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Published May 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Thank you for your interest in the subject project. This information is being provided to all firms which express an interest in the design of the project. Limit the size of your submittal document to no greater than 12 1/2 inches in height and 9 1/2 inches in width. Maximum 40 pages - including standard forms, cover letters, and University issued Submittal Cover Sheets, but excluding the cover, tabs, separators, clear covers, blank pages, or cardstock backs. Actual page counts will be derived from the electronic pdf submittal. Do not include covers, blank pages, tabs, separators, etc. in your electronic submittal. Do not transmit any submittal information via email. All submittals will be reviewed by the University Designer Evaluation Committee. The preliminary evaluation process will be conducted in July 2024 and firms selected for interviews will be notified at that time. Please deliver all submittals to LaKeya Hewlin at the address written above. Any questions about the project should be directed via email to John Zdaniewski @ jzdanie1@charlotte.edu. Please do not contact other UNC Charlotte staff. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Witherspoon Residence Hall, built in 1990, with 125,157 GSF, houses approximately 420 students. The building has a facility condition index of 0.43 (poor condition) and will undergo a major renovation. All building systems are at the end of life and need to be replaced. Witherspoon offers suites and apartment style living options. The project is a comprehensive renovation that replaces mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, provides new finishes and upgrades to bathrooms and kitchens. I. EXPECTATIONS OF THE DESIGNER The Design team must include professionals who can demonstrate high standards of accomplishments and knowledge in the following areas: Demonstrated experience in design and construction of housing project, preferably in a higher education setting Demonstrated ability to provide cost-effective design measures for renovation projects. North Carolina State Construction Office, UNC System, and Department of Insurance requirements and procedures Working with multiple user groups, committees, and University customers Designer must also verify that the firm is independent of any manufacturers, contractors, and suppliers. II. SCOPE OF WORK: The Designer shall provide Advanced Planning (AP) documents and estimated construction costs for University and SCO review and approval. The Owner reserves the right to use selected designer for AP to proceed with design documents to include SD/DD, CD and construction administration services. The Designer shall schedule meetings with designated University representatives to review each design phase of the project, to include budget and schedule. The Designer shall submit all necessary documents, as required and if needed, for an informal North Carolina State Construction Office (SCO) review. Some of the important design elements will be: o Economical design including evaluation of first and life-cycle costs o Evaluation of existing conditions and recommendations for repairs with attention to technical details and specifications o Safety of University visitors, students, and personnel o Protection of existing facilities throughout construction III. DESIGNER SELECTION CRITERIA As detailed in the North Carolina Administrative Code (01 NCAC 30D .0303), the University's Design Selection Committee will use the following in evaluating qualifications: 1) Specialized or appropriate expertise in the type of project 2) Past performance on similar projects. 3) Adequate staff and expertise for the proposed project design team. 4) Current workload and State projects awarded. 5) Proposed design approach and review methodology for the project. 6) Recent experience with project costs and schedules. 7) Construction administration capabilities. 8) Proximity to and familiarity with the area where the project is located. 9) Record of successfully completed projects without major legal or technical problems. 10) Other factors that may be appropriate for the project IV. SCHEDULE The project will begin immediately after a contract is executed and will proceed with Advanced Planning Services. V. BUDGET The total project budget is $26,000,000 which includes design fees, soft costs and all associated construction costs.




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9515 Poplar Terrace Dr, Charlotte, NC

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