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Published June 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fitness / recreation center in Liberal, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fitness / recreation center.

The roofing contractor will have 60 days to complete the roofing project. The days will start from the time of the Notice to Proceed. The City of Liberal will have the option to implement a $500.00 penalty per day past completion date. The roofing contractor who is awarded the bid will need to secure any labor or material pricing prior to bidding. The City of Liberal will not recognize any increase after the bid is awarded. The City of Liberal will not accept any alternate roof system or bid. ROOFING CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS 1) Provide a current workman comp. Insurance certificate ($500,000) state requirement. 2) Provide a current general liability insurance certificate ($1,000,000) to the City of Liberal. 3) The roofing contractor shall have an In-service Drug and Alcohol testing program. They shall provide current drug testing for all employees that will be working on city property. 4) The roofing contractor shall provide a signed Affidavit for any person who has been convicted of a felony or is who is a registered sex offender. 5) The roofing contractor will present submittals on all materials to be used and spec. sheets on manufacturers letterhead. 6) The roofing contractor shall provide a company safety handbook and (MSDS) material safety data sheet book. 7) The roofing contractor will be responsible for maintaining a safe, clean, and proper work site at all times. This job site will meet all O.S.H.A. requirements. 8) The roofing contractor shall make the perspective roof area that is being worked on, water tight before leaving the job site on a daily basis. 9) The roofing contractor will provide a complete photo journal of all phases of the roof system being installed. This journal will be presented with the completion Invoice. 10) The roofing contractor shall keep all employees out of the building except to perform any direct function of the roofing project. The job foreman will communicate with Rec personnel. 11) The roofing contactor will have a job foreman with no less than five years of roofing experience on the jobsite and with installation experience of the roofing system being installed. 12) The roofing contractor will install the roofing system to meet the manufacturers guidelines. 13) The roofing contractor will be responsible to locate any potential problems in completing this project. 14) The roofing contactor will be responsible for verification of all measurements of all phases of the project, verification of existing roof system and attachment. 15) The roofing contractor will provide on company letterhead, a 5-year warranty on all material and labor if a manufacturer's warranty is not issued. This warranty will not cover any maintenance, storm damage, vandalism, or work by others. 16) The roofing contractor will be responsible for providing any additional protection to the exterior and interior of the building to keep asphalt and debris from entering the building. 17) The roofing contractor will provide a job site toilet and keep locked when not on site. 18) The roofing material will be covered and protected from any moisture before installation. 19) The City of Liberal will not entertain any alternate Roof System Bids. 20) The roofing contractor will be licensed with the State of Kansas and the City of Liberal. 21) The contractor will be responsible for any permits or fees. Qualifications: Approved Manufacturers: 1) John Manville Company 2) Firestone Roofing Material 3) GAF Materials 4) Certain Teed Roofing Materials 5) Performance Roofing Materials Special Requirements: 1) Remove all the existing roofing down to the steel deck and haul away. 2) Install new fiberglass flute filler in acoustic decking. 3) Install 1 layer of 5/8" fire rated sheet rock with screws & plates (I-90 wind). 4) Install 1 layer of 2.5 Polyiso Insulation with hot asphalt. 5) Install 8 ft. 1/2 " per ft Polyiso Insulation tapered crickets between drains. 6) Install 1 layer of 3/4" Perlite insulation with hot asphalt. 7) Install 1-ply of modified base sheet with hot asphalt. 8) Install 1-ply of modified cap sheet with hot asphalt. 9) Install modified flashing to wall & curb detail with hot asphalt. 10) Install new wall cap flashing & overflow drains. Match existing color. 11) Provide new cast iron drain basket covers for all locations. Miscellaneous: 1) The roofing contractor will pay attention that any roofing debris does not enter the drain pipe, causing blockage. 2) The roofing contractor will check all no-hub boots between the drain bowls and the drain pipe. 3) After the roofing project is completed, a water test of all interior drains and no-hub boots will be made to check for water leaks. This will be done with a representative from the City of Liberal present to verify the test. 4) The roofing contractor will provide a 6-mil plastic protection sheeting over the gym floor during the roofing project. A complete clean-up of any debris will also be done. 5) Disconnecting of any electrical or gas lines will be the owner's responsibility.


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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950 S Grant Ave, Liberal, KS

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