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Published July 6, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Livingston, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

OJT Goal: 2 Trainees Specbook: 2016 repair and replacement of guardrail Parish(es): Livingston; St. Helena; St. John the Baptist; St. Tammany; Tangipahoa; Washington Estimated Construction Cost: $500,000 to $1,000,000 All questions concerning the plans shall be submitted via the Electronic Plans Distribution Center known as Falcon. All submitted questions will be forwarded by email to the Project Manager and the Project Engineer. Questions submitted within a period of 96 hours prior to the advertised time for the opening of bids, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and any other legal holidays, may not be answered prior to bidding. Falcon may be accessed via the Internet. From the home page, select BUSINESS Working With DOTD, then select Project Letting Info. On the Construction Letting Information page, select the link, DOTD Plan Room (Falcon); Login to Falcon (or request an ID if a first-time user). Once logged in, you will have access to view Project Information, submit a question concerning the project, and view the plans. To avoid any suggestion that a potential bidder is using the Falcon system to communicate with other potential bidders, DOTD will not post any question or any statement of fact or opinion not made for the purpose of seeking clarification of plans and/or specifications. Any non-questions posted on falcon will be limited to the statement of an issue considered unresolved by a previous DOTD response. LADOT - Repair and Replacement of Guardrail in D62 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. All questions concerning the plans shall be submitted via the Electronic Plans Distribution Center known as Falcon. All submitted questions will be forwarded by email to the Project Manager and the Project Engineer. Questions submitted within a period of 96 hours prior to the advertised time for the opening of bids, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and any other legal holidays, may not be answered prior to bidding. The work under this special provision includes the maintenance or construction, by repair or replacement according to the special provisions, general requirements, standard plans, special details herein, and the 2016 Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges. The following Standard Plans shall apply: Guardrail Standards: 1. GR-MASH-ON: On-System Bridge (MASH) (Revision Date: 04/13/2023) 2. GR 201 (Median and Shoulder Guard Rail for Columns, Sign Posts, etc.) (Revision Date: 06/13/2017) 3. GR-MASH-BC: Box Culvert (MASH) (Revision Date: 01/03/2019) 4. GRR-01 (Side Mount Guard Rail for Box Culverts) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 5. GRR-02 (Top Mounted Guard Rail for Box Culverts) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 6. GRR-03 Anchor Block & Bridge Rail Rehabilitation for Low Concrete Post and Rail) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 7. GRR-04 (Guard Rail Anchor Block Rehabilitation for Concrete Post and Rail (Alternate 1)) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 8. GRR-05 (Guard Rail Anchor Block Rehabilitation for Concrete Post and Rail (Alternate 2)) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 9. GRR-06 (Approach Guard Rail for Structures with Flexible Rails) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 10. GRR-07 New Jersey Barrier Rail Retrofit (for Structures Greater than 60 ft. Long)) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 11. GRR-08 New Jersey Barrier Rail Retrofit (for Structures Less than 60 ft. Long)) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 12. GRR-09 (Guard Rail Rehabilitation (Flat Deck Precast Bridges)) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 13. GRR-10 (Side Mounted Guard Rail for Bridges) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 14. GRR-11 (Side Mounted Guard Rail for Bridges (Concrete Deck with Timber Stringers)) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 15. GRR-12 (Side Mounted Bridge Rail) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 16. GRR-13 (Guard Rail Terminating on Brush Curb Bridge Rail) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 17. GRR-14 (Guard Rail Continuous Across on Brush Curb Bridge Rail) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 18. GRR-15 (Guard Rail Rehabilitation (Concrete Deck)) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 19. GRR-16 (Guard Rail Rehabilitation (Timber Deck)) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) 20. GRR-17 (Guard Rail Rehabilitation (Waskey Bridges) (Revision Date: 05/03/22) Traffic Control Standards (Revision Date: 07/02/2018): 1. TTC-00 (A-D) 2. TTC-01 3. TTC-02 4. TTC-03 5. TTC-04 6. TTC-06 7. TTC-09 8. TTC-10 9. TTC-11 10. TTC-12 Existing end treatments that are damaged shall be replaced in-kind, unless otherwise specified by the engineer. The contractor shall furnish labor, materials (except when otherwise noted), traffic control, site preparation and cleanup of guardrails, including the complete removal of the post and post fragments remaining in the ground after an impact before installation of the new/replacement post, at locations as directed. This contract will be used to repair guardrail after vehicular impacts, updating existing guardrail, rehabilitating deteriorated guardrail and installing new guardrail sites as directed by the engineer.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Livingston, LA

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