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Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Ocean City, New Jersey. Working plans call for the demolition of a multi-residential development; for the construction of a seven-story above grade multi-residential development; for site work for a multi-residential development; for paving for a multi-residential development; road / highway; road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

**As of August 7, bids were rejected. No definite date for the rebid.** The Project consists of: 1. Demolition of the existing Pecks Beach Village Apartments and Ocean City Housing Authority's Office Building, located at the following locations: Block 309 - Lot s 1 & 2 Block 310 - Lot 14, Block 409 - Lot 12 and Block 410 - Lot 1. 2. All site work and new construction of fifteen (15) 3-and 4-story residential apartment buildings and a community building on the above referenced Block(s) and Lot(s). The completed Project will include a total of sixty (60) residential apartments and a community building. The construction is two and three levels of wood frame residential over one level of wood pile/ wood-framed parking/storage/utility, located at 325-343, 320-342, 401-433, and 416-444 Haven Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226. 3. All site work related to the extension of Haven Avenue. BIDS ARE INVITED ON A LUMP SUM BASIS FOR THE PROJECT. Any emailed questions and/or substitution requests must be submitted by June 28, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., local time. Emailed questions and substitution requests should be directed to: Donovan Architects LLC, Attn: Dan Magno via email at Phone calls will not be accepted. The Contract length is 455 calendar days from the date specified in the written Notice to Proceed, which shall be issued by the Ocean City Housing Authority to the Contractor. The Ocean City Housing Authority reserves the right to reject all bids pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-13.2 and any bid that is non-responsive or submitted by a Bidder that is not responsible. Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27-1 et seq. By: Donovan Architects LLC on behalf of the Ocean City Housing Authority Project Location: 325 -343, 320 - 342, 401-433 and 416 - 444 Haven Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226

Final Planning



Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Ocean City, NJ

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