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Published May 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Kingsford, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 7,400-square-foot educational facility.

Dickinson-Iron Intermediate School (DIISD) - Office Renovations The project is primarily an approximately 7,400-square-foot interior renovation of the former Grace Baptist Church facilities to fit the needs of DIISD Consortium Services. This includes modifications to the building layout to accommodate new offices, open cubicle areas, meeting spaces, and common facilities. In addition to modifications to walls and doors, the renovation includes new flooring, ceilings, and lighting throughout. Modifications shall be made to the existing plumbing, HVAC, and fire suppression systems on a designed-by-installer basis. A few new window openings shall be created in the exterior masonry bearing walls. Additional scope for consideration shall include new fixtures and finishes for existing restrooms, new layout and kitchenette for the existing breakroom, and new universal restroom grouping and upgrades to a large congregational space. Lump Sum Bid proposals Lump Sum Bid proposals Bid proposals for General Construction for General Construction for General Construction with itemized additive/subtractive alternates are requested to be submitted as required in the bid documents developed by Blomquist Architects, PLLC, 127 South Stephenson Avenue, Suite 101, Iron Mountain, MI 49801. Submit questions to the Architect per Instruction to Bidders. General Contractor selection shall be discussed &awarded during a awarded during a awarded during a Building & Site Committee meeting Building & Site Committee meeting at 10:00 am CDT on 10:00 am CDT on Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday, May 28 th, 2024 in Conference Room 'A' at 1074 Pyle Drive, K , 2024 ingsford, Michigan. Dickinson-Iron Intermediate School District (DIISD) reserves the right to accept or reject all bids at its sole discretion. Questions must be submitted for the Architects review no later than Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 at 2:00PM CDT. Architect Representative shall be Eric Nienhouse, Phone 1-906-774-7000, E-mail eric@blomquistarchitects.com. 1. The Work includes building-wide renovation to alter rooms, spaces, replace doors, ceiling, floor finishes, lighting, plumbing, and casework. 2. The Work includes design-by-installer modifications to existing HVAC, electrical, and fire suppression systems to coordinate with and serve the revised building layout. 3. The Work includes the addition of a ductless minisplit air conditioning system to service a data closet. 4. The Work includes the creation of a universal (unisex) restroom facility to service a large conference room to the south. 5. The Work includes minor modifications to existing structural components yet to be uncovered in the field. 6. The Work includes the creation of new window openings within the building envelope and supporting of conventional wood frame bearing walls. 7. The Work includes two Scope Areas - delineated by a boundary within plan documents, labeled "A" & "B" - which shall act as a means of compartmentalizing the bid for the purposes of deductive alternates. 8. The Work includes additional and/or miscellaneous scope items as described elsewhere within the contract documents.




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1295 Pyle Dr, Kingsford, MI

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