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Published July 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tacoma, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Pierce County is solicitating requests for On-Call Geotechnical Engineering Services. Pierce County is soliciting Request for Qualifications from firms interested in providing on-call geotechnical engineering consulting services. The consultant(s) will provide services for all divisions of Planning and Public Works including, but is not limited to, Transportation, Water Utility, Sewer Utility, Sustainable Resources, Surface Water Management, and Pierce County Airports and Ferry. Services may also be utilized by other County Departments as the need is identified. Contact Information Stephanie Browning Procurement and Contract Specialist 2 950 Faucett Ave Suite #300 Tacoma, WA 98402 Email: Phone: (253) 798-6726 Department: Procurement and Contract Division Department Head: Jana Prince Procurement & Contracts Manager Proposal Evaluation:Approximately three weeks after proposal submission deadline, proposals will be evaluated and interviews may be held if multiple proposers are deemed capable of meeting the requirements. Estimated Notice of Intention to Negotiate a Contract:Approximately six weeks after proposal submission deadline. Estimated Date of Contract Execution :Approximately eight weeks After proposal submission deadline. Contract Description Pierce County will select qualified consultants/teams and issue Professional Service Agreement(s) (contract(s)) based upon qualifications received for the services requested. Following successful negotiations of rates and fees, the County will execute the initial contract(s) in the amount of up to $500,000.00 (five hundred thousand dollars). The contract amount may be increased to meet ongoing needs of the County for the services requested up through the contract period of performances. Scope of Work The selectant consultant (s) will provide a comprehensive range of geotechnical services for various Pierce County needs. The quantity and duration of services will depend on the County's requirements and needs for the services. The services to be performed may include, but are not limited to, the following: Stability analysis and design for stabilization of soil and rock slopes. Groundwater conditions and soil infiltration rates. Subgrade conditions and parameters for pavement design. Geotechnical engineering recommendations for the design or repair of piers, footings, retaining walls, deep foundations, embankments, and other structures. Recommending seismic design parameters and soil liquefaction potential. Soil analysis and laboratory testing in accordance with ASTM and AASHTO Standards. (Laboratory testing would include chemical testing and data review) Soils engineering and testing to estimate hydraulic conductivity and construction dewatering methods. Environmental Site Assessments, Phase I and II in accordance with ASTM Standard E 1527. Geological Hazard Assessments and Reports in accordance with Pierce County Critical Area and Natural Resource Land Ordinance. Water quality and monitoring and associated record keeping during construction activities pursuant to NPDES general permit requirements. Delineation of critical areas. Geophysical Survey with Crosshole Seismic Tomography and Ground Penetrating Radar, Seismic Refraction. Erosion control analysis and plans. Provide materials testing for suitability, strength, and conformity, as needed. Analysis for drawdown impacts on new wells. Analysis on wellhead protection areas. Hydro-geological services. Any other related geotechnical engineering services. All plans and drawings must be done using AutoCad Civil 3D 2012 (or later release). All engineering design data shall be provided in a LandXML file format. All design data using said programs shall be made available to Pierce County upon request. Plans, specifications, and project contract-related documents must be completed according to current County and/or State and/or Federal standards. For all geologic surveys or geotechnical explorations performed, a draft report shall be submitted to the County's project manager for review. After the draft has been approved, a final report shall be submitted. The report shall include at a minimum a scale drawing, description of field, office, and laboratory procedures used, hardware and software used, and quality assurance procedures used. All services shall be done under the direction of a Professional Engineer and/or Professional Geologist licensed in the State of Washington. Submittal Checklist For proposals to be considered the following must be included in your submittal: A letter of interest from the prime consultant/contractor, signed by the principal professional intended to lead the project effort. The letter needs to include contact information, number of years the consultant/contractor has been in business under current or previous names or additional assumed business names and the name and title of the person authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the contractor. Provide similar information concerning each subcontracted contractor. The name and resume of key individual who would be assigned to this project and an individual assigned to back up the key person in their absence, together with similar information for each individual to be provided under any subcontract. The name and title of the person authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the firm. Your approach to this type of work and explain how you have the experience, qualifications, size, resources, and commitments to provide the services listed in the scope of work. Any additional services or procedures of benefit to the County not specifically required by this Request for Qualifications which the Contractor offers to provide. A statement outlining any proposal exceptions to the County's requirements or requested clarifications to the requirements. This includes any exceptions to the terms of the County's standard Professional Service Agreement (PSA), a sample of which is attached hereto as "Attachment A." Pierce County reserves the right to change the terms of its standard contract. Pierce County may not consider any proposed changes to the submittal. At least three (3) references listing customers with similar requirements. By submitting a Letter of Interest and Statement of Qualifications (SOQ), consultant agrees that all documents, reports, statement of qualifications, working papers, or other materials prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this proposal shall become the sole and exclusive property of the County, and the public domain, and not property of the Consultant. The Consultant shall not copyright, or cause to be copyrighted, any portion of said items submitted to the County because of this solicitation. Submittal Format Please use the following as a guideline to format your qualifications: Font Size: Please fonts no smaller than 11 points Format: In order for Pierce County to adequately compare and evaluate qualification objectively, each response to specific requests and criteria should be clearly labeled. Page Count: Maximum qualifications length should not excess 20 pages - NOT including title page, letter of interest (cover letter), table of contents, resumes and required forms.) These requirements are in addition to any other requirements identified herein. Procurement Documents & RFQ's Holder List BIDDERS WHO REGISTER AND DOWNLOAD BID DOCUMENTS will be automatically added to the FOLLOWER'S list in the County's eProcurement Portal. Notifications for bid updates, addendum and other bid information will be sent to all bidders who register on the Pierce County eProcurement Portal. All questions must be submitted within the County's eProcurement Portal, under the Questions and Answer Section not later than 4:00 pm on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Bidders must be registered in the eProcurement Portal software in order to submit questions, receive addenda, notifications and ultimately submit a proposal. The initial contract period is anticipated to be for 12 months The County has the option of renewing for an additional Four Years after initial contract is executed. The actual schedule will be negotiated with the selected firm based on consultant and agency staff availability and finalized scope of work. Value of Resulting Contract: NO VALUE Evaluation and Award Process An evaluation team will review the SOQs and evaluate all responses received based upon the criteria listed herein. The County may request clarifications or additional information, if needed. A selection may be made based on the SOQ's and initial evaluation criteria alone or the contractors determined to be most qualified through the initial evaluation phase may be interviewed and the final determination will also consider reference checks and interviews. The County intends to select the Consultant with the most qualified team (or teams, as determined by the evaluation team) and begin the negotiation and award process based on the evaluated scores. Selected Consultants(s) will be invited to enter into contract negotiations with the County. Should the County and the selected contractor not reach a mutual agreement, the County will terminate negotiations and move to the next highest-ranked contractor and proceed with negotiations. A Consultants inability to agree to the terms of the County's standard contract may be a basis for the County to terminate negotiations and begin negotiating with one or more other Contractors/Consultant. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submitted SOQs, to waive as informalities any irregularities, and to contract as the best interest of the County may require. The County may reject SOQs that are non-responsive or that are submitted by non-responsible contractors. Security Requirements Contractors and their sub-Contractors shall adhere to Pierce County security requirements when working onsite including security clearances and tool control. Interior projects or those in secure courtyards require moderate background checks for staff onsite. Higher security areas require a Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) background checks and/or a detention area specific background compliance check including Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) compliance. The Contractor will be informed per work order if and for which security level a background and badge will be required. Each Contractor's personnel, who is assigned to perform work under a Work Order, will be an employee of the Contractor or an employee of a Subcontractor contracted by Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for the compliance of all the Contractor's personnel performing work. Prior to any Contractor personnel commencing on-site work, Contractor will have the appropriate and necessary criminal background checks/security clearances forms completed and submitted to the assigned Project Manager and their backup. CJIS background checks also require fingerprinting and training. All cleared personnel must obtain a photo ID badge from the security office located in the County-City Building. The County will not reimburse the Contractor for any costs incurred in obtaining background checks, including fingerprinting processing fees and personnel time. Background check clearances and CJIS training are required to be renewed every two years.
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