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Renovation of a municipal facility in Northampton, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

As of July 24, 2024, project was awarded, start date is August. Rear Roof Replacement at the Memorial Hall; 240 Main Street Northampton, MA. The project is estimated at $115,000. The City of Northampton may cancel this Invitation for Bids (IFB), or reject in whole or in part any and all bids, if the City determines that the cancellation or rejection serves the best interest of the City. Question Deadline 05/17/2024 Description: Remove and replace broken, cracked or damaged brick masonry units as directed by Architect. Notify Architect when bricks that are cracked, spalled, have abandoned anchors, holes or broken corners. 2. Unit of Measurement: Per Brick of masonry unit removed and replaced, including re-pointing. Removal of existing asphalt shingle roofing, underlayment and flashing on the rear roof and side entrance roofs. Installation of new asphalt shingle roofing, plywood sheathing, underlayment and flashing. Masonry cleaning and reporting as noted in Construction Documents, Removal of existing asphalt shingle roofing, underlayment and flashing on the rear roof and side entrance roofs. Installation of new asphalt shingle roofing, plywood sheathing, underlayment and flashing. Masonry cleaning and repointing as noted in Construction Documents, and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. a. Include work shown on small Entry Roofs over Building Entrances on east and west sides of building, as noted on Drawings. b. Note that all masonry work involves brick masonry with narrow (approximately 1/4") mortar joints. c. Note that masonry work shall be provided and executed by professional masons with a minimum of 5 years of demonstratable experience in historic masonry renovation and rebuilding.




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May 29, 2024

August 24, 2024


240 Main St, Northampton, MA

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