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Published May 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Charleston, South Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Introduction Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC) is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms with multi-disciplinary ability to cover all situations, (such as structural, marine, architecture and civil engineering) to provide consulting services includes inventory, evaluation, assessment and estimate potential losses from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) related storm damage that might occur at our county park sites. It is the intent of CCPRC to enter a contract with one firm for a period of one year with automatic renewals of up to four additional one-year options, in accordance with the CCPRC Procurement Policy, based on satisfactory performance and determination that it will be in the best interest of CCPRC. However, no guarantee is expressed or implied as to the total quantity or services to be utilized under any agreement executed by CCPRC. Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC) represents one of the most unique park and recreation agencies in the state of South Carolina and is a special purpose public service district created in 1968.The large park system features over 11,000 acres of property. Visit the Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission official website for details. CCPRC's Smoke Free Parks Agency Rules and Regulations: Smoking, vaping or tobacco use is prohibited at Charleston County Park & Recreation Commission owned and operated facilities, programs and events. This regulation applies to all forms of cigarettes, pipes, cigars, ecigarettes, and vaporize cigarettes, as well as smokeless tobacco such as snuff and chewing tobacco. Introduction Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC) is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms with multi-disciplinary ability to cover all situations, (such as structural, marine, architecture and civil engineering) to provide consulting services includes inventory, evaluation, assessment and estimate potential losses from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) related storm damage that might occur at our county park sites. It is the intent of CCPRC to enter a contract with one firm for a period of one year with automatic renewals of up to four additional one-year options, in accordance with the CCPRC. Procurement Policy, based on satisfactory performance and determination that it will be in the best interest of CCPRC. However, no guarantee is expressed or implied as to the total quantity or services to be utilized under any agreement executed by CCPRC. Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC) represents one of the most unique park and recreation agencies in the state of South Carolina and is a special purpose public service district created in 1968.The large park system features over 11,000 acres of property. Visit the Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission official website for details. CCPRC's Smoke Free Parks Agency Rules and Regulations: Smoking, vaping or tobacco use is prohibited at Charleston County Park & Recreation Commission owned and operated facilities, programs and events. This regulation applies to all forms of cigarettes, pipes, cigars, ecigarettes, and vaporize cigarettes, as well as smokeless tobacco such as snuff and chewing tobacco. Scope of Work: If a disaster or storm related damage occurs to any built facility or infrastructure from a hurricane or other storm approved for assessment and if applicable, approvals have been received from FEMA, it is the intent of CCPRC for the selected firm to inventory, evaluate, assess estimated potential losses, and develop corrective action plan, which would include construction administration and possible solutions from a disaster or storm damage. CCPRC intends to begin preparation of a bid package that would provide temporary, and then permanent, repairs to those facilities, in accordance with CCPRC's Procurement Policy and/or FEMA guidelines. There are many variables involved, due to how widespread the disaster or storm damage may be, if applicable, how FEMA decides the assessment and repairs should be accomplished, and in what time frame. FEMA Public Assistance Advisory Services Possess extensive knowledge related to the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act provisions and regulations (44CFR and 2 CFR 200), and Sandy Recovery Improvements Act (SRIA) of 2013, FEMA Public Assistance Program & Policy Guide, and Public Assistance Alternate Procedures Pilot Program guidance for debris removal and permanent work. The selected firm will be required to respond immediately after a disaster or storm when directed by CCPRC's designated point of contact. The firm and/or firms will be required to dedicate a minimum of 40-man hours per week, at an established hourly rate, to provide the initial assessment work along with establishing and bidding out emergency repairs. At that point, if applicable depending on the direction received from FEMA, we would request a formal proposal from the selected firm if design and formal bids are required to complete the final repairs. Time frames will vary on the extent of the disaster or storm damage, but CCPRC would hope that communication could be established with the selected firm and/or firms within 24 hours after the storm is over and establish a timeframe to meet and proceed with the assessment. The selected firm and/or firms will guarantee that CCPRC will receive first priority until the storm assessment and repairs have been complete. A disaster is defined as a natural or man-made (or technological) hazard resulting in an event of substantial extent causing significant physical damage or destruction, loss of life, or drastic change to the environment. Duration of Contract The initial contract period shall start on the date of this Agreement for a period of one year with options for automatic renewal for up to four additional one-year options, based on satisfactory performance and a determination that it will be in the best interest of CCPRC. All prices, terms, and conditions shall remain firm for the initial period of the Contract. The period of this contract including all options shall not extend beyond a period of five years. Selection Process The RFP will be available to any qualified company choosing to respond. CCPRC reserves the right to waive any irregularities and to reject any or all proposals. CCPRC also reserves the right to accept the proposal as a whole, or any items listed under the Scope of Services. Proposals shall be available for public inspection after the contract award; however, proprietary or confidential information marked as such in each proposal shall not be disclosed without prior written consent of the Vendor. It is the responsibility of the Proposer to identify any information deemed proprietary or confidential. Upon submission, all proposals become the property of the Commission and are subject to public record laws. It is the Proposer's responsibility to notify the Commission of any proprietary information listed in proposals submitted. If a proposal contains proprietary information, the Proposer shall include a cover letter indicating such information. In addition, any information in which the proposer considers proprietary MUST be clearly marked "proprietary" next to the relevant part of the text in order for it to be treated as such. Qualification and Evaluation of Proposals It is of utmost importance for firms to demonstrate qualifications, competence and capacity to provide consulting services related to disaster or storm damage. Proposal packets will be evaluated and independently scored using a point formula during the review process to score the submittal to include, but not be limited to the following factors, listed in order of importance: (Factors 3 and 4 are of equal importance) 1) Project approach & performance differentiator's 2) Corporate experience 3) Past Performance 4) Capacity CCPRC reserves the right to request additional information from one or more Consultants after the submission of the initial proposals in order to clarify, confirm or properly evaluate any submittal. Firm may be asked to provide an oral discussion of the proposal. This presentation shall be limited to the subject matter part of the proposal response and shall be limited to a clarification, explanation, or more extensive description of the proposal. Answers from the oral discussion may be reflected in a revised score for the submitted proposal due to a better understanding of a specific proposal evaluation item. CCPRC also reserves the right to negotiate terms of the contract with the intended firm pursuant to CCPRC's Procurement Policy. There is no expressed or implied obligation for CCPRC to reimburse Consultant for any expenses incurred in preparing the proposal and/or any subsequent interviews. CCPRC will not be responsible for expenses incurred in preparing and submitting the proposal and/or any subsequent interviews and oral presentations. Costs for these services shall not be included in the proposal packet and/or fee proposal. CCPRC also reserves the right to reject all proposals that do not adequately meet its intended quality, which cannot meet the schedule, or are not within the CCPRC's budget constraints. CCPRC reserves the right to waive any irregularities and to reject any or all proposals. CCPRC reserves the right to inspect the plant or place of business of a Firm at reasonable times, contractor, or any subcontractor which is related to the performance of any contract awarded or to be awarded by the CCPRC as well as the books and records of such contractors and subcontractors in accordance with CCPRC's Procurement Policy. Proposals for services shall include all charges including, but not limited to, deliveries, taxes, and duties of any kind levied by federal, state, municipal, or other governmental authority which either party is required to pay with respect to services covered under this agreement. Upon approval, a CCPRC contract will be executed; however, your services will only be necessary in the event of a disaster or storm damage and no guarantee is expressed or implied that your services will be required. In the event of a storm, a representative from CCPRC will contact you. Criteria for Selecting based on Qualifications Vendor Representations Each Consultant by submitting proposals represents that: 1. The Consultant has read and understands this solicitation (including all Attachments) and that its offer is made in accordance therewith. 2. The Consultant has reviewed the solicitation, has become familiar with the local conditions under which the service is to be performed, and has correlated personal observations with the requirements of the proposed Contract Documents. 3. The Consultant is qualified to provide the services required under this solicitation and, if awarded the Contract, will do so in a professional, timely manner using successful Vendor's skill and attention. Basis of Award It is the intent of CCPRC to identify one firm which will be considered for an award to provide consulting services in the event of a disaster or storm related damage in conformity with the requirements of this RFQ. The award determination shall be based on technical factors. Following the deadline for submittal of proposals, a selection committee will review, analyze, and rank all submittals based on their response to the information requested. If desired, the selection committee may short list the number of qualified Vendor. CCPRC reserves the discretion to determine the number of Vendor that will be on the short list. CCPRC reserves the right to reject any or all submittals and to waive defects, technicalities, and/or irregularities in any submittal. CCPRC reserves the right to finalize a contract based on all factors involved in the written qualification submittal without further discussion or interview. Fee Negotiations and Contract Award: Fees will be negotiated with the top selected candidate in accordance with CCPRC's Procurement Policy. If negotiations with the top-ranked or successful offeror fail to reach an agreed fee arrangement, CCPRC will cease negotiations with the successful offeror and commence negotiations with the second highest ranked offeror. This process will continue until a mutually agreeable fee arrangement is reached between a qualified offeror(s) and CCPRC at which time an amendment will be signed by the offeror(s). The fee structure proposals shall contain all pertinent pricing information relative to performing the type of work described in this RFP, including hourly fees of the proposed project team. The fee structure shall contain estimates of all direct and indirect costs, including all reimbursable expenses for each proposed phase of the work being considered under this RFP. Consulting fees shall be in accordance with all FEMA rules and regulations. Evaluation Criteria for each Factor Each response to this Request for Proposal will be subject to the same review and assessment process. Submittals will be evaluated based on the Proposal's technical capability and experience. All Vendor(s) submitting qualifications must provide at a minimum their expertise and capabilities as they relate to Factors 1 through 4, with regard to the work outlined by the RFP. The distinction between corporate experience and past performance is corporate experience pertains to the types of work and volume of work completed by a Firm that is comparable to the types of work covered by this requirement, in terms of scope and complexity. Past performance relates to how well a Firm has performed. Factor 1- Project Approach and Performance Differentiators Basis of Evaluation: The Consultant may be rated higher during evaluations if their proposal meets and/or exceeds the following items: Capability to provide products and services o Manner to provide supplies, product and services. Timely response to requests for onsite support Factor and Solicitation Submittal Requirements: 1. Detailed description of firm's approach in providing the services. 2. Describe your firm's normal approach to providing disaster or storm related assessment with and without FEMA rules and regulations as a first responder. 3. Describe your firm's approach for identifying and prioritizing the final Scope of Work for consideration for the work to be accomplished. 4. Describe the various services the firm provides, related to disaster or storm assessment services. 5. Why should your team be considered as a qualified firm. 6. How does your firm handle scheduling and cost control. Factor 2- Corporate Experience Basis of Evaluation: The responding institution will be evaluated in order to determine if its company has demonstrated the necessary corporate experience to meet CCPRC's needs. Factors and Solicitation Submittal Requirements: 1. Proposals shall identify the qualified, knowledgeable contact person who will be the point person for the entire project. Proposals shall also provide a statement of the Firm's commitment that the identified individual(s) will be involved throughout the entire project and must address, at a minimum, the organizational strength and stability of the responding firm. a. The organizational strength and stability of the responding firm is important. Respondents shall focus their responses accordingly. The past experience of the firm, which was obtained by personnel no longer with the firm, or not available for the project, is of no interest to CCPRC and shall not be submitted in the response. Evaluators will confirm that the projects identified are only those listed in the project team's resumes. b. Include the organizational structure of your firm, including key members, their experience and background with, if applicable, FEMA related disasters or storm assessment, park and recreation planning or similar projects. List what your firm offers that others may not, and the relevance and appropriateness of the firm's expertise and experience. The organizational structure shall include the names of the staff members that will most likely be the project managers and main point of contact in the event of a storm, including contact numbers. c. Provide references of former clients for your firm and project managers that may be assigned to CCPRC to provide storm-related assessment of our facilities. d. Sub-consultants: The consultants are encouraged to provide a list of subconsultants their firm typically uses or intends to use. All sub-contracting services, if needed, will be included under the umbrella of the consultant's contract, but billed separately on actual cost of work performed. These fees will be included in any final negotiated contract. e. Firm's memberships in professional organizations. f. Professional awards received by your firm or key personnel that may be assigned to this project. 2. Provide documentation of the firm's capability and experience which includes: a. Demonstration of Vendor's ability to perform the indicated services. Factor 3- Past Performance Basis of Evaluation: The degree to which past performance evaluations and all other past performance information reviewed (i.e., performance recognition documents and information obtained for any other source) reflects a trend of satisfactory and/or an outstanding level of performance, considering: Factors and Solicitation Submittal Requirements: Ensure correct phone numbers and email addresses are provided for all client points of contact. Submit a copy of references as indicated in Certification/Qualification Questionnaire/References, which contains the point of contact information for each of the five required client references. 1. Provide five recent client references (from within the past three years) 2. Provide the client's name, as well as address and telephone number for a point of contact who can provide information regarding the Consultant's role on the services. 3. The Vendor is encouraged to submit any other information they believe will enhance their position in the evaluation criteria 4. Reputation and previous experience of consultant(s) services 5. Provide references of former clients for your firm and project managers that may be assigned to CCPRC to provide storm related assessment of our facilities In addition to the above, CCPRC may review any other sources of evaluation information of past performance. Other sources may include, but are not limited to, inquiries of Firm representative, and any other known sources not provided by the Firm. While CCPRC may elect to consider data from other sources, the burden of providing detailed, current, accurate, and complete past performance information rests with the Vendor. Based on the trend and satisfactory and/or outstanding ratings, performance may be rated higher. Factor 4- Capacity Basis of Evaluation: The Vendor will be evaluated to determine if their proposal has sufficient capacity to meet and maintain orders. Factor and Solicitation Submittal Requirements: 1. Ability to meet a schedule 2. How will submittals and key timelines be presented Submittal Requirements All costs associated with the preparation of the RFP and all costs associated with any interviews, if deemed necessary, will be the responsibility of the Proposer(s). CCPRC assumes no responsibility for any costs incurred by the Proposer(s). Proposals shall be available for public inspection after the project award; however, proprietary or confidential information marked as such in each proposal shall not be disclosed without prior written consent of the Proposer. It is the Proposer's responsibility to notify the Commission of any proprietary information listed in proposals submitted. Upon submission, all proposals become the Subject Property of the Commission and are subject to public record laws. If a proposal contains proprietary information, the Proposer shall include a cover letter indicating such information. In addition, any information which the proposer considers proprietary MUST be clearly marked "proprietary" next to the relevant part of the text in order for it to be treated as such. Proposals will be ranked based upon the information outlined in this RFP. The following must be completed in its entirety and submitted in order to be considered for evaluation. How to Submit Electronic submission is the preferred method of submitting a response to solicitations. If necessary, a Proposer may request mail or hand deliver a response to a solicitation. Electronic Submittals: 1. Click the following link to access the submittal form 2. Complete the required fields on the form. a. RFQ Number = 2024-018 3. Click File Upload to attach your Proposal with all required attachments. a. Upload the proposal as one file. i. The name of the file should include the firm name: Consultant Services for Disaster or Storm Related Damages ii. Upload Fee Proposal in a separate file. Fee Structure: Firms submitting a proposal packet will be required to provide a cost proposal in a separate file/ sealed envelope, clearly marked "Fee Proposal" Submittals Submit qualifications in the following format: Title Page: Title page showing the Request for Proposal subject; the Team name; the name, addresses, and telephone number of a contact person; and the date of the submittal. Table of Contents: Provide Table of Contents to aid the evaluation of the qualifications. Transmittal Letter: A signed letter of transmittal briefly states the Offeror's understanding of the work to be done, the commitment to perform the work, a statement why the Team believes it to be best qualified to perform the engagement, and a statement that the submittal is a Team and irrevocable offer for sixty (60) days.


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