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Published July 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Metairie, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION RANGES AND PRICES Range of the Probable Construction Cost for Base Bid: $250,000 - $500,000 Section 2.0 - Scope: We extend this proposal to provide all labor, materials, delivery, equipment, and all other incidentals needed to remove two (2) existing Daikin Air-Cooled Chiller Systems and supply and install two (2) new 40-ton Trane Air Cooled Water Chiller Systems, located at the Jefferson First Parish Court 924 David Drive, Metairie, LA 70001. Section 3.0 - License Requirements: A Louisiana State Contractor's License will be required by LSA R.S. 37-2150 et. seq., and such license number must be entered in the appropriate field in the electronic procurement system. Failure to comply will cause the bid to be rejected. 3.1 License(s) issued by the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors o Commercial Contractor License with a Major Classification in Mechanical. Section 4.0 -Bonds: o Surety Bond: An Electronic bid bond will be required with bid submission in the amount of 5% of the total bid. The vendor shall indicate the electronic bid bond number in the location specified on the electronic bid envelope. No scanned paper copies of any bid bond will be accepted as part of the electronic bid submission. o Performance Bond: A Performance Bond in the amount of 50% of the total contract price will be required. The performance bond shall be produced upon contract execution. o Payment Bond: A payment bond of 50% of the total contract price will be required. The payment bond shall be produced upon contract execution. Section 5.0 - Quantities/Inspections: Bidders must inspect the site and perform their measurements to determine the proper quantity of materials and equipment required to complete this project. All measurements given in these specifications are for informational purposes only. Section 6.0 - Submittals: If the bidder intends to provide materials equal to or better than owner-specified materials, the following shall be provided with their bid: Provide the requested information to ensure the bid is deemed responsive: o Manufacturer's catalog data o Detail sheets o Specifications of product o Warranty information Section 7.0 - Bid Specification: Bid No. 50-00145182 o Provide all labor, materials, delivery, equipment, and all other incidentals needed to remove two (2) existing Daikin Air Cooled Chiller Systems and supply and install two (2) new 40-ton Trane Air Cooled Scroll Water Chiller Systems, Model CGAM040A2**3EXD2A3A1DX*A1C2B4XXXXXXA1A3A1D1XXLCX. o Before any work begins, an owner's representative and the successful bidder shall inspect, document, and take photos of all existing building and roof conditions. Section 7.1 Removal of Existing Equipment: o Remove two (2) existing Daikin Air Cooled Water Chillers o Removed chillers shall be delivered and offloaded at the Jefferson Parish Surplus Property Facility at 920 David Drive, Metairie, LA. 70002. o Recover and properly dispose of all refrigerants as per EPA guidelines. o Remove and properly dispose of existing pipe insulation from Daikin Air Cooled Water Chiller to isolation valves. o Disconnect existing water piping between isolation valves and existing Daikin Air Cooled Water Chillers o Remove and properly dispose of four (4) existing isolation valves (two on the supply line and two on the return line of each unit). o Disconnect high voltage and control wiring from Trane Air Cooled Water Chillers o One (1) Air cooled chiller shall always remain running. No work shall begin on the second chiller until the first chiller is fully operational. Section 7.2 Installation: Trane Air-Cooled Water Chillers: o All equipment and materials shall be bidder-supplied new. o Any modification or changes needed to the existing chiller foundations will be the successful bidder's responsibility at no additional cost to the owner. o Supply and install two (2) new Trane Air Cooled Scroll Water Chillers. Model number: CGAM040A2**3EXD2A3A1DX*A1C2B4XXXXXXA1A3A1D1XXLCX. o New bidder-supplied Air-Cooled Water Chillers shall be mounted and bolted to the existing roof foundation using new vibration isolator springs. o Any modifications to the existing roof shall be performed by a roofing company certified by Garland Company Inc. o Supply and install four (4) new brass isolation valves on each chiller system's existing supply and return line. o Supply and install new steel supply and return pipe from new isolation valves to new Air-Cooled Helical Scroll Water Chillers. o New steel pipe shall match existing pipe size and thickness. o All bolts, nuts, and hardware shall be 316 stainless steel. o Supply and install new fiberglass pipe insulation from new Air-Cooled Scroll Water Chillers to new isolation valves on the supply and return water pipes. o Pipe insulation shall be a minimum of 2" thick. o Install aluminum jacketing on all piping, valves, and fittings affected by this project. Section 7.2 Installation Continued: Trane Air-Cooled Water Chillers: o Supply and install new properly sized copper wire and EMT conduit from new units to existing fused disconnect. o Refill the chill water loop and bleed air on each system. Section 7.3 - Facility Management System: Design, engineer, supply, and install: o Provide all equipment, materials, and software needed to connect each new chiller to the existing Trane control system (BAS). o In the event of a BAS failure, the new chillers shall be equipped with a local start/stop feature. Section 8.0 -Unit Description: o Startup Included o 40 nominal tons. o 60 hertz / 208 volt 3 phases. o Extra efficiency/performance. o Refrigerant Charge R-454B. o With factory-installed freeze protection. o Refrigerant isolation valves (discharge valve). o Factory installed flow switch - set point 60 cm/sec. o Grooved pipe connection. o Factory insulation 0.75". o Wide Ambient. o Complete Coat lanced aluminum fins. o Across-the-line starter/direct online. o Single point connection mainline unit power-ancillary items require other power. o Circuit breaker. o Enclosure Type UL 60335 Rated for Outdoor Applications. o BACnet MS/TP Interface. o Air-Fi. o Default A short circuit rating. o Elastomeric isolators. o With water strainer factory installed. o Architectural louvered panels. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. An Electronic Bid Bond must be submitted with this bid, through one of the respective clearing houses at www.jeffparish.net or www.centralbidding.com. To access the bonding companies on Central Bidding, hover over the “Central Bidding” link at the top of the page and select the “Bid Bonds” link. Performance Bond: A performance bond is required in 100% of the contract amount and is due at the signing of the formal contract, unless another percentage is required in the bid specifications. In the event of a conflict between these instructions and the bid specifications, the bid specifications shall control. Payment Bond: A payment bond is required in 100% of the contract amount and is due at the signing of the formal contract, unless another percentage is required in the bid specifications. In the event of a conflict between these instructions and the bid specifications, the bid specifications shall control. • Performance Bond: A Performance Bond in the amount of 50% of the total contract price will be required. The performance bond shall be produced upon contract execution. • Payment Bond: A payment bond of 50% of the total contract price will be required. The payment bond shall be produced upon contract execution Commencing on the thirty-first (31) day following the notice to proceed and until work is substantially complete, liquidated damages will be assessed in the amount of $300/day.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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June 11, 2024

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924 David Dr, Metairie, LA

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