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Published September 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a stadium in New Orleans, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/sports/pelicans/smoothie-king-center-renovations-pelicans/article_3cb26be2-eafa-5361-8d19-e744d164613b.html Smoothie King Center has undergone "minimal renovations" since opening its doors in 1999, and "most systems and equipment have reached or exceeded their usable life," according to a copy of a report The Times-Picayune obtained. In March, the Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District approved a study of the Smoothie King Center's infrastructure. The architecture firm Gensler and the consulting company Venue Solutions Group toured the building March 19. The facility needs assessment report they issued recommended that Smoothie King Center be improved over the next half-decade in a variety of ways. Smoothie King Center As a region heavily dependent upon travelers, the sharp and sudden disappearance of tourists combined with the lingering stagnation of the travel industry due to health concerns, has complication its economic recovery. MAX BECHERER The report said the building's sound and public address system -- installed in 1999 -- needs to be replaced; it said the video board hung above center court in 2016 should be upgraded within the next two years; and the three walk-in freezers, which were part of the building's original construction, have reached the end of their usable life. The report's findings shift the spotlight onto New Orleans Pelicans owner Gayle Benson and Louisiana state officials to either fund a renovation of the nearly 25-year-old building or build a new arena that can house New Orleans' NBA team. Smoothie King Center, originally known as New Orleans Arena, was built for $199 million. The building also underwent a state-funded $54 million renovation, which concluded in 2014. In the decade since, destination areas such as the Courtside Club, player locker rooms and exterior LED boards have been upgraded. But much of the building's original infrastructure has not been improved and is in need of work, the facility needs assessment report found. For example, the portable risers on which there are 2,296 seats is listed as a "high priority" issue. "It should be replaced within the next 2-3 years," the report said. Smoothie King Center's exterior lighting also falls into the "high priority" category. The report said this lighting should be converted to LED fixtures. The Pelicans told The Times-Picayune in 2023 that they contribute roughly $2 million annually to upkeep of the arena. Additionally, a team spokesperson said at the time that the Pelicans have invested $5 million into private spaces such as locker rooms, weight rooms and the family room. Caesars Superdome, which shares infrastructure with the Smoothie King Center, is in the final stages of a four-year, $560 million renovation. That project widened the Superdome's concourses, installed marketplace-style vending areas and featured the construction of escalators that will take fans from the main concourse to the 600 level. Benson, who is also the Saints owner, shared the cost of the Superdome renovation with the LSED and the state. Once the Superdome renovation is complete, focus can shift toward figuring out a solution to improve the building on the opposite side of Dave Dixon Drive. The Pelicans' lease at Smoothie King Center runs through June 2029. A substantial renovation of Smoothie King Center could cost several hundred million dollars. State Farm Arena -- the Atlanta Hawks' home -- underwent a $200 million renovation, which was completed in 2018. Footprint Center, where the Phoenix Suns play, underwent a $240 million renovation. That work was completed in 2021. Basics at Smoothie King Center such as seating need to be addressed soon, the facility needs assessment said. The fixed seating in the almost 25-year-old building is all original. "The typical life span of a fixed seat is 20-25 years," the report said. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Smoothie King Center Hub Club Renovation LSED PROJECT NUMBER: SKC R & R Fund Questions about this procedure shall be directed to the Designer at: Jessica Becker Jessica@jessicabeckerarchitecture.com (504) 650-1418 All other questions regarding the scope of work of the project should be directed to the Owners Representative in writing via email only: Eileen Long ASM New Orleans Capital Projects Executive All bids shall be accompanied by bid security in an amount of five percent (5.0%) of the sum of the base bid and all alternates. The form of this security shall be as stated in the Instructions to Bidders included in the Bid Documents for this project. The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond written as described in the Instructions to Bidders included in the Bid Documents for this project. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause. The available fund for construction is $400,000.00 in accordance with La. R.S. 38:2212 (A)(1)(b), the provisions and requirements of this Section, those stated in the advertisement bids, and those required on the bid form shall not be considered as informalities and shall not be waived by any public entity.


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1501 Dave Dixon Dr, New Orleans, LA

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