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Published June 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Towson, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) issues this Small Procurement on behalf of the District Court of Maryland to install a standalone video surveillance system covering the Towson District Court Annex Building. The video surveillance devices and cameras are required to be in compliance with NDAA section 889 and be ONVIF conformant products. Training, licenses, service level agreement, and a two (2) year maintenance warranty are required. SCOPE OF WORK The Bidder shall provide all labor, equipment, materials, and supervision to install a standalone surveillance system to cover the sidewalks and lobby of the Towson District Court Annex (100 E. Chesapeake Avenue) as follows: 1. The system’s network video recorder (NVR) and monitor will be located at Towson District Court (120 E. Chesapeake Avenue). a. The NVR/monitor location at 120 E. Chesapeake Ave. is shown in Attachment 1. 2. Bidder shall furnish and install a standalone, turnkey, non-proprietary, digital based, video surveillance system. a. Requirements: (1) Video System: 1. All video surveillance devices and cameras shall be in compliance with NDAA Section 889. 2. All video surveillance devices and cameras shall be ONVIF conformant products. 3. Cabling shall be Plenum rated Category 6 (CAT 6) cable. 4. The video system shall be designed using IP cameras. 5. The components of the system shall provide flexibility for expansion now and in the future. 6. The components shall be upgradable and swappable without requiring mass replacement of all components. 7. The system shall not have any connectivity to external networks or Judiciary IT networks. 8. System monitoring and controlling shall only be available through the Bidder’s provided workstation and not allow any remote access. (2) NVR shall: 1. Be connected to a monitor in the room to allow direct viewing. 2. Allow for a choice in settings for thirty (30) days of continuous recording on all cameras and to record on motion. (e.g., It may be set to record on motion at certain times during the day and continuously recording all other times.) 3. Have capability to automatically overwrite its oldest content to store new recordings. 4. Have video recording compression at H.265 compression. 5. Provide flexibility for expansion now and in the future. 6. Be installed inside a lockable cabinet/rack. (3) Cameras shall: 1. Be vandal resistant, specifically able to withstand blows to the housings and/or lens covers without interrupting the video. 2. Support 16:9 video. 3. Support minimum 30 frames per second. 4. Support minimum of three (3) megapixel resolution. 5. Operate over a Power Over Ethernet (PoE) network. 6. Use Plenum rated CAT 6 cabling for installations. 7. Be from the same manufacturer (model). 8. Be from one (1) of the following manufacturers: a. ACTi, b. Axis Communications, c. Bosch; d. Hanwha Techwin (Sansung), e. Mobotix. f. Pelco, g. Sony, h. Speco, i. Vivotek. (4) Monitors shall be a minimum of 1920X1080 (i.e., Full HD) resolution. b. Installation of a standalone surveillance system covering the Annex Building to include: (1) One (1) NVR Device in Supply Storage Room (G143) at the DGS Maintenance Supervisor’s desk located on the ground level of Towson District Court. (2) One (1) workstation directly connected to the NVR in the Supply Storage Room (G143) at the DGS Maintenance Supervisor’s desk. Requirements for workstation: 1. One (1) 40” monitor, 2. One (1) wireless keyboard, 3. One (1) wireless mouse; and 4. One (1) wall mount. (3) One (1) monitor for viewing only in the Lobby of 120 E. Chesapeake Ave. (118) at the security scanner. Requirements for monitor: 1. One (1) 40” monitor, and 2. One (1) wall mount. (4) Four (4) exterior cameras covering the Annex Building’s front sidewalk. (5) One (1) interior camera covering the Annex Building Lobby. (6) The front entry security monitor at 120 E, Chesapeake Ave. is shown in Attachment (7) Locations of the cameras at 100 E. Chesapeake Ave. are outlined in Attachment 3. (8) Attachment 4 provides additional location details. 3. Bidder shall: a. Provide licenses for the surveillance system’s cameras and devices. (1) System shall not require any licensing or annual fees after project acceptance. b. Provide a minimum of four (4) hours of training to selected personnel prior to completion of install. c. Provide an operations manual and reference guide (i.e., tip sheet) for the operation of the workstations. These can be digital. d. Provide two (2) year maintenance warranty for all equipment installed from the date of acceptance. e. Provide an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for each system with a minimum of three (3) hours of support time. f. Provide a Service Level Agreement (SLA) of a four (4) hour response time for an emergency and an eight (8) hour response time for a non-emergency. (1) Normal service hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00AM to 4:30 PM. 4. At a minimum, the installation shall comply with the following standards (as applicable): a. Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI) (1) Each cable shall pass BICSI Standard tests. (2) Test results shall be provided to the Contract Manager and/or District Court Engineering & Central Services Project Manager (as applicable). b. National Electric Code (NEC). c. OSHA Standards and Regulations. d. Local Code and Standards. (1) The required work does not require a permit. SUMMARY The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) is seeking bids from prospective Bidders to install a standalone video surveillance system covering the Towson District Court Annex Building, including training, licenses, a service level agreement, and a two (2)-year maintenance warranty. The video surveillance devices and cameras are required to be in compliance with NDAA section 889 and be ONVIF conformant products. Submissions are exclusively accepted electronically via the Procurement Portal. Intent to Bid Due Date: Jun 7th 2024, 4:30 PM EDT




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