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Published August 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Construction of Green Garden Water Main Replacement Terracon Project No. K3225079 This work includes the replacement of the existing water mains and water services within the Green Garden Neighborhood along the following roads: Dandelion Crescent, Daffodil Crescent, Daisy Crescent, Gladiola Crescent, Geranium Crescent, and Ginger Crescent. Replacement of the existing water main serving the Tivoli Apartment Complex to the north of the Green Garden Neighborhood is also included in the project. Additionally, the project includes the replacement of the existing water main along Primrose Lane at the intersection of Lynnhaven Parkway and Primrose Lane. The existing water mains within the Green Garden Neighborhood and serving the Tivoli Apartment Complex will be replaced with 4-inch through 8-inch water mains and the existing water main crossing Lynnhaven Parkway will be replaced with a 10-inch water main. The total linear footage of water main replacement included in the project is approximately 12,000 LF and is primarily located 496,860.00 within the pavement section of the roadways. All proposed water mains included in the project are within City of Virginia Beach right-of-way or within existing City of Virginia Beach Utility Easement. The project includes the abandonment of the existing water mains being replaced including the following: removal of existing crosses, tees and valves along Dahlia Drive and Green Run Boulevard and installation of new 12- inch DI pipe at these locations, removal of fire hydrants, abandonment of the existing water mains crossing under Lynnhaven Parkway with flowable fill, and abandonment of existing water mains within the Green Garden Neighborhood in place. In addition to the water system improvements, the project also includes approximately 100 LF of 8-inch through 10-inch gravity sewer replacement at various locations within the Green Garden Neighborhood where the new water main crosses the existing gravity sewer system Question Deadline 06/06/2024 at 3:00 PM ET All questions should be emailed to Lakesha Bryant at lbryant@vbgov.com. Small Business Enhancement Program This solicitation is subject to the requirements of the Small Business Enhancement Program. As a matter of responsiveness, bidders that intend to subcontract work on the resulting project must commit at least 50% of the value of the subcontracted work to businesses certified as Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned businesses (SWaM) by the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity; if the bidder is unable to meet the 50% subcontracting requirement, then the bidder must provide documentation showing, with specificity, good faith efforts undertaken to meet the 50% SWaM-certified subcontractor participation requirement. Minority-owned Business Project Goals Program This solicitation is also subject to the requirements of the Minority-owned Business Project Goals Program. The City of Virginia Beach has established a Minority-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE) goal of 4.1% of the total value of the resulting project. As a matter of responsiveness, bidders must subcontract 4.1% of the total project value to businesses certified as Asian American-, Black American-, or Hispanic American-owned by the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity; if the bidder is unable to meet the MBE subcontracting goal, then the bidder must provide documentation showing, with specificity, good faith efforts undertaken to meet the MBE goal. The MBE goal can be met in conjunction with Small Business Enhancement Program requirements by subcontracting work to certified Asian American-, Black American-, or Hispanic American-owned SWaM businesses. The procedure for withdrawal of bid due to error shall be per Section 102.02 B. of this document. The City of Virginia Beach does not discriminate against faith based organizations. If you are physically disabled or visually or hearing impaired and need assistance in obtaining or inspecting the bid documents please call the Contracting Agent's Office at (757) 385-4438. For hearing impaired dial 711. TTY (Text Telephone assistive telephone device).

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Virginia Beach, VA

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