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Published June 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

ALL BIDS MUST BE TURNED IN BY THE ABOVE STATED TIME AND TO THE ABOVE STATED ADDRESS. ANY BID NOT RECEIVIED AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS ON OR BEFORE THE STATED TIME WILL BE REJECTED. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Local time shall mean the time indicated on the Purchasing Division's computers as set by "Coordinated Universal Time -6 hours." Bidders Are Expected To Examine The Solicitation, Statement Of Work, Specifications, Instructions, And All Amendments. Failure to do so will be at the Bidder's Risk. To be considered, your bid must be submitted on a copy of this Invitation to Bid. Bidders shall sign this form in the space provided on the "Terms" and "Signature Sheet" and return bid documents to: The City of Broken Arrow, Purchasing Division, 1700 W. Detroit. If mailed, mail to P.O. Box 610, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74013. Bid documents must be returned in a sealed envelope. Mark outside of an envelope with Invitation for Bid Number 24.158 and opening date of bid (June 7th, 2024). No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise affect the terms, conditions, or specifications stated in the ITB or the resulting contract. The Purchasing Division must make all modifications to the contract in writing (a) Bids and bid modifications shall be submitted on proper forms and in sealed envelopes or packages addressed to the Purchasing Division, P.O. Box 610, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74013 or if hand delivered, deliver to the office of the Purchasing Division, 1700 W. Detroit, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The outside of the envelope or package shall show the opening date and time, the ITB number, and the name and address of the bidder. (b) The Purchasing Division will open sealed bids at the time and place specified. (c) Any bid received in the Purchasing Division after the exact time specified for receipt will not be considered. (d) Bids may be withdrawn or modified by written notice if received no later than forty-eight hours before the bid opening time and date. The City of Broken Arrow reserves the right to reject any bid that does not comply with the requirements and specifications of the ITB. A bid shall be rejected when the bidder imposes terms or conditions that would modify requirements of the ITB or limit the bidder's liability to the City. Notice of award letter or purchase order resulting from this ITB will be furnished to each successful bidder and shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. It shall be the successful bidder's responsibility to reproduce and distribute copies to all authorized dealers listed in your bid response. No additions, deletions or changes of any kind shall be made to this contract without prior approval of the Purchasing Division. The period of performance for goods and/or services subject to this solicitation and any resulting contract shall be from award through June 30, 2025, to include at the option of City of Broken Arrow, one-year annual renewal periods for July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026, and July 1, 2026, to June 30, 2027. (a) This contract can be canceled by the supplier for just cause with a thirty (30) day written request and upon written approval from the Purchasing Division. (b) The City may cancel with just cause upon written notification to vendor. (c) Immediate cancellation shall be administered when violations are found to be an impediment to the function of the City and detrimental to its cause, or when conditions preclude the 30-day notice. (d) If this contract is terminated, the City shall be liable only for payment under the payment provisions of this contract for supplies and/or services rendered before the effective date of termination. The City may extend the term of this contract up to ninety (90) days if mutually agreed upon by both parties in writing. Any supply and/or service to be furnished under this contract shall be ordered with issuance of written purchase orders or other approved means by the City. There is no limit to the number that may be issued. Delivery to multiple destinations may be required. Any order dated prior to expiration of this contract shall be performed. In the event of conflict between a purchase order and this contract, the contract shall have precedence. Purchases by the City of Broken Arrow are not subject to any sales tax or Federal Excise tax. Exemption letters will be furnished upon request. (a) The vendor shall be paid upon submission of proper invoices to Accounts Payable, P.O. Box 610, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74013 at the prices stipulated on the contract. Invoices shall contain the contract number (if applicable) and purchase order number. Failure to follow these instructions may result in delay of processing invoices for payment. The Company or Corporation bidding shall be the only office authorized to receive orders, invoices and receive payment. If the bidder wishes to ship or provide service from a point other than the address listed on the face of the bid, he will furnish a list of these locations. No ordering or invoicing will be done at these locations. (b) In cases of partial delivery, the City may at its option make partial payment, dependent on the dollar value, or hold all invoices for final delivery to be completed. Discounts for prompt payment will not be considered in the evaluation of offers; however, any discount offered will be annotated on the award and may be taken if payment is made within the discount period. The right of the successful bidder to perform under this contract may be terminated by written notice if the Purchasing Division determines that the successful bidder, or its agent or another representative offered or gave a gratuity (e.g., an entertainment or gift) to an officer, official or employee of the City to obtain a contract. By submitting a response to this solicitation, the bidder attests that the supplies or services conform to specified contact requirements. The successful bidder agrees the products furnished under this contract shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the contractor gives to any customer for such products; and rights and remedies provided herein are addition to and do not limit any rights afforded to the City by any other clause of this contract. The Invitation to Bid hereunder is subject to the provisions of the Oklahoma Statutes. All supplies must disclose with the bid the name of any officer, director or agency that is also an employee of the City of Broken Arrow or any of its agencies. Further, all suppliers must disclose the name of any City Official or City Employee who owns, directly or indirectly, any interest of twenty-five percent (25%) or more in the supplier's firm or any of it's branches. The supplier, without exception, shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Broken Arrow and its employees from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expense for or on account of any copyrighted, patented, or process, or article manufactured or used in the performance of the contract including its use by the City of Broken Arrow. If the supplier uses any design, device or materials covered by letters, patent, copyright, it is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the bid prices shall include all royalties or costs arising from such design, device, or materials in any way involved in the work. Irrevocable Offer Period. You understand and acknowledge that the offer submitted as your Bid is firm and irrevocable from the City's close of business on the Bid Submission Date until ___90___ days after the Bid Opening Date. You must be able to deliver the Goods and/or Services as specified in your Bid. Failure to do so may result in City terminating your contract or canceling the Purchase Order, pursuing collection under any performance bond, as well as seeking any other damages to which it may be entitled in law or in equity.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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June 7, 2024

July 8, 2024


Multiple Locations, Broken Arrow, OK

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