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Published July 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Rock Island, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

The City of Rock Island is requesting bids from contractors for a rehabilitation project at a house located at 732 23rd Avenue. This owner-occupied property will be undergoing rehabilitation using Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds to ameliorate deteriorating and deteriorated conditions. All work shall be subject to HUD 35.930 and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. This project will involve several trades along with various permits. Remove the chimney from the roof down below the roof line. Making sure that there is a liner that pulls the flue gases from the basement out through the roof. Install new galvanized pipe, flashing, storm collar, and weather cap. Some framing maybe needed along with sheathing covering the old area from the existing chimney. Remove existing shingles from the roof down to the roof sheathing. Check for excessively wide gaps in the roof planking. Ice and Snow guard must be installed per building code, around lower edge of the roof covering 3' above the top plate of exterior walls. Installed in any valleys from the ridge to fascia. Install water barrier over the remaining area. Following the manufactures directions. Install 30-year architectural shingles. Install new flashing throughout at as needed. Patch any existing turtle roof vents holes with sheathing. Install new shingle over ridge venting the length of the ridge, cutting open the peak following manufactures directions for appropriate venting. Use matching shingle caps. The selective color choices will be provided from the contractor letting the homeowner's choice for color This next section will be miscellaneous jobs. Install new matching tail pipes on the existing downs using hinged elbows. Clean all the gutters out after the roof job is completed. Install any down straps if needed. There should be at least 2 straps per 8' (near the top and near the bottom). Install soffit under the overhangs. Install fascia or break metal on the over hangs and rakes incapsulating all the wood. Remove the front precast steps from the front door. Install new landing minimum 48" wide and 36" out. Install new steps coming straight down to the sidewalk. Code compliant treads and risers are needed. Install posts graspable handrails down both sides of the steps. All wood must be treated lumber. Flashings must be installed at the contact point at the house wall. Install new weather stripping at the front door. Adjust the deadbolt at the front door so it is properly working order. Incapsulate the exterior trim around the front door with break metal preserving the life of the existing wood. Install a handrail in the basement stairwell required by code. Remove drywall around the existing bath tub on the first floor. Remove the existing tub. Take the drywall with the tile completely out. Install a new walk in shower base and full height walls. Install new delta shower facet and head. Install a new drain in the floor connecting to the existing waste line. After cover inspection has passed install drywall around the new shower. Blend in the new dry wall with the old. Sand and prime the finished walls. Painting is not necessary. Finally this last section is electrical. Install GFCI in all wet locations. Remove all the exposed knob and tub in the basement using Romex and covered junction boxes. Install smoker/co2 detectors in required locations per IEC. Add extra convent receptacle in the kitchen where needed. Lights need added and or replaced : 1 Kitchen, 1 Stairwell, 1 hallway main floor, 2 Outside with motion sensors, 1 Exhaust fan in the bath room that will be vented to the outside with dampers, and 2 bedroom ceiling fan light combos. The lowest bid shall not automatically guarantee that a contractor will get the work they bid on. Bids shall be reviewed for pricing, experience, previous work history, references, State Licenses, State Registration, insurances, bonds, subcontractors, equipment owned, equipment rented, operator experience, and financial stability. The City at its sole discretion shall decide after a review which contractor, if any, is responsive to the invitation to bid. All bidding and award procedures undertaken by the City in regard to this project shall be consistent with the City's adopted procurement procedures. Submitted bid prices shall remain valid for 60 days after bid opening.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City



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July 4, 2024


732 23rd Ave, Rock Island, IL

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