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Site work for a water / sewer project in Bedford, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Qualified firms to perform Method B - Category B, Flexible Liner Pipe Rehabilitation work on existing storm drainage pipes located in Bedford and Franklin County within the Salem District. VDOT will make awards on a per lot basis for the (10) ten lots identified below: Note: Lots numbers listed in table below are not in numerical order, they are listed in Site-visit order. Lot # County Route Route Name GPS Location Pipe Dimensions 5 Franklin 921 Altice Mill Rd 37.022157, -79.868267 36" x 60' CMP 3 Franklin 1057 Miriam Hill Drive 36.979251, -79.884682 30" x 90' CMP 4 Franklin 220 Virgil Goode Hwy 36.923420, -79.865500 18" x 80' CMP/RCP 2 Franklin 646 Truevine Rd 36.940069, -79.723537 24" x 120' CMP 1 Franklin 40 Old Franklin Trpk 36.998377, -79.696846 15" x 50' RCP 9 Bedford 460 E. Lynch. Salem Trpk 37.357900, -79.671660 15" x 60' CMP 10 Bedford 460 E. Lynch. Salem Trpk 37.357440, -79.669770 15" x 130' - RCP/CMP 8 Bedford 460 E. Lynch. Salem Trpk 37.35091, -79.64057 15" x 130' - RCP/CMP 7 Bedford 460 E. Lynch. Salem Trpk 37.31917, -79.43177 15" x 120' CMP 6 Bedford 460 E. Lynch. Salem Trpk 37.30063, -79.35832 24" x 180' CMP Online bid opening- Enter Meeting ID: 241 026 518 761 Enter Passcode: 64accf Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 434-230-0065 Enter Phone Conference ID: 402 867 761# The Contractor shall perform Category B - Method B, Flexible Liner Pipe Rehabilitation work on existing drainage pipes located within Bedford and Franklin Counties. These pipes vary in size from 15" to 36" CMP or RCP. These lots will be all inclusive priced as lump sum. Completion of ALL Lots required by December 31 st , 2024. Access to the inlet and outlets of these pipes are located off VDOT ROW, the property owners have granted access with the exception, any disturbance must be put back to existing conditions, seeded and straw mulched as required. VDOT has acquired or will acquire all required Environmental permits for the pipes that are classified as a Jurisdictional Environmental Impact. All issued permits must be kept on-site while work is being performed. The contractor shall provide all transportation, equipment, labor, materials and incidentals as required to perform the rehabilitation services. All work, equipment, and installation/construction practices shall comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Administration (VOSH), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Virginia Work Area Protection Manual (VWAPM), and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) regulations and guidelines. VDOT will provide all traffic control. All references are to the American Association of State Highway Transportation Official's(AASHTO) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications herein refer to the specific version in use by VDOT Structure and Bridge Division at the time of submittal.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Bedford, VA

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