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Saving Project...

Published May 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Rowlett, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The work consists of the resurfacing of three existing asphalt streets with hot mix asphalt concrete. One street, Castle Drive, will be resurfaced following the pulverization and reclamation of the existing asphalt pavement into the subgrade and incorporation of Portland cement for stabilization. The two remaining streets, Castle Drive and Miller Road, will be resurfaced following repair of base failure areas as determined and marked in the field. Along Miller Road and in the vicinity of and across the bridge spanning Lake Ray Hubbard, planing of the existing asphalt pavement will occur. Two-way traffic will be maintained during construction activities, and all travel lanes will be opened to traffic at the end of each work day. The total scope of work includes sawcutting and removing approximately 2,442 SY of existing pavement, planing approximately 3,740 SY of asphalt pavement, excavating and removing approximately 814 CY of failed base material and replacement with select fill material, full depth reclamation of 5,764 SY of existing asphalt roadway to a depth of ten inches (10"), incorporating approximately 124 TONS of Portland cement into the reclaimed subgrade, placing approximately 6,560 TONS of Type D Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete, restoring roadway side slopes with approximately 900 CY of topsoil, and installing approximately 24,210 LF of white thermoplastic striping and 23,820 LF of yellow thermoplastic striping and miscellaneous arrows, words and symbols. The project also includes construction traffic control and deployment of portable changeable message signs in advance of actual commencement of work. Street Resurfacing - Castle Drive, Chiesa Road, Miller Road


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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