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Published July 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Boise, Idaho. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 2,668-square-foot municipal facility.

A description of the work of this project can be summarized to include Approximately 2668 s.f. of tenant improvement on the first and second floors of the history center. work to include minor demolition. new framed walls to create enclosed offices with gypsum board on each side with tape, texture and paint to match. new doors and frames to match. rework of HVAC, lighting and lay in ceiling to accommodate the new layout. new carpet under add alternate #1. A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid amount, including any add alternates, is required. A Public Works Contractor's License for the State of Idaho is required to bid on this work. Install work in accordance with these specifications and the accompanying plans. Furnish all labor, material, and equipment together with all incidental items not specifically shown or specified which are required by good practice to provide the complete mechanical systems as described. 2. The HVAC Contractor(s) and all Sub-tier Contractors shall provide installed equipment cut sheets and purchase orders required for utility rebates. The Bidding Requirements, Contract Requirements, and the General Requirements (Division 1) of these specifications shall govern all parts of the work. The Bidder, in compliance with your Invitation for Bids for the construction of DPW Project No: 23622; ISHS: Admin. Offices, having examined the bidding and Contract Documents and the site of the proposed Work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed Project, including the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials and supplies and to provide the service and insurance in accordance with the Contract Documents, within the time set forth therein, and at the prices stated below. These prices are to cover all expenses incurred in performing the Work required under the Contract Documents. Question Deadline 06/07/2024 Questions concerning a bid must be directed in writing to the designated Design Professional (architect or engineer) no less than ten (10) calendar days before bids are due unless provided otherwise via an addendum. Oral information is not binding and any reliance by a bidder on any oral information or representation is at the bidder's sole risk. Any information given a prospective bidder in response to a written question will be provided to all prospective bidders by an addendum, if such information is necessary for purposes of submitting a bid or if failure to give such information would be prejudicial to uninformed bidders.




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June 18, 2024

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2205 Old Penitentiary Rd, Boise, ID

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