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Published August 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of an educational facility in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.
As of August 23, 2024, an awarded construction manager has been identified and has released bid packages under a separate listing. The previous solicitation is listed below for reference. The Cherokee Nation is the federally recognized government of the Cherokee people and thereby has sovereign status granted by treaty and law. Tribal sovereignty is the right to self-governance. The seat of tribal government is the W.W. Keeler Complex near Tahlequah, Oklahoma, capital of the Cherokee Nation. The reservation of the Cherokee Nation (hereinafter "Nation") covers 14 counties in Northeast Oklahoma. BACKGROUND: The Cherokee Nation is requesting sealed proposals for Construction Management At-Risk Services from Indian and non-Indian owned firms. The project is located in Tahlequah (Cherokee County), Oklahoma. The objective of the RFP is to receive proposals for the specific project as outlined. The Cherokee Nation is requesting that the CM firm provide an estimated costs for a project of this size and scope based on their project history and experience. The estimated cost provided by the CM should be used for establishing CM Fee and General Conditions estimates. The CM should provide a preliminary project schedule based on their similar project history. The Project Narrative and Plans issued by the A/E are included for reference which will help the submitting CM firms create a preliminary estimate and schedule. A cost estimate and preliminary schedule for this specific project. A monthly lump-sum fee for preconstruction services. A preliminary sequencing plan based on the CDs and narrative included. A current projects list clearly describes the current workload for the entity making this offer. The list must include the CM's role, Project name, location, Owner, Architect, and contract amount. A statement from the CM firm indicating the address of the home office that will manage the project. Organization Size and Structure. Company safety policies (manual to be provided upon request by the Nation). A project-specific staffing plan for the personnel/team assigned to the project. All employees must be covered under the CM firm's WC, Auto, and GL insurance policies. Provide an hourly rate sheet with fully burdened hourly rates. List any additional costs not included in the burdened hourly rate for each member included in the staffing plan. Include a staffing capabilities matrix addressing the staff members with VDC/BIM experience and capabilities; how QA and QC are verified and managed; the plan for in-house technology methods such as 360 camera documentation, drone mapping, QR code tracking, etc. Provide project-specific itemized templates for General Conditions and Project Requirements. The templates should include all typical items i.e., labor materials, equipment, supervision, and any outsourced or third-party costs required to perform the proposed work. All cost of work items must be identified. Any costs excluded from these lists must be identified i.e., building permits, insurances, SWPPP/NOI, temp utilities, surveying, and materials testing. The proposed GC estimates need to be presented as a fixed monthly cost through each phase. o A completed projects list from each interested CM Firm listing all similar projects completed in the past 10 years. The project agreement must be between the project Owner and the CM Firm that is submitting to this RFP. Identify up to 5 projects the proposing firm has completed that are of similar size and scope to the Cherokee Nation New Hospital project. Provide the updated EMR and RIR rating for January to December 2023. Provide a narrative and example of how your firm will bill for self-performed work (if applicable). Provide a statement confirmation Davis-Bacon wage scale will be followed and reports maintained and available upon request. The CM Firm must submit a copy of the front and back of their TERO Certification issued by the Cherokee Nation indicating the Master skills of Construction-Commercial Management and/or Construction-Commercial/General Contractor to be considered a TERO firm (if applicable). Include a sample certificate of insurance evidencing the policies, limits, and applicable endorsements described in the insurance section of this RFP. Attachments B, C, D, E, F, G, H (if applicable), and I. o The CM firm must submit an executed (unaltered/without stipulation) Cherokee Nation Confirmation and Acceptance of General Terms & Conditions form (Attachment I of RFP). Any proposed modifications or alterations of this document will be considered a non-responsive condition unless approved by the Cherokee Nation in writing. Interested parties shall not initiate or execute any negotiation, decision, or action arising from any verbal discussion with any Cherokee Nation employee. Only written communications from the designated Contact Person at Cherokee Nation may be considered a duly authorized expression on behalf of the NATION regarding this RFP. Additionally, only written communications from interested parties are recognized as duly authorized expressions on behalf of the vendor. The same instructions shall apply to any subsequent award and agreement communications. The Cherokee Nation point-of-contact for the RFP is Shelly McClain, Director of Purchasing. All communication between any interested Firm and Cherokee Nation shall be in written format to The subject line of the email communication should state RFP Construction Management At-Risk Services - Sequoyah High School. Questions: Firms should carefully review this RFP. Firms shall put these comments and/or questions in writing and submit them to the Cherokee Nation Purchasing no later than May 29, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. CT at email In the subject line of email, reference "RFP --Construction Management At-Risk Services - Sequoyah High School". Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda, will be provided no later than June 03, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. CT. No interpretation of the RFP requirements will be made to any interested party orally. Failure to receive any issued addendum or interpretation shall not relieve responding party from any obligation contained in RFP document. The Cherokee Nation reserves the right to reject any and all submittals received without penalty. Submittal must be sealed and clearly marked "Sealed Proposal, Construction Manager at Risk Services - Sequoyah High School - Do Not Open" Sealed responses are to include 1 original, 5 Copies and a Key Drive.
Public - Federal
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
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RFP Construction Management At Risk- Construction Management at-risk Services Project: Sequoyah High School
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