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Published June 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Addison, Illinois. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

INSTALLATION LOCATION Village of Addison East Louis Reservoir Pond at the S/W corner of Lake St. and Villa Ave. If you have questions pertaining to this RFP you may contact: Ewa Adamow 630-693-7507 purchasing@addison-IL.org Description: The Village of Addison is seeking proposals for the turn key provision and installation of a replacement aerator fountain system at the Village of Addison's East Louis reservoir pond. The intent is to replace and upgrade the existing five aerator fountains, associated lights, wiring, anchoring system, and control panels for this pond. Proposal shall include a detailed quote with all the material and pricing, labor, and the total cost to provide the Village of Addison with a turn-key project; furnish, install, and test a new aerator system including all pumps, lighting, wiring, anchoring/mooring and controls meeting the minimum requirements herein. The Village of Addison reserves the right to waive all technicalities, and to accept and or reject part(s) of any or all 5)3V which it deems advantageous. Minorities and women-owned businesses (W.B.E.) are encouraged to participate. SCOPE OF WORK The selected bidder shall be required to furnish and fully complete the installation of the East Louis reservoir pond aerator system. This includes delivery and installation of all five aerators, lighting, wiring (between the aerators and controls), and control panels within the Village of Addison provided electrical cabinet. The supply and installation of a new anchoring/mooring system for the five aerators is to be included, none of the existing anchoring is to be used. Initial startup and testing of the system is to be included. The existing five pond aerators, lighting, wiring (between the aerators and controls), control panels, and anchoring at this location are to be replaced with a new upgraded system. The new aerator system shall include four perimeter aerator pumps rated at 3HP or greater and one central aerator pump rated at 7.5HP or greater with a central geyser spray pattern. All aerator nozzles shall be interchangeable. All power for the proposed pumps shall be rated 440-480 volt, three phase. LED RGBW lighting shall be installed on each of the five aerators, all lighting power shall be rated at 120-240v, single phase. The Village of Addison will be responsible for providing and installing the following items: a NEMA 3R electrical cabinet (adjacent to the Louis East Pond) intended to host the aerator pump and lighting control panels; the conduits needed from this panel into the pond that are to be used for pump and lighting cables; the necessary electrical circuits into the control panels and termination of these circuits to the main circuit breaker within the control panels; and any restoration work related to the cabinet or conduit system. INSTALLATION LOCATION Village of Addison East Louis Reservoir Pond at the S/W corner of Lake St. and Villa Ave. INSTALLATION SITE INSPECTION Each proposer is responsible for fully acquainting themselves with all conditions of this project and its location, including the instructions and requirement for this RFP and a site investigation as necessary, to make sure the responded is capable of providing the services request by the Village of Addison. WARRANTY The warranty for the aerator pumps, light system, wiring, and associated control panels shall be for a minimum of 5 years from date the equipment is placed in operation. If you have questions pertaining to this RFP you may contact: Ewa Adamow 630-693-7507 purchasing@addison-IL.org.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer

Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lake St. and Villa Ave., Addison, IL

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2024 Louis Reservoir East Pond Aerator Fountain Replacement

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