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Saving Project...

Published July 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in West Whiteland Township, Pennsylvania. Working plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

**As of July 11, 2024, bids were rejected. No definite date for the rebid.** Saint Annes Lane & Whitford Hills Road Stormwater / Intersection Improvements STATEMENT OF WORK The Work included in this Contract consists of furnishing all plant, new materials, equipment, supplies, labor, transportation, fuel and power and performing all Work as required by the Contract, in strict accordance with the Specifications, Schedules and Drawings, and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Publication 408 Specifications, most recent update, PennDOT Publication 72M, most recent update, and PennDOT publication 111, most recent update, all of which are made a part hereof; and including such detail Drawings as may be furnished by the ENGINEER from time to time during the construction in interpretation of said Drawings. PennDOT Publication 408 shall be adhered to regarding construction methods and materials. Contract administration and measurement and payment basis shall be as specified in these Contract Documents. The Work shall be complete and all Work, materials, and services not expressly called for in the Specifications, or specially indicated on the Drawings, which may be necessary for complete and proper construction to carry out the Contract in good faith, shall be performed, furnished and installed by the CONTRACTOR at no additional cost to the OWNER. The Work shall be executed in the best and most workmanlike manner by qualified, careful and experienced workers. 1. Mobilize equipment, personnel and materials to the project site as necessary to construct the project improvements. Includes all associated travel, fuel, rental, and other associated fees and demobilization upon project completion. This item includes construction stakeout, project management, and project scheduling; clean up and removal of any construction debris, waste, excess materials, etc.; and all start up and shut down costs. This item will be paid at the conclusion of the project. (Lump Sum) 2. Excavate and fine grade swales to elevations as indicated. Includes disposing of any access materials. Includes preparing and compacting existing grades as indicated and removal and disposal of any access materials. (Lump Sum) 3. Furnish and install Trench Drain with bicycle safe grate as indicated. Includes installation of 12" depth of AASHTO No.57 Stone leveling pad, bolting trench drains together, sealing all joints with a waterproof sealant, pipe connections, excavation, removal and disposal of excavated materials. (30 LF) 4. Furnish and install 6" diameter HDPE pipe with smooth interior, complete in place, including excavation, bedding, backfill, all necessary fittings and connections. Includes proper disposal of all excess material. Includes connections to proposed Trench Drain. (6 LF) 5. Furnish, install and compact asphalt swale using Superpave asphalt mixture design, wearing course, PG 64S-22, < 0.3 million ESALS, 9.5 mm mix, 3" depth, SRL-H. Includes tack coat and sealing all joints. (190 SY) 6. Furnish all equipment and labor necessary to excavate the roadway locations, as indicated. Includes excavating to depths as indicated and grading. All excavation is unclassified. Properly dispose of and export excess excavated material, perform fine grading to indicated elevations, and prepare subgrade. Includes temporary stockpiling as needed. (225 SY) 7. Furnish, place and compact PennDOT No. 2A Subbase on compacted subgrade, 6" depth, for the roadway locations, as indicated. (225 SY) 8. Furnish, install and compact Superpave asphalt mixture design, base course, PG 64S-22, < 30 million ESALS, 25 mm mix, 5" depth, on prepared subbase. (225 SY) 9. Furnish, install and compact Superpave asphalt mixture design, wearing course, PG 64S-22, < 0.3 million ESALS, 9.5 mm mix, 1.5" depth, SRL-H. Includes tack coat and sealing all joints. (257 SY) 10. Mill bituminous pavement, average 1.5" depth. Mill a 2-ft wide area along the pavement perimeter of the Saint Annes Lane driveway and mill a 2-ft wide area along the perimeter of paved road reconstruction area. Milling will be used to offset the full depth Road Reconstruction joint. Includes sawcutting, milling, and removal and disposal of any access milling materials. All milled areas shall be broom swept and final cleaned. (32 SY) 11. Install epoxy resin double yellow centerline, 4" width. (60 LF) 12. Furnish and install a 6-inch layer of topsoil and grass seeding to stabilize all areas which are to remain natural post-construction which have been disturbed. Includes erosion control fabric on slopes steep than 3:1 and seeding. (Lump Sum) 13. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain traffic control in accordance with the approved PennDOT Highway Occupancy Plans, and in accordance with the MUTCD, PennDOT Publication 212, and PennDOT Publication 213. If at any time required traffic control devices, personnel, etc. are missing and the regulations are not being followed, the work may be immediately suspended until the traffic control is corrected. (Lump Sum) The anticipated Notice to Proceed Date is on or about June 10, 2024. All work must be completed prior to October 31, 2024. Question Deadline 05/28/2024 Questions must be submitted no later than the Vendor Question deadline listed on PennBid. Interpretations of Addenda: Bidder shall submit all questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents via the "Messages/Vendor Discussions" feature in PennBid no later than seven (7) days prior to the date for receipt of bids.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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Whitford Hills Rd & St Annes Ln, West Whiteland Township, PA

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Saint Annes Lane & Whitford Hills Road Stormwater / Intersection Improvements

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