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Published May 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Phippsburg, Maine. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), New England District (NAE) is issuing a Sources Sought Announcement (SSA) on behalf of the U.S. Navy for dredging several areas within the 27-feet-deep, 500-feet-wide, Federal Navigation Project (FNP) in the lower Kennebec River, located in Bath and Phippsburg, Maine. This announcement is to determine the interest, availability, and capability of Small and Large Business concerns as described below. The NAICS code for this procurement is 237990 with a Size Standard of $37M. The solicitation for this project is anticipated to be issued on or about mid-July 2024. The construction is expected to be done in the winter of 2024-2025 and take 4 to 6 weeks to complete. The estimated construction cost is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. This project has a hopper dredge only requirement and was last dredged in 2022. Historically, the FNP channel requires re-occurring maintenance about every 2-years to meet the navigational requirements of surface combatants (Destroyers) being built for the U.S. Navy at the Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine. This announcement is intended to address Market Research for the Programmatic Plan for maintenance dredging and to cover several future maintenance dredging events. Future market research will be conducted as needed based on monitoring of, and coordination with, Industry Hopper Dredging firms at the USACE National Level. This project has a hopper dredge only requirement and consists of removing a total of about 75,000 CY of sand from two areas of the authorized, 27-foot deep, 500-feet wide Federal navigation channel in the lower Kennebec River. Dredging in the vicinity of Doubling Point may be to a maximum elevation of -35' Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) and remove approximately 50,000 cubic yards of sand. The material dredged from the Doubling Point area will be placed at the previously used in-river disposal area north of Bluff Head in about 95-100 feet of water. Dredging at the Popham Beach area near the river mouth will be to a maximum elevation of -29' MLLW. Material dredged from the Popham Beach area will be placed in the previously used 500-yard diameter nearshore disposal area located about 0.4 nautical miles south of Jackknife Ledge and in about 40-50 feet of water, or, alternatively, at a nearshore placement site just shoreward of the Jackknife Ledge site. Under this contract the successful offeror will be required to provide the equipment (i.e., a hopper dredge) and materials required for the removal of material from the aforementioned areas of the FNP and to place the material at the in-river placement site and the nearshore site. The offeror will be evaluated on experience in dredging of navigation or other coastal dredging projects and the placement of dredged material in an unconfined, open-water environment. Interested firms should submit a capabilities package to include the following: business classification (i.e., HUBZone, etc.); the type of equipment to be utilized for this project; as well as qualifications and specific examples of past experience in performing the work requirements stated above. The project examples must have been performed within the last ten years. The package must show project examples of all of the experience/expertise listed above. However, the experience does not have to be demonstrated on one single project. Please indicate the team subcontractor(s) (if any), including their prior experience and qualifications, which will be used to support the offeror's effort. Please include a Point of Contact and phone number for each project example who may be contacted for further information on contractor's effort and performance. Proof of bonding capability must be submitted with the package. Firms interested shall provide the above documentation via email and are due by 2pm EDT, June 24, 2024. Responses should be emailed to: Elizabeth.K.Glasgow@usace.army.mil. Responses are limited to twenty pages. The Government will not pay for any material provided in response to this market survey nor return the data provided. This notice is for information purposes only and is not a request to be placed on a solicitation mailing list nor is it a Request for Proposal (RFP) or an announcement of a solicitation. The results of this survey will be in effect for a period of one year from the date of this notice. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Site Work

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August 23, 2024


Multiple Locations, Phippsburg, ME

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