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Published June 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Alpena, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of June 27, 2024 project was awarded to Stanson Floor Covering, awarded amount is $62,252.3. All questions regarding the General Specifications and Forms must be directed in writing to: Simon Zolnierek zolniereks@alpenaschools.com All questions regarding Technical Specifications must be directed in writing to: Simon Zolnierek zolniereks@alpenaschools.com Question Deadline 05/08/2024 at 4:00 PM ET Bidders who require clarification or interpretation of the bidding Documents or Contract documents must make a written request by: Designated Contact: Simon Zolnierek zolniereks@alpenaschools.com Board Award Monday, May 20, 2024 Contracts Finalized Friday, May 24, 2024 Monday June 17,2024 Conditions of Bidding A. The work in the Bid Package shall be the sole responsibility of the successful bidder, known herein as "Contractor" or "Vendor". A detailed description of the Bid is defined in the TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION below. B. Each bid shall include all Conditions set forth in these General Specifications and the Technical Specifications as they apply to each Bid Category. C. Contractors submitting bids for this project must adhere to prevailing wage requirements as established by the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. Prevailing wages are determined based on the specific job classifications and geographic location of the project site. Failure to comply with prevailing wage laws may result in disqualification of the bid or termination of the contract. D. Bids are to include all elements of the pertinent Bid Package specifications. All responding Contractors must submit a single proposal, which may include Alternates if/where indicated. Contractor must list all subcontractors, if any, to be included in their proposal. E. Bids must be considered firm for 60 days from the bid opening date. Bidders are granted the privilege of withdrawing their bids, if they desire, between the time they are submitted and the bid opening date. F. Upon entering into an agreement with the District, the successful Vendor shall not assign or delegate any obligation to another Vendor without the express written consent of District. All subcontractors supplying services must be identified within the proposal including name, address, phone number, and Vendor information sheets, with designated service identified. G. Unless specifically authorized in writing by the Superintendent, on a case by case basis, the successful Vendor shall have no right to use, and shall not use, the name of APS, or its officials or employees in advertising, publicity, or promotion; nor to express or imply any endorsement of the Vendor products or services. H. While present on APS grounds, the Vendor, including all employees and agents, agrees to abide by, and comply with all APS, federal, state and local policies, regulations, and laws that pertain to sexual harassment and non-discrimination. The Vendor shall be proactive in assuring that applicants, employees, and customers are treated fairly without regard to, or in discrimination of their race, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability. Vendor further agrees that Vendor employees and agents while on APS property shall comply with and observe all applicable rules and regulations concerning conduct as are imposed upon APS employees and agents. All APS facilities are smoke-free. I. Vendor employees and agents who will be servicing the contract onsite at any APS location during the duration of this agreement (construction, delivery, setup, routine or periodic maintenance, etc.) will be asked to complete the APS fingerprinting and background check with all costs incurred by the Vendor. J. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this bid and resultant contract shall be adjudicated in Alpena County, the state of Michigan. K. All information provided through this request and ensuing process will be held in confidence and will not be revealed nor discussed with any competitor until final execution of the agreement. At that time, all documents of this process shall become public (excluding proprietary or financial information as determined by the District) regardless of statements contained within submittal to the contrary. Furthermore, all material submitted shall become the property of the District and may be returned only at the District's option. L. It is understood that the School District is a governmental unit and, as such, is exempt from the payment of most state and federal taxes applying to the products specified in this document. Therefore, the prices quoted by the Bidder should not include any allocation for taxes. M. The Contractor shall furnish Alpena Public Schools or authorized representative(s) with every reasonable opportunity to determine whether the work is performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. Alpena Public Schools may appoint qualified persons to inspect the Contractor's operations and equipment, and Contractor shall permit these authorized representative(s) to make such inspections at a reasonable time and place. N. It is expressly agreed and understood that the Contractor is in all respects an Independent Contractor as to the work, and that the Contractor is in no respect an agent, servant or employee of Alpena Public Schools. This Contract specifies the work to be done by the Contractor, but the method utilized to accomplish the work shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. O. Alpena Public Schools shall not enter into any non-compete clauses with respect to the Contractor's employees; in the event a Contractor employee wishes to apply for any employment position with the District, he/she shall not be barred from doing so.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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May 16, 2024

June 17, 2024


201 N Ripley Blvd, Alpena, MI

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