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Published June 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Hillsboro, Missouri. Working plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

As of June 14, 2024 projects is on hold. No definite date for the rebid. The purpose of this Request for Qualifications is to obtain qualifications, capabilities, and pricing structure from qualified vendors interested in providing project planning, design development, delivery and installation of playground surfacing and equipment to Hillsboro R-3 School District. Qualifications must be submitted at 9661 Old Hwy 21 Hillsboro, Missouri 63050 Two copies of the proposals must be sealed in an envelope and clearly marked "Hillsboro R-3 Play Ground: Failure to comply with this provision of the specification may result in the rejection of the proposal. It is the responsibility of the agency/vendor to confirm the delivery of the proposal at the proper place and time. There will not be exceptions made for proposals delivered late or to the wrong location. Faxed, emailed, or oral proposals will not be accepted. Questions may be directed to: Dr. Clay LaRue Sr. Director of Operations, (636) 789-0081 larue_clay@hsdr3.org PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND INTRODUCTION Adding and modifying playground equipment to existing sites within the Hillsboro R-3 School District. Each playground will include all scopes of work necessary to renovate an existing outdoor space to a fully functional play space. Scope will include but not limited to any necessary grading, play surface, curbing and or drainage. Each site will need to have ADA equipment/access incorporated into the design and installation. Ability to Provide Scopes of Services (minimum): 1. Programming a. Needs and analysis meeting. b. Review project parameters, budgets, and goals. c. Determine individual, department, equipment, and special requirements. d. Site verify field conditions/measurements (if applicable) Auto CAD drawing required. 2. Playground layout and product application a. Develop playground and layout designs. b. Create a draft plan. c. Review with the School District. d. Revise as needed. e. Finalize space plan of area. f. Preliminary budget generated. g. Review with the School District. 3. Contract Documentation and Administration - Technical specifications a. General product specifications. b. Review all final drawings and specifications with the School District. c. Preparation of installation package. d. Plot drawings and print all specifications. e. Conduct a pre-installation meeting. f. Ensure competitive bidding for installation. g. Provide budget amounts - post installation bidding. h. Provide final budget amounts and review with the District. i. Review Warranty on products with the District. 4. Playground Delivery and Installation a. Schedule delivery of products according to the School District timeline. b. Provide all labor, material, equipment, and supervision to deliver, set up, and install products onsite as specified in accordance with contract documents. c. Provide all debris containment, debris storage, and debris removal as well as provide a clean site at the end of each working day as required by the Owner's Representative. d. Inspect all deliveries for shortages or damage and in conjunction with the School District, create a punch list. Retainage will not be released until the punch list has been resolved to the Owner's satisfaction. e. Final walkthrough, inspection, and acceptance of the project. f. Ensure the firm has supervision on site during all deliveries. 5. Submittals a. Develop drawings and floor plans showing space allocation/equipment. b. Submit brochure or actual samples for final product selection. c. Submit copies of Operation and Maintenance Manual. This manual should contain narrative on operation of any equipment, preventive maintenance including, cleaning, adjustment, and lubrication schedules (if required). The manual should also contain a copy of the manufacturer's warranty and service agreement. d. Submit Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), as applicable. e. Submit certification that, to the best of the manufacturers and contractors knowledge, no asbestos containing materials have been incorporated into this project. Qualifications Section: To select the firm best qualified for the Hillsboro R-3 School District project, we are asking that the prospective Firm respond to the following: 1. Quality of Submittal a. Provide a complete and well-organized response to this RFQ. 2. Approach to Project a. Planning/Programming/Design - Describe your firm's process for working with the Owner through the various stages of design, product/material selection, procurement, and delivery/installation and lead times. b. Quality Assurance - Provide a description of the quality assurance process your firm will use for space layout and playground drawings, budget tracking, tracking system for items the District may add during a later phase of work, delivery and install process, punch process, and warranty tracking. c. Vendors - Provide a list of the vendors your firm will be using for this project. 3. Work Experience a. Provide a list of K-12 projects (in the State of Missouri) that your company has b. successfully completed. Provide references (phone, address, and email) for the completed K-12 projects (in the State of Missouri). 4. Planning/Design Personnel a. Provide a list of key personnel, skills and qualifications, technical competence, experience on similar projects, current workload and workload during the project. Specifically identify the person who will be the Project Manager and their office location. 5. Project Management/Delivery and Install Personnel a. Provide a list of key personnel, skills and qualifications, technical competence, experience on similar projects, and workload during the delivery and install. Describe if delivery and install will be subcontracted and physical location of proposed team. BASIS OF EVALUATION Hillsboro R-3 will evaluate the proposals and award to the bidder meeting all specifications and the needs of the Hillsboro R-3 School District with special focus on: - Demonstrated experience working with K-12 Public Education - Being able to fulfill Scope of Services highlight in through the Qualifications Section above - References The Hillsboro School District reserves the right to: - Accept or reject any bid, and to select from among the bids received the one, which in its opinion, will serve in the best interest of the District. Included in the consideration will be the date of delivery and the warranty provided. - Reject any or all proposals and are not bound to accept low bid. - Negotiate with dealers after bids have been submitted. - Waive minor irregularities or discrepancies as defined by District policy and regulations. - Approved bidders must be able to pass clean background checks - Approved Vendor must comply with e-verify as well as be able to submit background

Final Planning

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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May 17, 2024

December 14, 2024


Multiple Locations, Hillsboro, MO

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