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Published February 25, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

https://www.spartnerships.com/projects-to-build-renovate-courthouses-municipal-buildings-take-center-stage-again/#Jump Commissioners in Henderson County, North Carolina, approved a new courthouse and detention center project that carries a cost estimate of $158.3 million. It will include significant renovations to the existing courthouse and the expansion of two new additions. The renovations and additions will provide much-needed additional space in the courthouse. The new facility will be a 99,000-square-foot, three-story structure, and the attached detention center will have a two-level housing area and a support area for administration, magistrate, staff, intake, food preparation, medical and laundry services. The project is currently in the design phase, which is expected to continue for another year. Construction will begin in 2025 and be completed in phases. The detention center will fall into the first phase. _______________________________________________________________________ Pursuant to the General Statutes of North Carolina informal bids, subject to the conditions and specifications herein, are invited for the Finance Department restroom renovation. PRICING The bidder has carefully examined the annexed form of specifications and instructions to bidders and hereby declares that they will furnish the construction services called for in the manner prescribed in the specifications and instructions to bidders for the following price: The base bid and alternate prices shall be inclusive of all applicable fees, permits, and taxes. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE Henderson County seeks offers for the construction services described in this solicitation. The County's acceptance of any offer must be demonstrated by execution of the acceptance found below. Acceptance shall create a contract having an order of precedence as follows: In cases of conflict between documents comprising the contract, the order of precedence shall be (1) special terms and conditions specific to this ITB/RFQ, (2) specifications and requirements under the Instruction to Bidders, (3) Henderson County Terms and Conditions of this ITB/RFQ, and (4) the agreed portions of the awarded Vendor's offer. No contract shall be binding on the County until an encumbrance of funds and preaudit has been made for payment of the sums due under the contract. EXECUTION In compliance with this Invitation for Bid / Request for Quote, and subject to all the conditions herein, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish any or all services or goods upon which prices are offered, at the price(s) offered herein, within the time specified herein. By executing this offer, I certify that this offer is submitted competitively and without collusion. Deadline for Questions 2:00 PM May 15, 2024 Any and all questions, concerns, request for additional information, and alternate product considerations shall be directed to the Henderson County Finance Department to the attention of the Purchasing Agent: Doug Guffey hcpurchasing@hendersoncountync.gov The County is not liable for interpretations/misinterpretations or other errors, or omissions made by the Bidder in responding to this bid. The Bidder shall examine this bid to determine if the County's requirements and terms and conditions are clearly stated. If, after examination of the various requirements and terms and conditions of this bid, the Bidder believes there are any requirements or terms and conditions which remain unclear or which restrict competition, the Bidder may request, in writing, that the County clarify the requirement(s) and terms(s) and condition(s) specified by the Bidder. The Bidder must provide the Section(s), Subsection(s), Paragraph(s), and page number(s) that identify the requirements or conditions questioned by the Bidder. Requests for clarification, technical questions, and approval of alternate products to this bid must be received by the County no later than the date shown above in Section 2, entitled "Bid Schedule", under Deadline for Questions. The Bidders' failure to request clarification and submit questions by the date in the bid schedule above shall be considered to constitute the Bidders' acceptance of all County requirements and terms and conditions. The County shall issue addenda reflecting questions and answers to this bid, if any, and shall be posted to the County's website. It is not the intent of the bid specifications to exclude or limit competition or favor any supplier. If thereis an objection to any of the specifications or requirements listed herein, the bidder must notify Doug Guffey, Purchasing Agent in writing, stating and listing the specifications and objections, no later than the date shown above in Section 2, entitled "Bid Schedule", under Deadline for Questions. If a pre-bid meeting has been scheduled, any objections must be presented in writing at that time. The objections stated must pertain both to form and substance of the bid document. Failure to object in accordance with the above procedure shall constitute a waiver on the part of the bidder to protest the solicitation. All concerns, questions, clarifications, or other correspondence must be directed only to Doug Guffey, Purchasing Agent. Information obtained from other sources will not be considered in the evaluation and award of this bid. The County reserves the right to request pricing on optional equipment or services along with the pricing for the main or primary product or items when applicable. At the discretion of the County, some or all of the options requested may or may not be added and purchased based upon necessity and the availability of budgeted funds. The bid award will be made to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder for the main or primary product or services on the Bid Form. Pricing for any additional options will be requested in a separate section of the bid and will not be included in the determination of the bid award. The County reserves the right to request pricing on optional equipment or services along with the pricing for the main or primary product or items when applicable. At the discretion of the County, some or all of the options requested may or may not be added and purchased based upon necessity and the availability of budgeted funds. The bid award will be made to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder for the main or primary product or services on the Bid Form. Pricing for any additional options will be requested in a separate section of the bid and will not be included in the determination of the bid award. I. All bids will be opened at the time and place shown on the enclosed Bid Form. LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE OPENED OR ACCEPTED. II. Bids will be examined by the Purchasing Agent and the using department officials promptly after the opening and an award made as early as possible. III. Bidders may request and receive copies of the bid document and/or bid tabulation after the award of the project. I. Standard of Bid Award Acceptance: The County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids received as allowed by law, or to select the bid which, in our opinion, is in the best overall interest of the County. The award shall be made to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, or bidders, taking into consideration quality, performance and the time specified in the bid for the performance of the contract. II. Bid Prices: All items and products proposed in response to this Bid are to be new, in un-used condition unless otherwise noted in the Minimum Specifications. All prices proposed in response to this Bid are to include all transport, freight, fuel surcharges and other fees if applicable and be delivered FOB destination, freight prepaid and allowed to the location provided on the County Purchase Order if not otherwise instructed within the specifications section. All items are to be packaged, and shipped or delivered safely in a protective carton, fully assembled and serviced, ready for use and operation where applicable or otherwise described within the specifications. All supplies, equipment, and apparatus must meet all Federal, State, and Local safety regulations, requirements, and guidelines, such as OSHA, EPA, US DOT, NC-DOT, NFPA, UL, etc., if so regulated. III. Order of Precedence: In cases of conflict between sections and provisions within the bid document, the order of precedence will be 1) the Special Conditions section specific to the bid (if present); 2) the minimum Specifications section specific to the bid, 3) Henderson County terms and conditions; and 4) the instructions to bidders section of the bid document. Bidders or their authorized representatives are expected to understand the conditions, requirements, and specifications before submitting bids. Failure to do so will be at the bidders' own risk. In case of an error in the extension of prices on the bid, the unit price shall govern. Bidders may request a bid tabulation from the Purchasing Agent, after the bid has been awarded (NCGS 143-131(a). I. Overview: It is the intent of these specifications to set up minimum requirements for the Complete Exterior prep, patching, and painting (including Dome) of the Historic Courthouse, 1 Historic Square Hendersonville, NC 28792 as specified. These specifications must be considered as minimum requirements. If it is necessary to bid alternate equipment or to take exceptions to the specifications as set forth, this must be so stated in your bid. Any reference to a model or brand is only to denote quality and does not mean that equal equipment will not be considered. II. Specifications - Please refer to Attachment II: Product Information 1. Henderson County will be responsible for having the building pressure washed (by others) a minimum of one week prior to project, Additional prep work may be required by painting contractor before work begins. 2. Portable security fencing SHALL be erected daily during construction to direct public away from the jobsite or potential overhead hazards. 3. All fiberglass, wood, and / or concrete, damaged by pressure washing, is to be patched or replaced by painting contractor before work begins. 4. ONLY products specified in Attachment II: Product Information, or a County approved equivalent to be used. Information about the preparation and application will be distributed at the mandatory Prebid meeting. 5. Plywood sheets shall be used to cover pavers and grass for moveable man lifts / scissor lifts. 6. Any street closures or parking space closures will need to be coordinated with the City of Hendersonville and paid by the awarded contractor BEFORE work begins. 7. All window/ door frames, and all penetrations shall be caulked with an elastomeric or siliconized acrylic caulk with a minimum 50-year warranty before painting. 8. All work will need to be coordinated / approved by the Facilities Services Director and County Commissioners schedule will govern as to not disturb previously scheduled events or meetings. III. Installation 1. Bidder shall provide a turnkey project inclusive of all labor, materials, supervision, disposal fees, permits, inspections, taxes as applicable. 2. Install all materials and equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and warranty requirements. 3. Contractor must submit a timeline for the beginning and completion of the project. 4. Contractor is to obtain and pay for all required permits and inspections. Any deficiencies found in the installation or materials used in the installation which prevents receiving a green tag from inspectors as applicable or issues found during the final walkthrough with County representatives will be the Contractors responsibility and expense to correct. 5. Cleanup of all affected work areas shall be completed daily. IV.Warranty 1. The installation services and materials furnished by the contractor, or any subcontractors shall be free from any defects in workmanship for a period of one year from the date of final payment. V. Acceptance of Work 1. Bidder shall perform a final walk through with a County representative upon completion. 2. Henderson County shall receive all inspections, certifications, and permits required by local and State agencies as applicable. Henderson County is to receive written copies of all. 3. Henderson County shall receive all warranties, maintenance manuals, product data, and closeout documents as applicable.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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1 Historic Square, Hendersonville, NC

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