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Published June 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling and renovation of a military facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the remodel of a military facility.

This is a Design-Build (DB) construction to replace all exterior windows of Building 6 at NSAP with energy efficient windows. The window replacements will be completed in-kind where the new material will duplicate the material, dimensions, and detailing of the existing non-significant replacement windows. The original window openings will retain their original size and shape. The proposed action is required to increase energy efficiency of the building. The general scope of work and requirements for this task order includes - but is not limited to: 1. Provide a life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) to select windows and glazing with the best possible performance for: a. U-factor b. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) c. Daylighting d. Visible Transmittance 2. Provide heavy-duty commercial quality aluminum windows conforming to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101; must have anodized aluminum finish with color to match previous existing windows or meet the applicable installation exterior architectural guidelines. 3. Windows must match size (height x width) of existing windows being replaced and must fit in existing clear openings; provide required anchoring, new blocking, shims, metal/wood furring, sealants, weather-stripping, etc. for a secure, air & weather-tight fit in the clear opening. All window openings are to be secured and weather-tight during non-working hours. 4. Provide glazing that minimizes hazardous glazing fragments, per UFC 4-010-01 (DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings). 5. Provide insulated glazing system (outer lite low E with air space (argon) and interior lite meeting IBC requirements for wind and windborne debris protection). 6. Windows must match color of previous existing or comply with IAP (Installation Appearance Plan); tint of glazing to match previous existing location. 7. Seal all window rough openings to prevent water & air infiltration after new window installation; final installation must adhere to air leakage rate in accordance with guide specifications (UFGS) and NFRC (National Fenestration Rating Council). 8. Windows to allow operable (outward awning type, per existing) use, where applicable, with locking or latching hardware. Insect screen is to be mounted on inside of frame of operable portion of window and must be removable. 9. Window removal and replacement work may cause damage to interior finishes or may require destruction to accommodate work; Contractor to anticipate rework will be required to restore these conditions to new; all new finishes (gyp bd, plastic laminate or wood sills, ceiling soffit conditions, etc.); materials are to match existing adjacent material, color, and texture. 10. Interior access will likely be required to perform work; interior relocation or removal of systems furnishings (cubicles, etc.) should be anticipated - see reference drawings in Part 6 (contractor to confirm during site visit)




Public - Federal

Remodeling, Renovation




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700 Robbins St, Philadelphia, PA

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