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Published May 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Salisbury, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Wor-Wic Community College is seeking a firm to provide consulting services to complete the development of the Facilities Program Part I and Part II (capital improvement programming) for a new student success and wellness center. The Part I and Part II documents must be completed no later than March 1, 2025. This solicitation implies no obligation on the part of the College. The College reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals in whole or in part, or to waive any technicality it deems in the best interest of the College. Scope of Work A. The consultant will be responsible for the complete development of the capital improvement programming Part I and Part II for Wor-Wic Community College's Student Success and Wellness Center. The College expects to start the planning (or design) phase of the facility in July 2028. Therefore, the programming must be submitted to all approving Maryland state agencies no later than March 1, 2025. The Student Success and Wellness Center will be located on the northeast side of the campus and will encompass approximately 80,000 gross square feet (GSF). Spaces will include a basketball/volleyball court, exercise rooms, food concessions, locker rooms, student study spaces, student organizational spaces, and office spaces for student services employees. Athletic as well as health and wellness staff will also be housed in this facility. In addition to the competitive athletics program and recreational facilities, the building will also include a stage for performing arts with 300 seats. This space will include two green rooms, lighting, and sound booths for performances. Student Life and Student Government offices will also be located in this space. Small spaces for students to gather and conference rooms for meetings will also be located in this building. Programming for improvements to a roadway adjacent to the building site shall be included. The existing road will be too narrow to handle the expected vehicular traffic once the facility has been completed. Other exterior improvements will include a multipurpose field for soccer, track, field hockey, and intramural activities. The proposed site for the facility is attached (refer to SSWC Site Map 01 and SSWC Site Map 02). The consultant will act on behalf of the College (or "agency") regarding all efforts concerning the programming as well as responding to all future questions from Maryland state agencies. These programming documents shall comply with the State of Maryland's Facilities Program Manual as adopted by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the Department of General Services (DGS) in July 2017 or its most recent version (refer to Attachment A Facility Program Manual). B. The development of the Part I and Part II documents shall be inclusive of all meetings, interviews, and investigation required to completely and accurately describe the space, as follows: a. Site visit to proposed building site. b. Code review including Life Safety and ADA. c. Interview College stakeholders, including the College's Executive Leadership Team, employees, students, and community members, to ascertain desired features of the proposed facility. d. Meet with College officials to identify feasible requirements. e. Review and analyze the results of the College's environmental scan (to be conducted in late Fall 2024) and, with the assistance of the College's representatives, incorporate recommendations into the Part I and Part II document f. Recommend work to meet College programs and code requirements. g. Recommend project design and construction phasing to meet College program and operating requirements. h. Provide cost estimate for design and construction. i. Up to three (3) presentations of the study's findings and recommendations to College officials and the Board of Trustees. j. Add-alternate - Schedule, coordinate and attend, with College representatives, site visits to three similar facilities within driving distance. The sole point of contact for this solicitation is: Allison Canada, Sr. Director of Procurement and Auxiliary Services. Phone: 410-334-2918, email: acanada@worwic.edu Under no circumstances are firms, including third party firms or their staffs, to contact other College staff, faculty, or any related constituency for purposes associated with the RFP, including but not limited to, obtaining or providing information unless specifically noted herein. Firms failing to comply with this requirement will be disqualified. Your response may be considered Not Responsible or Non-Responsive if any portion of this inquiry is not complete. Question Deadline 05/31/2024 at 4:00 PM ET. Should any proposer be in doubt as to the meaning of the scope of work, or should any discrepancy or omission be found, they shall submit all questions and requests for clarification in writing via email to acanada@worwic.edu. No oral questions will be answered. June 6, 2024 The College will issue an Addendum answering all questions. June 24, 2024 Short-listed firms will be invited for presentations. July 9-11, 2024 Presentations, dates and times to be determined. August 9, 2024 Contract award. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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December 16, 2024


32000 Campus Dr, Salisbury, MD

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