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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Logan, Utah. Conceptual plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.
City of Logan (City) desires to retain the services of a Professional Engineering Consulting Firm (Consultant) to provide all-inclusive design services for the design of a replacement bridge, along with roadway alignment adjustments at 100 North Riverside Drive (~ 900 East) (Project). The following indicates items that are known or expected to be a part of the design. Design and construction of the bridge shall meet all federal and state requirements and be coordinated with Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and the City. Design and construction of river channel improvements shall meet all federal and state requirements and be coordinated with the City. In addition to the design, the Project scope will include completing a 30% level design for the Riverside Drive roadway alignment that accounts for a future replacement of the Center Street bridge and corresponding intersection with Riverside Drive. Construction is anticipated to begin early 2026. Background & Overview The 1000 North bridge is the only public access across the Logan River and is the only access to approximately 100 residential homes. The existing bridge is 2 lanes wide, built at a skew with the intersection, with sidewalk on one side. It also has dry utilities including a natural gas line suspended from it. The City desires to align and widen each leg of the intersection as needed for construction of the new bridge. The legs of the intersection need to allow effective travel of motorized vehicles, bicycles and various modes of active transportation. The Consultant will determine the necessary number of through lanes, right-hand and left-hand turn lanes to accommodate vehicles, bikes and pedestrians. The consultant will advise the City on lanes and layout based on information within the Transportation Master Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and Public Works Design Standards. The Project also includes upgrades to culinary waterlines, irrigation, and storm drainage systems within the Project area. The design will include preparation of construction drawings and specifications that meet all Logan City, UDOT bridge design, FEMA Floodplain (CLOMR), and Army Corps stream alteration standards and conditions. The City's existing GIS utility maps will be provided to prospective consultants to assist with their proposal and design upon request. The selected Consultant shall confirm and verify the alignment of all underground facilities by means of site investigation, survey, and pothole for their design. Abandoned or inactive lines may not show on the City's GIS maps. The consultants will also be given access to City Master Plans (Stormwater, Water, Sewer, and Transportation). The Consultant will advise, recommend and design, measures and methods to maintain access to the neighborhood during construction. Consultant will provide Public Involvement services throughout design processThe City desires to complete the construction of the improvements in one year, with bridge construction not being affected by spring runoff. The project shall be bid in order for construction to begin early 2027. Consultants and are encouraged to, propose alternative delivery methods for the design and/or construction to complete the Project with the least impact to residential access, on time and within budget. The Consultant is expected to advise the City on estimated construction schedules including materials procurement and physical construction periods. Methods to encourage contractor compliance with the proposed schedule will also be included in the construction documents and contract as recommended by the Consultant. The Consultant should create an estimated days of construction with the 90% design which can be used to help determine the construction timeline. Roadway The design shall include any applicable trail and pedestrian related improvements identified in the City's Bike and Pedestrian master plan. A landscape plan meeting City standard will also be required for both the existing improvements which are disturbed as well as new landscape areas created with the roadway such as park strips. A localized traffic study will be completed by the Consultant to aid with the design of this Project. The traffic study and counts shall at a minimum include Riverside Drive and Crockett Avenue from Center Street to Canyon Road, and 100 North from Preston Avenue to Thrushwood Drive. Past traffic counts completed by Logan City in the last 3 years for the area can also be utilized to support the study. The design will include preparation of geometric layouts, construction drawings and specifications in accordance with the City, UDOT bridge design, FEMA Floodplain requirements (CLOMR 0.0 ft rise), and Army Corps Stream Alteration standards and conditions. The design should include all sawcut lines, plan and profile views with elevations of all existing utilities at all proposed crossings, and a concept traffic control plan with road closure requirements. Consultant will identify draft Traffic Control Plans and detours and identify contractor requirements such as message boards at nearby major roadways. The Consultant is expected to advise the City and incorporate such measures as necessary into the plans and bid documents. A floodplain study is currently being done by a third-party to determine the high water elevation and corresponding bottom cord elevation needed for the bridge. The information from the study will be given to the selected consultant when the study is completed. Riverside Drive and 100 North shall be designed as residential collector street with a 66-foot ROW (current classifications). The Consultant shall evaluate the standard cross-section and site constraints and propose reasonable modifications that would create design efficiencies such as a reduction in property acquisition, improved roadway alignments, improved pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, etc. The Center Street bridge is also scheduled for replacement in the near future. The City expects the design of the 100 North project to coordinate the realignment of Riverside Drive to ensure the future reconstruction of the Center Street bridge lines up with the work done at 100 North. As such, a 15% concept design (horizontal and no vertical alignment) task shall include design and receive City approval of a proposed roadway alignment between the two bridges. Consultants shall include time and scope for two (2) 15% design tasks. It is possible that the first 15% submittal may undergo revisions upon review by regulating agencie , the City and stakeholders. The Consultant will be responsible to involve and coordinate with stakeholders, agencies and the City during the first 15% design in order to avoid major alignment or related changes. Consultant will then continue to the 30% design level (horizontal and rough vertical alignment) based on the selected 15% concept layout and proceed through the design process to bidding. Consultant shall also prepare 60% and 90% plans and specification resulting in a 100% design of the 100 North and Riverside Drive roadways that extends in each direction sufficiently to meet appropriate grade requirements, queuing, and taper lengths. Consultants' schedules shall anticipate the 30% design and ROW information will be completed by June 2025 in preparation for a ROW COG Application in June 2025. The 90% design will be completed by March 2026 in preparation for a COG Application in June 2026 and CLOMR / Stream Alteration permits submitted for construction. Right-of-Way/Property Acquisition Riverside Drive: Consultant shall create a 15% design alignment of Riverside Drive from Center Street to the extents of the 100 North bridge and the tie into the future Center Street project. The 15% design will show ROW and easements needed for all affected properties required to reach a full 66-foot City cross-section. The alignment recommendation shall be submitted in an exhibit format such that it can be included in any transportation masterplan documents to aid in future project planning, and ROW purchases. 100 North Bridge and Intersection: For the 100 North bridge and intersection, at the 30% submittal the Consultant shall incorporate adequate rough vertical in the design and layout which provides additional clarity to the impacts of the roadway alignment. Consultant will recommend areas where modifications to the City's standard ROW cross-section may be justified. While the City already owns a number of properties in the area, it is anticipated that there may be additional land acquisition needs identified thru the design process to accommodate, road widening, intersection alignment, cut/fill easements, construction easements or other Project needs. Consultant shall also include scope and time to work with all directly affected property owners to notify them of the necessary property acquisition, identify how the design mitigates impacts to their personal property, and to come to an agreement on reasonable costs for the purchase of right-of-way or easement. Purchase may or may not involve a full take, as dictated by the design and as allowed by law. The Consultant will furnish the City with the prepared legal descriptions and legal exhibits of all permanent easements, temporary construction easements, right-of-entries and land acquisitions documents necessary to complete the acquisitions process. The Consultant will also be responsible to provide easement and Right-of-Way acquisition services. Consultant will work with the City attorneys, prepare and submit title and closing documents to the Title Company for recording, etc. All easements to access and construct on private property shall be valid for a period of at least 6 years to allow for flexibility in the construction schedule. For the purposes of this RFP, consultants are to assume that property owners will be willing sellers and that condemnation or imminent domain processes will not be required. For the purposes of the proposal, Consultants are to assume, two iterations per property/easement acquisition and that right-of-way will need to be purchased from 3 properties and easements will need to be purchased from 6 properties. Consultant will be responsible for procuring appraisals, developing costs to cure estimates, and all other tasks associated with procuring an easement or property from a willing property owner. Consultants' schedules shall anticipate the 90% design and ROW information will be completed by July 2025 in preparation for a ROW COG Application. Utilities As needed, stormwater and irrigation water management and systems will need to be redesigned along with the intersection improvements. Logan City's GIS Data shows 12-inch, 24-inch, and 54-inch existing storm drain lines in the intersection. The 54-inch storm drain line connects into a diversion structure on the southeast side of the bridge. For the purposes of this proposal, it is anticipated that this structure would remain in place. If it is determined that the structure need to be moved or modified, a Contract Modification will be issued. The Consultant shall verify all City GIS data provided. The stormwater system shall be improved with the intersection in a manner that matches the goals in the City's Stormwater Master Plan. Existing waterlines and infrastructure in the affected area will need to be upsized to 10-inch diameter C900 pipe and be realigned as needed with the new bridge and intersection. Existing waterlines are 6-inch and 8-inch cast iron pipe as well as 10-inch C900 pipe material. The existing sewer line will remain in place and not be upgraded. The Consultant shall identify all existing dry utilities within the Project area. Propose new locations and alignments for dry utilities that need to be relocated according to the design. Consultant will coordinate these efforts with all affected dry utility companies within the project area including but not limited to; Dominion, Syringa, Comcast, Lumen, Rocky Mountain Power, Google Fiber, Logan Light and Power, All West, and Irrigation Company(s). Consultant will coordinate with dry utilities throughout design and bidding process. Any relocation of existing utilities will need to be coordinated with the proper utility company following the appropriate franchise agreement. Logan City Light and Power has existing wood power poles on the northeast, northwest, and southwest corners of the intersection. Consultant to coordinate with Light and Power to account for any proposed changes to these power poles, or for relocation to underground in the design. Design of the intersection may impact existing piping and waterways of adjacent irrigation systems. The Consultant will identify anticipated impacts to the irrigation systems and shall be responsible to coordinate with and obtain approvals as may be required from irrigation companies (such as the Crockett Canal Company) and irrigation users regarding any; design, modifications, easements, permits, and work necessary to complete the Project. Project Objectives - As much as is reasonable, the bridge design shall eliminate any hydraulic deficiencies currently present in the river 300 feet up and downstream of the proposed bridge. The proposed bridge shall not have any negative effect on the river channel, shall not increase the base flood elevation by more than 0.00 feet, and the lowest member of the bridge shall have a minimum of 3-feet of clearance above the 1% chance base flood elevation. - Perform a survey as required for design which includes topographic elevations, and all existing features including, utilities, roadway and concrete features, lane striping, driveways, signs, meter boxes, pedestals, vegetation, etc. The survey limits shall extend 400 feet up and down the river, along each leg of the intersection, to Center Street on Riverside Drive, 400 feet west on Center Street, and 400 feet east on Mountain Road from the Center Street Riverside Drive intersection. - Provide a geotechnical/soils report that includes at a minimum, a roadway structural section, bridge abutment foundation design, and riverbed design as may be applicable. - Generate a preliminary 15% design (horizontal alignment) illustrating the City's standard residential collector cross-section on 100 N and Riverside Drive, and a collector cross-section for Center Street. - Full roadway design of 100 North from Jens Johansen Park (839 E 100 N) to Thrushwood Drive. Full roadway design of impacted area along Riverside Drive. - Develop legal descriptions and exhibits for right-of-way, public utility easements, and construction easements for use in Project acquisitions. It is estimated there are 9 impacted properties (R-O-W/Easements). These property impacts shall be based on a 66-foot residential collector street cross section. Provide these descriptions in a form that can be directly recorded with Cache County. Design storm drain infrastructure to comply with City and state regulations and maintain proper drainage for new roadway connections and existing roadway where improvements are made. - Accommodate access for all private property owners. Provide neighborhood access during construction. - Incorporate alternative delivery and construction methods to minimize access disruptions to the Thrushwood/Sumac area. o Public Information, outreach and public relations work throughout the design process. The City reserves the right to extend P.I. services through the construction phase. o Preform a Level B Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) study if needed for areas where there is a potential for utility conflict during construction. Coordinate with Logan City to pothole as needed to gain more accurate utility locations. The City will pothole identified conflicts utilizing a vacuum truck. The Consultant will be responsible to survey the surface elevation, determine the depth to the top of utility, and verify the pipe size and material immediately upon exposure such that the pothole can be backfill that day. For the purposes of the proposal, assume identification of approximately 8 potential potholes. o Coordinate with Dominion Energy, Comcast, Syringa, Lumen, Logan Light and Power, irrigation companies, and other private utilities which may have conflicts with the project to resolve these conflicts and schedule relocation prior to construction start. o Prepare bidding documents, bidding services (Q&As, Addenda's etc.), pre-bid meeting materials and attendance, construction documents, plans, standards and specifications. o Provide a landscaping plan. o Provide trail and bicycle facilities according to the City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. o Traffic study to determine appropriate lane configurations at the intersection. Determine best lane configuration prioritizing safety and traffic flow with adequate queuing areas and accommodations for turning movements. o Full roadway design of 100 North Riverside Drive intersection including a signage and striping plan, lighting plan, and stormwater management plan. o Identify impacts to adjacent properties and provide accurate estimates for any partial property takes, full property takes, and/or ROW which needs to be purchased for construction. Identify permanent utility easements, permanent cut and fill easements, and temporary construction access easements for the 100% design area through the ROW process. o Align and widen, as necessary, the intersection including all necessary curb and gutter, sidewalk, ADA ramps, and park strip improvements for all legs and corners of the intersection and extend a sufficient distance to allow a complete design, evaluation, and construction. Scope of Work Phase I - Design, and Property Acquisition Task 1 - Preliminary Design o Survey existing Right-of-Ways and generate complete topographical mapping including horizontal and vertical control, all roadway and existing surfaces shall extend sufficiently beyond proposed construction to generate a competent design surface, existing utilities, and all additional information necessary to construct the project. All surveys shall be tied to at least two Logan City monuments per roadway. All survey control points shall provide elevations on the Logan City (AGRC TURN) Network to facilitate construction. All design drawings and construction shall be tied to Logan City controls. o Coordinate design goals with Logan City Transportation Master Plan and Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan. o Prepare a geotechnical/soils report and provide recommended road section to support project traffic and vehicle types, and foundations, abutments etc. for the bridge. o Complete Level B SUE on areas deemed necessary to identify and design for utility conflicts. Identify needed pothole locations. o Identify best time and method to bring on a Construction Consultant if applicable. o Coordinate meeting with regulating agencies, UDOT (for bridge), Canal Company, stakeholders and Logan City to discuss design constraints, project requirements, and other factors necessary for the design. Coordinate any necessary permits. All permits shall designate a window of construction set by the City. Construction is anticipated for 2026. o Identify impacted properties for purchase of additional right-of-way (ROW), permanent utility easements, permanent cut and fill easements, storm drains and irrigation piping, and temporary construction access easements for the 100% design area of the project. Consultant shall self-perform or utilize a right-of-way acquisition firm to, in conjunction with the City, perform all negotiations with property owners. o Identify any existing wetland and riparian areas in the project area and provide a design that meets all related design requirements. Consultant should not include wetland delineation / mitigation work in their proposal. If necessary, this work shall be completed by a separate contract or change order. o Identify any necessary public and private utility relocations including natural gas, power, telecommunications, fiber optics, irrigation, canal, etc. Coordinate with private utility providers to move conflicting utilities including but not limited to; Dominion Energy, Comcast, Syringa, Lumen, fiber optics, and Logan Light and Power o Generate a preliminary design (30%), for review by Logan City of the intersection, bridge, anticipated sidewalk improvements, curb and gutter, and park strips, waterlines and valves, storm drains, irrigation piping, etc. o Consultants shall provide public involvement services which includes meeting with impacted property owners and stake holders. o Provide large scale plots and be available to attend two public meetings run by the City. o Provide Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)estimated cost for the project at the 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% design levels. o Include meetings with Logan City to discuss review comments after each milestone plan set: 15%, 30%, 60%, 90%, 100%. Task 2 - Prepare Alignment and Concept Plan for Riverside Drive o Prepare a 15% design alignment of Riverside Drive from Center Street to 100 North showing 66-foot ROW and recommend feasibility of alignment. Assume two 15% design submittals. o Generate a preliminary design (15%, second version) for review by Logan City of the intersection, anticipated vertical for sidewalk improvements, curb and gutter, park strips, waterlines and valves, storm drains, irrigation piping, etc. Task 3- Prepare Design Drawings and Specifications o Prepare a full design including drawings, plans, specifications, and property impacts for the entire bridge and roadway reconstruction area. The consultant should be prepared to meet all Public Works Design Standards, APWA Standards and Specifications as amended by Logan City, UDOT bridge, FEMA floodplain, and Army Corps Stream Alteration standards and specifications for the bridge, Logan City architectural and aesthetic requirements and to take the project through the design approval processes of each participating agency. o Prepare an erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with the Cache Valley Storm Water Design Standards as amended by Logan City. o Prepare designs for stormwater detention created from the additional impervious surface(s) resulting from the Project. o Finalize and coordinate all public and private utility relocations and improvements and finalize coordination and sequencing of utility relocations and protection to ensure they are completed in a timely manner. o Coordinate final design with adjacent canal company and or irrigation water users addressing impacts to existing piping and waterways. Ensure irrigation service during construction to impacted properties with water shares. o 30%, 60%, and 90% percent electronic review documents shall be provided to Logan City and stakeholders, accompanied with associated Opinions of Probable Cost of construction. Logan City and stakeholders will be allowed two (2) weeks for each review. The 90% drawings are to be 100% complete with the only necessary modifications being the final comments by the reviewing agencies. o Prepare, submit, and obtain a Stream Alteration and CLOMR/LOMR / Floodplain Permit. Includes preparing all exhibits and application forms. o Provide to the City, 100% design documents, drawings, specifications, bidding documents and an Engineering Estimate consistent with Logan City bidding procedures. o Bid documents shall comply with all Cache County Council of Government requirements and specifications. o All cost estimates shall include a total project cost, as well as separate costs listed according to CCCOG eligibility. o During the design phase identify any long lead materials and create a procurement plan for these items. This may include City procurement prior to project bidding. Adjust design as possible to accommodate and limit long lead items. o Generate a preliminary construction schedule highlighting critical path items and key deadlines that must be met including long lead items and suggested procurement strategies. o Prepare and provide CAD files necessary for contractor's surveyor to stakeout project. Include applicable language in Construction Plans and Specifications concerning whether coordinates on Plans prevail or CAD file. Include applicable disclaimer and release forms/documents. o Prepare exhibits showing proposed relocations for distribution to dry utilities including but not limited to: Logan Light and Power, Dominion, Syringa, Centurylink/Lumen, Comcast, Google, etc. Consultant shall identify dry utilities in the project area that need to be notified for City distribution. Phase II - Bidding Prepare Bidding Packages o Prepare bid packages including design and bidding documents, drawings and specifications, and Engineers Estimate, consistent with Logan City bidding procedures. o Assist in the bidding process and recommend award of the Project to a contractor. o Conduct one mandatory pre-bid meeting with interested parties at a Logan City provided facility. o Answer questions and prepare addenda as needed during the bid process. All questions and responses will be in writing and will be submitted to the City, to be posted to the Logan City Finance web page. o Maintain documentation of all meetings, correspondence, requests, etc. o Prepare and document all bid amendments, changes, and modifications. o Prepare Addenda Conformed set of Plans and Specifications (For Construction) Phase III - Construction & Post Construction Services Construction Inspection and Management Logan City reserves the right to extend the contract to include Phase III - Construction Inspection and Management & Post Construction services determined upon negotiations with consultant. If the City chooses to extend the contract, scope and fees for Phase III will be discussed at that time. Post construction services shall include completion of a surveyed as-built / record drawing plan set, submittal and approval of a LOMR, submittal and approval of any Army Corps related documents, and other project documentation / regulatory related work required to close out the project. Logan City reserves the right to extend the contract to include to include Public Involvement, project management and observation upon commencement of construction, based on firm qualifications. Schedule It is expected to have a Consultant selected and contracted by the end of June 2024 with a 480-day deadline to have all permits, bid documents, and plans approved and ready for construction. While the Consultant may propose an alternate schedule, the City expects the schedule would generally be pursued as follows: 15% design completed by September 2024, the 30% design completed by December 2024, the 60% design completed by April 2025, the 90% design completed by July 2025, and the final design completed by October 2025, with the project bid, contractor selected, and ready for construction in 2026. For the purpose of applying for grant funding and CLOMR / Stream Alteration permit submittal, 90% construction plans shall be completed 6 months prior to bridge contractor notice to proceed. It is expected that the proposing firms will be able to demonstrate in their proposal a schedule that will allow for the work to be bid by no later than October 2026. The schedule must reflect the elements defined by the proposing firms in the Scope of Work and be of sufficient detail to show critical path items and all construction ready to be started by January 2027 at the latest. Project Deliverables A PDF copy of the 15, 30, 60, and 90 percent review documents shall be provided to the City. The City will be allowed two (2) weeks for each review. A hard copy, and a PDF copy of the 100 percent final documents shall be provided to the City. Other copies, as needed, shall be provided to UDOT, FEMA, ARMY CORPS, State Engineer, Utah Department of Water Quality. The consultant will be responsible to coordinate reviews with UDOT, FEMA, ARMY CORPS, State Engineer, Utah Department of Water Quality, or other relevant agencies as needed. The final design documents will also be submitted in the native file formats. The native formats must be compatible with City standard software (Civil 3D version 2021 or later), or the necessary licensed software must be provided. All necessary permits and approvals shall be obtained by Consultant and be submitted with the final documents to the City. Permit fees will be paid by the City. All design files, calculations, studies, reports, and other relevant documents will be provided to the City as part of the final submittals. Drawings shall be tested and demonstrated that they are fully operational for future evaluations or modifications by the City Engineering staff. Consultant shall provide a CAD file for use by the surveyors for construction. A post bid, Addenda Conformed For Construction set of plans and specifications shall be provided in a PDF format. The final submittals must be submitted in a final PDF format that is print-ready and reproducible. This information should be adequate for posting on the internet with file sizes no greater than 20 MB. All documents to be included with the bidding package shall be submitted on a flash drive or other mass storage device to allow for easy reproduction of the bidding documents. Additional copies in the forms required for the necessary stakeholders and state agencies shall also be provided. Proposal Requirements o Each proposal must include the following: Qualifications of firm proposing on the project including at least three specific similar sample projects that show experience in alternative project delivery and construction, working with UDOT bridge design, FEMA Floodplains, the Army Corps Stream Alteration, State Engineer, Utah Department of Water Quality. It must also include examples of negotiation and procurement of rightof-way and easements, with creation of associated documents. Each project listed must include the following information: o Key Personnel proposed for this project who worked on similar projects, and what their role in the project was. o Public Involvement Group or Firm o Scope of the project. o Description of the project emphasizing elements related to this project. o Project client reference who was involved with the project. o Qualifications of each individual proposed for this project, including sub-consultants. Proposed individuals are required to remain a part of the Project team through the duration of the Project. Substitutions must be approved in writing by the City. Each individual listed must include the following information: o Name, education, and years of experience. o Experience on projects of this type doing the proposed duties assigned with this project. o List of projects this staff member completed similar to this project. o Detailed approach and methodology including scope for performing the project for all tasks of Phases I-II. The tasks must clearly define goals and objectives expected. While Logan City has expectations, it is the Consultant's responsibility to provide a detailed approach and methodology that demonstrates their experience and knowledge of the project. Proposed alternative design and/or construction delivery method(s), if applicable, outlining the firms recommended approach and their experience with said method(s). Include recommendations to maintain access to the Thrushwood/Sumac neighborhood during construction. o Maintaining the project schedule is critical to the success of this project. As such the City has set a 480-day design period to complete all permits, approvals, bid documents, and 100% construction ready plans. The proposal shall identify a plan that includes milestones and items such as additional staffing, resources, etc. to "catch up" should the project design fail to meet a scheduled milestone. Reasonable time extensions will be granted for documented change orders. o Detailed schedule highlighting key objectives, milestones, interaction between tasks with the appropriate lead and lag times, and areas requiring input from the City, state, and federal agencies. o Schedule of proposed fees to complete Phases I and II of the project. Staff tasks and hours for each task should be detailed. Fees should be submitted in a separate sealed envelope. The proposal should also identify any special services to be provided by resources outside of your firm and the cost of such services including Public Involvement and right-of-way services. The cost associated with construction consultant or other alternate bidding approaches is not required at this time. o Appendix A: Resumes of project staff, not to exceed two pages per individual, in alphabetical order. (Resumes are not included in page count.) o Appendix B: Proof of ability to comply with required insurances (not included in page count). The insurance requirements are included as Exhibit A to this Request for Qualifications. o Appendix C: Acceptance of or requested changes to the Standard Professional Services Agreement included as Exhibit B (not included in page count). o Appendix D: Claim of Business Confidentiality (not included in page count). The Government Records Access and Management act (GRAMA), Utah Code Ann., Subsection 63G-2-305, provides in part that certain records are protected if properly classified. Proposers are responsible for determining which pages, if any, should be classified as protected under a Claim of Business Confidentiality. (Not included in page count.) To protect information under a Claim of Business Confidentiality, the Proposer must: 1) Provide a written Claim of Business Confidentiality at the time the proposal is provided to Logan City; and 2) Include a concise statement of reasons supporting the Claim of Business Confidentiality (Subsection 63G-2-305). See Exhibit C. To ensure the information is properly protected, the City asks the Proposer to clearly identify in the body of the proposal (by clearly marking the applicable pages as confidential) any specific information for which a Proposer claims business confidentiality protection as "PROTECTED". If no statement is provided, it is assumed that the information is not protected. Proposal Format Proposals shall contain the required information discussed above, in the order listed, not exceeding ten (10) pages in length (not including the Appendix). Additionally, no more than two of the 10 pages may exceed standard letter size (8.5 x 11) with a maximum page size of 11 x 17. Font shall be no smaller than 11 pt. A single page cover letter may be submitted at the discretion of the proposing firm (cover letter will not be included in maximum page count). Tabs not containing additional text are allowed and will not be included in page count. Submittal Requirements The City reserves the right to delay or deny approval of the work if it is determined in the City's best interest to do so. Questions pertaining to insurance and/or submittal requirements of this Request for Qualifications shall be directed to Lori Mathys at Questions pertaining to this Request for Proposals shall be directed to Sadie Boyer at or Darek Kimball at All questions pertaining to this Request for Proposal shall be submitted in writing before 5:00 pm on May 15, 2024. A list of questions and answers will be kept on the Logan City website. A shape file of Logan City's existing GIS data is available upon request. Please contact Sadie Boyer or Darek Kimball before May 15, 2024, for a copy. No meetings with City staff and a consultant will be scheduled to discuss the project after the RFP is published.
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