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Published June 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Covington, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The Kenton County Fiscal Court is announcing a Request for Bid (RFB) from qualified contractors for the purpose of full depth reconstruction and asphalt overlay on Goldie Lane and Saylors Court in Kenton County, Kentucky. For Goldie Lane, project limits begin at the intersection of Cadillac Drive and extend east approximately 640 feet to terminus at the cul-de-sac. For Saylors Court, project limits begin at the intersection of KY 2047 (Klette Road) and extend north approximately 880 feet to the intersection of Tamber Ridge Drive. Project limits are shown in Section IV: Project Limits and Layout. Existing pavement thickness on Goldie Lane is approximately 8 inches composed of 6 inches of JPC concrete with integral curb and gutter on subgrade, overlaid with 2 inches of asphalt surface. Existing pavement thickness on Saylors Court is approximately 10 inches composed of 9 inches of asphalt base and 1 inch of asphalt surface. The scope of work in this document is established as follows and depicted in Section IV: Project Limits and Layout. Full depth reconstruction sections will consist of removing the existing JPC/asphalt pavement, curb, gutter and subgrade, then replacing with the proposed typical sections shown in Section V: Typical Sections and Details for Full Depth Reconstruction Sections. Asphalt resurfacing sections will consist of milling to remove the existing asphalt surface and replacing with new asphalt surface. Asphalt Base Repairs are also needed on Saylors Court. Asphalt Base Repairs shall be constructed per the special note for Asphalt Base Repairs in Section II: Special Notes for Full Depth Reconstruction and Asphalt Resurfacing. The proposed Rolled Curb and Gutter is to be constructed on the same lines and to the same finished grade as the existing curb. Since the existing JPC pavement on Goldie Lane will remain in place and receive a new asphalt overlay from STA 0+00 to STA 4+57, the proposed Rolled Curb and Gutter will need to be transitioned to meet the same lines and same finished grade as the existing curb and gutter. This transition shall be tapered such that the final asphalt surface can be placed along the entirety of Goldie Lane smoothly with no drop from one section to the other. The proposed typical section is to be constructed with a two percent crown to match the finished grade of the new curb and gutter. The materials provided and the construction methods used in the performance of this contract shall be provided in accordance with terms and conditions of this solicitation and the 2019 Kentucky Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Deviations from the KYTC Specifications will not be permitted unless expressly noted herein or made in writing by the County. This contract shall have a fixed completion date of June 30, 2025. Failure to complete the project on time will result in the County assessing liquidated damages according to KYTC Standard Specifications Section 108.09. Do not bid an amount for Mobilization that exceeds 5 percent of the sum of the total amounts bid for all items in the Bid Proposal, excluding Mobilization, Demobilization, and contingent amounts established for adjustments and incentives. The County will automatically adjust any Bid Proposals that are in excess of this amount down to 5 percent to compare Bid Proposals and award the Contract. The County will award a Contract for the actual amount bid when the amount bid for Mobilization is less than 5 percent, or the County will award the Contract for the adjusted bid amount of 5 percent when the amount bid for Mobilization is greater than 5 percent. If any errors in unit bid prices for other Contract items in a Contractor's Bid Proposal are discovered after bid opening and such errors reduce the total amount bid for all other items, excluding Mobilization, Demobilization, and contingent amounts established for adjustments and incentives, so that the percent bid for Mobilization is larger than 5 percent, the County will adjust the amount bid for Mobilization to 5 percent of the sum of the corrected total bid amounts. Demobilization shall be paid as a lump sum for the entire project. Bid an amount for Demobilization that is a minimum of $1,000 and is a minimum of 1.5 percent of the sum of the total amounts bid for all other items in the Bid Proposal, excluding Mobilization, Demobilization and contingent amounts established for adjustments and incentives. The County will automatically adjust any Bid Proposal that is less than this amount up to the greater of $1,000 or 1.5 percent to compare Bid Proposals and award the Contract. The following project descriptions and bid quantities have been generated for this project: Goldie Lane from the intersection of Cadillac Drive extending East to terminus. Full Depth Reconstruction and asphalt overlay, a distance of approximately 640 feet


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Covington, KY

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