 2024

June 27, 2024


11999 Newburgh Rd, Livonia, MI

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