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Published May 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Greenbush, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Where Work Will Be Performed: Doe Creek Road Parcel of Doe Creek WMA Period Of Contract: From Date of Award Through September 15, 2024. All Inquiries For Information Should Be Directed To: Ben Segara at with a cc to In compliance with this Invitation For Bids (IFB) and all conditions imposed in this IFB, the undersigned firm hereby offers and agrees to furnish all goods and services required by this IFB at the prices indicated in the pricing schedule, and the undersigned firm hereby certifies that all information provided below and in any schedule attached hereto is true, correct, and complete. Applicants must be registered in eVA to apply Note: This public body does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance with the Code of Virginia, 2.2 4343.1 or against a bidder or offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation, or veteran status or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment. Faith-based organizations may request that the issuing agency not include subparagraph 1.f in General Terms and Condition C. Such a request shall be in writing and explain why an exception should be made in that invitation to bid or request for proposal. Purpose of Solicitation: The purpose of this solicitation is to secure construction bids from licensed contractors to build 15 earthen ditch plugs based on the attached Wetland Enhancement Plan and Project Specifications for the Doe Creek Road Parcel of Doe Creek WMA. It is highly encouraged that all bidders visit and examine the project area to become familiar with the location, access, and existing physical conditions of the site (surface and subsurface), utilities, obstructions and any other factors which may affect the execution of the work. No ground clearing, subsurface exploration, or soil testing will occur without prior written consent from DWR. Construction Window: June - September 15, 2024, during dry conditions, as determined by DWR. Construction activities must be completed by September 15th, 2024, to comply with grant requirements. I. Scope of Work Specifications The contractor will supply all labor, materials, and equipment required to complete the project as described herein and as shown on the Plans and Project Specifications. DWR maintains all final approval over construction activities and other project related decisions. All project related activities will occur under the supervision of the DWR Wetlands Biologist. A. Construction Schedule: The contractor will submit a proposed construction schedule in writing to DWR within 10 days after the contract is signed for approval from all parties. Written approval of the construction schedule from DWR will be required before a Notice to Proceed can be issued. The schedule needs to outline the timely completion of proposed work, which must begin with a pre-construction meeting and end within the construction window. The schedule should define the major stages of construction, the time needed to complete each stage, and an estimated start and completion date for each stage of construction. The schedule must be submitted in a format suitable for reproduction and distribution. Revisions to the schedule must be approved by DWR. B. Notice to Proceed: No work for this project will occur until DWR has issued a written Notice to Proceed. At the commencement of this work, the contractor will initiate a required onsite pre-construction meeting with DWR to discuss construction plan rationale, access routes, specific locations (extents to be flagged/staked by DWR), and potential project concerns. C. Stop Work Order: DWR may stop work at any time by giving written notice to the contractor. Under no circumstances can the contractor recommence construction until they have obtained written permission from DWR. D. Construction Related Project Activities: 1. Pre-Construction Survey: Before construction begins, the contractor will survey and measure each construction area to accurately layout and complete work as shown on the plans. DWR will install flagging/stakes to mark the horizontal and vertical extent of the project site(s). The contractor assumes full responsibility for dimensions and elevations measured from flags/stakes. 2. Ground Clearing: Some ground clearing may be necessary to access DP2 and DP5, and will be necessary to clear some ditch banks in preparation for plug construction. a. No tree stump removal (>4" DBH) during ground clearing activities (except borrow piles) to maintain existing semi-impermeable soil layer. b. Access routes to each plug area will be identified and/or approved by DWR. c. Both ditch banks will be cleared of vegetation aside from mature trees (do not cut trees over 12" DBH, leave tree stumps >4" DBH, extent to be flagged by DWR). 3. Excavation: Excavation activities will adhere to OSHA Construction Industry Standards (29CFR Part 1926) Subpart P, Excavations, Trenching, and Shoring. All excavations areas will remain in a safe and stable condition throughout the construction effort. a. Fill material will only be taken from within borrow pile limits shown on the Plan, or other areas identified and approved by DWR. b. No tree stump removal (>4" DBH) during excavation activities (except borrow piles) to maintain existing semi-impermeable soil layer. c. Topsoil, large woody material, and other organic debris will be piled separately from fill to be used for ditch plug construction. d. During excavation, fill material will be examined by DWR to determine if clay-rich compactable fill material is available. If found, compactable soil will be piled separately to be used in the center portion of ditch plug construction. e. All large woody debris and organic material will be dredged/removed from bottom of the ditch prior to plug construction to ensure quality soil-to-soil contact. f. No excavation deeper than 6 inches below the natural or adjacent soil elevation. g. Any over-excavated areas will be re-filled with suitable material and compacted to the density of adjacent lands as determined by DWR. 4. Ditch Plug Construction: The contractor will utilize the separated fill from onsite borrow areas to construct 15 ditch plugs as shown in the Plan and Project Specifications. Two (2) types of ditch plugs will be constructed, "type 1" constructed solely of earthen material and "type 2" requiring riprap lining all sides and faces. a. If necessary, the contractor will be responsible for dewatering the site and controlling surface waters to maintain dry conditions during ditch plug construction. b. The use of timber matting may be necessary to access ditch banks and cross wetlands or other sensitive areas. The creation of ruts must be avoided, and any rutted areas will be restored, seeded, and mulched. c. Both ditch banks will be cleared of vegetation aside from mature trees (do not cut trees over 12" DBH, extent to be flagged by DWR). No tree stump removal (>4" DBH) to maintain existing semi-impermeable soil layer. d. These materials shall be carefully placed as uniformly and continuously as possible in successive layers to minimize voids. No specific compaction will be required but fill material will be compacted to the maximum extent practical given site, material, and equipment limitations. e. After compaction, the fill will be leveled to the elevation outlined in the Plan or as directed by DWR. f. Topsoil and fine organic material will be spread across the newly constructed ditch plugs and then they will be seeded and mulched. g. TYPE 2 - Riprap Notes: The contractor is responsible for ordering and delivering the full amount of required material. Riprap will be placed with equipment capable of holding and controlling the release of the rock. Rocks should not be released from greater than 3 feet high to minimize impact to the newly constructed plug. Pushing or rolling rocks over freshly compacted soil is not allowed. Smaller stones will be uniformly distributed throughout the mass. Sufficient handwork will be necessary to provide a neat and uniform surface. The final riprap surface elevation may not vary by more than 4" at any point from the appropriate elevation or grade. 5. Dewatering the Construction Site: All parts of the construction site shall be dewatered and kept free of standing water and muddy conditions as necessary for the proper execution of the work. The contractor is responsible for appropriately controlling surface and groundwater drainage during the construction period. If dewatering is necessary, the contractor will provide DWR a written proposed plan for dewatering construction areas before construction operations begin. The contractor is responsible for providing, operating, and maintaining any pumps or equipment required to properly dewater the site. Dewatering systems that cause a loss of soil fines from the foundation areas will not be permitted. The contractor is responsible for removing any temporary structures and equipment used for dewatering after they are no longer required. 6. Seeding: The contractor shall prepare a smooth surface for spreading/broadcasting seeds, mulch, and other soil amendments on all disturbed areas of the project, including ditch plugs, borrow areas, and other areas disturbed during construction. a. DWR will provide the contractor with an appropriate seed mix and rate. b. DWR will provide pine straw to utilize for mulch. c. All seedbeds must be prepared to a neat, smooth surface devoid of holes, trenches, or rills. d. Seed will be evenly broadcast across all disturbed areas, including ditch plugs, borrow areas, and other areas disturbed during construction. e. The contractor will apply mulch uniformly across seeded areas no later than two (2) working days after seeding has been performed. f. Straw mulch material will be stabilized (anchored/crimped) within twenty-four (24) hours of application. 7. Disposal: All large woody materials cleared during construction must be collected into small brush piles (no larger than 40' diameter and 20' height) and located at least 15' from any access road. The contractor will safely and legally dispose of all metallic, wood, or concrete materials (i.e. culverts, pipes, debris, etc.) unearthed during construction. E. Erosion and Sediment Control: Contractor will follow appropriate erosion and sediment control best management practices in accordance with the Virginia Erosion & Sediment Control Law and Regulations and the most current version of the Virginia Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook, and/or Virginia's Forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Water Quality. Any removal of water from the construction site, including borrow areas and ditches, will minimize pollution to water and air. Erosion control measures utilized for this project could include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Staging of Earthwork Activities: The excavation and moving of soil materials will be scheduled so the smallest possible areas will be unprotected for the shortest time feasible. 2. Seeding: All disturbed areas will be seeded to protect the areas from future erosion. 3. Mulching: All seeded areas will be mulched with pine straw to provide temporary protection from soil erosion. 4. Diversions: Diversions to divert water away from work areas and to collect runoff from work areas for treatment and safe disposition. If utilized, temporary diversions will be removed when no longer needed with extreme care to minimize the loss of sediment trapped during construction, and the area will be restored to its original condition. 5. Timber Matting: The use of timber matting may be necessary to access/cross ditch banks, wetlands, or other sensitive areas. The creation of ruts will be avoided, and any rutted areas will be restored, seeded, and mulched. F. Clean Premises: The contractor is responsible for maintaining the project site in a neat and orderly condition at all times. Extreme care shall be taken to prevent excessive soil rutting and any erosion caused by either wind or water. Any waste materials will be promptly and regularly disposed of by the contractor. All access roads impacted by project implementation will be returned to pre-construction conditions. Upon completion of the work, the contractor must promptly remove all remaining materials, equipment, debris, trash, temporary structures, and will clean up the site to the satisfaction of DWR. G. Quality Control: DWR will decide whether all work has been completed as required, including the acceptability of the quality and quantity of any labor, equipment, or material used in the execution of the work, and the timing and scheduling of the various phases of the work. DWR reserves the right to schedule a post-construction project inspection to determine if corrective work is necessary and/or reject any materials or works which are not in accordance with the requirements of this specification.
Roads / Highways
Public - State/Provincial
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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