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Published July 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Pleasantville, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of July 26,2024, project was awarded to JVS Industrial & Commercial Contractors, awarded amount is $6,436,602.83. Pleasantville Pump Station Upgrades All bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the total bid, not to exceed $20,000.00. Bids that arrive late due to the fault of U. S. Postal Service, United Parcel Service, DHL, FEDEX, any delivery/courier service, or any other carrier of any sort are still considered late and shall not be accepted by the Authority. Such bids shall remain unopened and will be returned to the submitting entity upon request. SCOPE OF WORK: Bids are solicited for the Pleasantville Pump Station Upgrades Project, located at 260 Old Turnpike in Pleasantville, NJ. The work includes, but is not limited to various electrical, mechanical, structural, and site work upgrades to the existing Pump Station. All work shall be performed according to the contract Plans and Specifications. Questions will be accepted in writing until 4:30 PM local time, on June 25th, 2024. Questions may be faxed to the Purchasing Department at: 609-272-6936 or emailed to: rthomas@acua.com. Bidders are cautioned to obtain and review the plans and specifications well in advance of this date . The Authority will consider all requests for technical modifications to the plans and specifications and will, if necessary, issue an addendum. Addenda will be issued only in the exceptional case where, in the Authority's sole judgment, the issue involved is of sufficient importance to materially affect the bidding process. This contract is to be funded in part with funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Neither the Federal Government, State of New Jersey, the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust, nor any of their departments, agencies, or employees, is, or will be, a party to this contract or subcontract of any lower tier contract or subcontract. This contract is subject to the provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:22-3, -4, -5, -10 and N.J.A.C. 7:14-2 et seq. entitled "Construction of Environmental Infrastructure Facilities". Also, the successful bidder must comply with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:22-9 et seq. for the participation of small business enterprises owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (SEDs). The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the following items: A. Demo and replacement of various existing curb and sidewalk. B. Demo and repaving of the existing asphalt-paved parking area. C. Restoration of all other areas disturbed during construction. D. Soil erosion and sediment control measures during all construction activities. E. Installation and maintenance of a complete temporary bypass of the pump station which is required to complete a portion of the scope of work items. F. Replacement of exterior doors (including frames and hardware) and repainting of existing interior doors throughout the pump station. G. Installation of an exterior wall access panel. H. Rehabilitation of concrete in the wet well and wet well influent vault using various coating systems, and reinforcing repairs (if and where directed). The station will need to be on bypass for this work. I. Protective coating of concrete surfaces in all rooms (wet well, wet well influent vault, dry well, motor control room, bathroom, office, etc.) with various coating systems. The station will need to be on bypass for the wet well portions of this work. J. Protective coating of piping and equipment in the wet and dry well areas using various coating systems. The station will need to be on bypass for the wet well portion of this work. K. Replacement of the existing main distribution switchboard and the emergency distribution switchboard (and all contents). Includes all conduit and wiring required to accommodate the new arrangement. Temporary power may be needed for portions of this work. The station will need to be on bypass for a portion of this work. L. Replacement of (4) existing load cell pump controls with (4) VFDs and all associated connection work, including demolition of the existing pump controls and all associated equipment. Temporary power may be needed for portions of this work. The station will need to be on bypass for this work. M. Replacement of various electrical subpanels (and all contents), temporary power may be needed for portions of this work. N. Replacement of existing pump control panel with new pump control panel (ACUA to supply panel, Contractor to install), Mission RTU (ACUA to supply, Contractor to install) and VEGA radar level control unit (ACUA to supply, Contractor to install). The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials, equipment and manpower required to connect: the new control panel to the new Mission RTU, the new control panel to the new VFDs, and the new radar level control to the new control panel. The ACUA will be responsible for installing a backup bubbler system at a later date. O. Replacement of the incoming 1700A electric service feeder with a 2000A electric service feed. Connection into new MDS. Contractor to perform all coordination with Atlantic City Electric (ACE). Replacement of the existing transformer, if needed (performed by ACE). The station will need to be on bypass for this work. P. Miscellaneous electrical work. Q. Building ground system inspection and testing. R. Building ground system replacement (if and where directed). S. Replacement of all existing interior and exterior lighting fixtures, including wet well (hazardous location), with LED lighting fixtures. Temporary Power may be needed for portions of this work. T. Installation of electrical connections and appurtenances related to the new pump installations. U. Installation of a permanent bypass assembly on the outgoing force main; and all associated work including wet tapping and bypassing the existing outgoing forcemain. All work shall be coordinated with the ACUA. V. Replacement of (4) existing 200 HP vertical drive shaft pumps with (4) 200 HP dry pit submersible pumps, and all associated connection work and supports, including demolition of the old pumps, motors, drive shafts, safety cages, and gland seal system components. The station will need to be on bypass for this work W. Replacement of (4) 20" check valves in the pump outflow line and all associated connection work and supports, including demolition of the existing check valve. The Contractor will need to coordinate with pump manufacturer to provide required reducer for connection between the pump and the check valve. The station will need to be on bypass for this work. X. Replacement of the HVAC system components including heaters, fans, louvers, and associated materials and work. Temporary Power may be needed for portions of this work. Y. Replacement of the existing water service line, from the meter into the building. Z. Replacement of the existing plumbing features including the bathroom toilet and sink. A temporary portable bathroom shall be required on-site during portions of the work while the existing bathroom is out of service (the bathroom drain connects directly into the wet well). AA.Replacement of the (2) pipe penetrations through the wet well wall. The station may need to be on bypass for this work. BB.Replacement of the (3) existing wet well slide gates. The station will need to be on bypass for this work. CC. Demolition of miscellaneous piping and equipment which is no longer in use. DD. Design and installation of a Fall Protection System.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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July 11, 2024

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260 Old Turnpike, Pleasantville, NJ

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