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Published May 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 90th Avenue from 25th Avenue N to 26th Avenue which is approximately 646 feet in length and 20' wide. Bid this road to be pulverized, 2" of base course installed prior to pulverization, fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (20) twenty feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering with class 5 base, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. Project 3 The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 139th Street from the intersection of 45th Avenue to 46th Avenue which is approximately 638 feet in length and 20' wide. Bid this road to be pulverized, 2" of base course installed prior to pulverization, fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (20) twenty feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. Project 4 The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 139th Street from the intersection of 46th Avenue to 47th Avenue which is approximately 638 feet in length and 20' wide. Bid this road to be fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (20) twenty feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. Project 5 The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 139th Street from 47th Avenue to dead end which is approximately 362 feet in length and 20' wide. Bid this road to be fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (20) twenty feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. Project 6 The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 138th Street from the intersection of 45th Avenue to 46th Avenue which is approximately 631 feet in length and 20' wide. Bid this road to be fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (20) twenty feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. Project 7 The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 138th Street from the intersection of 46th Avenue to 47th Avenue which is approximately 631 feet in length and 20' wide. Bid this road to be fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (20) twenty feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. Project 8 The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 17th Avenue from Commercial Boulevard to 118th Street which is approximately 1791 feet in length and 22' wide. Bid this road to be fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (22) twenty-two feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. Project 9 The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 17th Avenue from 118th Street to 115th Street which is approximately 1276 feet in length and 22' wide. Bid this road to be fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (22) twenty-two feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. Project 10 The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 118th Street from Melby Street to 20th Avenue which is approximately 2918 feet in length and 24' wide. Bid this road to be fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (24) twenty-four feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. Project 11 The Village of Lake Hallie will be accepting bids for road work on 125th Street between the new paved sections from 42nd Avenue to 43rd Avenue which is approximately 421 feet in length and 22' wide. Bid this road with asphalt removal, base course assessed and add as needed, fine grading prior to paving, watering and compaction if needed, WIS/DOT Type E-I Hot Mix Asphalt surface of (22) twenty-two feet wide and two and one-half (2.5) inches thick applied in two lifts. Please include applicable driveway approaches, price per ton, number of tons estimated to complete the project, 2' shouldering, saw-cutting driveways, and total cost of the project with your bid. Please add any recommendations you feel the road would need. Lengths of roads are approximations. The Village reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the contract in our best interests. If you have any questions, please contact Samuel Bautch, Working Foreman at (715) 559-7019.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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May 22, 2024

June 24, 2024


Multiple Locations, Chippewa Falls, WI

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