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Renovation of a municipal facility in West Hartford, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

All questions must be submitted in writing and emailed to, at least seven calendar days prior to the date established for the opening of bids. Please do not call the Engineer/Architect, Project Manager or Purchasing Office with questions. This project will involve the removal of an existing dehumidification unit and installation of a new dehumidification unit as per plans. Additionally, the removal and replace of 3 small HVAC systems as per plans. It is located at the Cornerstone Pool, 55 Buena Vista Road, West Hartford, 06107. Work must be coordinated with the occupant's as not to interfere with their normal business routine. To accommodate this project hours of works will be available from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM and Saturday and Sunday if needed but will need to adhere to the Town's noise ordinance. The work area must be kept cleaned, free of hazards and protected at all times. All Bidders must file with their bid a bid bond, certified or treasurer's check in the amount of 10% of the total of the base bid made payable to the Town of West Hartford. Performance and Labor and Material Payment bonds in the amount of 100% of the contract price will be required of the successful bidder if the contract pursuant to this request for bids exceeds $50,000.00. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the opening of bids without the approval and written consent of the Town of West Hartford. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities in the bidding and to make awards in any manner that is the most beneficial to the Town. Bidders are encouraged to attend the Town's bid opening at which time the public is afforded an opportunity to record bid prices received in response to the Town's solicitation. Bidders who would like the results of the bid but are unable to attend the bid opening, may check the Town website, a week after the bid opening date. Bidders calling the Purchasing Office for bid results will be referred to the above procedure. Question Deadline 05/29/2024 ALL QUESTIONS TO PURCHASING SERVICES TAMMY BRADLEY PURCHASING AGENT All questions must be submitted in writing and emailed to, at least seven calendar days prior to the date established for the opening ofbids. Please do not call the Engineer/ Architect, Project Manager or Purchasing Office with questions.




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55 Buena Vista Rd, West Hartford, CT

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