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Published July 16, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Watertown, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.
The work consists of; Removing Concrete Sidewalk, Excavation for Granular Base, Base Aggregate Dense 3/4-Inch, Approx. 2898.26 s.f. of Concrete Sidewalk 4-Inch, Approx. 134 s.f. of Concrete Sidewalk 5-Inch Approx. 223.96 s.f. of Concrete Sidewalk 6-Inch, Approx. 173 s.f. of HES Concrete Sidewalk 6-Inch, Traffic Control, Sawing Concrete and all other incidental work to complete the project. All Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's, certified or bank check, or a Bid Bond equal to at least five percent (5%) of the total Bid, made payable to the City of Watertown, such guarantee to be forfeited should the successful Bidder fail to enter into the contract. The City of Watertown reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any technicality, and to accept any Bid it deems advantageous. All Bids shall remain subject to acceptance for sixty (60) days after the time set for opening Bids. Site Address: 106 Jones Street Site Directions: Various City streets. Est. Completion Date: Aug. 29, 2024 1. Scope. Unless otherwise specified or provided for, the sidewalk herein specified shall include and govern the construction of all cement concrete sidewalks laid within the limits of any street, alley or any other City Owned property. 2. Standard Specifications. All work and materials supplied under this proposal shall conform to the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications, Section 501, titled Concrete Masonry and 6O2, titled Concrete sidewalks, Loading Zones, Safety Islands and Steps. Unless otherwise specified or provided for, all other specifications in this section shall supplement and take precedence over the above mentioned specifications. Note: The Contractor shall not stamp the finished concrete surface with a company name, logo, etc. 3. Removal of Sidewalks and Driveways. The Contractor shall remove sidewalk, and driveway sections as ordered by the City. All air hammering and saw cutting, where required, in the street, along the curb and gutter, in the sidewalk, in driveways, dummy joints in the sidewalk and driveways will be considered incidental to the cost of construction. The unit price for the removal shall include the cost of hauling and disposing of the removed materials at a disposal site to be provided by the Contractor. Contractor shall schedule removals so that all sidewalk and driveway sections removed must be poured within 24 hrs. Contractor must notify the property owner no less than one day in advance to a driveway section being removed. Provide the DPW project representative with a copy of the resident notification letter for review prior to distribution. Drives will need to be poured in halves to maintain access. The contractor will be held totally responsible for ANY DAMAGES to the adjacent sidewalk square(s), electronic fences and sprinkler systems during the removal and/or replacement process including but not limited to: the concrete surface marked up, visible chips and/or broken out pieces, new cracks and/or enhancement of old existing cracks, shifting and/or displacement etc.; at the sole discretion of the owner. The contractor shall be responsible for removal and replacement of the entire sidewalk square at the contractor's expense. 4. Grading. The Contractor shall do all necessary grading to bring the surface of the ground to the sub-grade required for the walk. When cutting is necessary, the sub-grade shall be carefully dressed off with a hand tool to the required elevation. When filling is required to bring the surface to the required subgrade, the filling shall be made of sand or other approved material. The filling shall be made in uniform layers not to exceed six (6) inches in thickness and shall be thoroughly compacted by flooding and tamping as may be required to insure a solid unyielding sub-grade, free from future settlement. Any soft or spongy material, vegetable matter or other material that cannot be made solid and compacted shall be removed and replaced with material, as specified, for the foundation. All roots from adjacent trees encountered in the excavation shall be cut and removed for a depth or not less than one (1) foot below the surface of the sidewalk and the end next to the tree carefully trimmed. Removal of tree roots will be considered incidental to sidewalk replacement work. If trees or other obstructions are encountered in the area to be occupied by the walk, notice shall be given to the Engineer and specific instructions will be given for their treatment or removal. If the Contractor undercuts the sub-grade 2" or more, he shall at his expense bring the sub-grade to the proper grade by using a granular fill thoroughly compacted. Where concrete is placed over excavations for trees or sewer and water laterals, two 1/2" round reinforcing bars shall be placed in the concrete to prevent settling or cracking. 5. Width, Thickness, and Cross Slope of Work. All sidewalks, unless otherwise specified or provided for, shall meet existing walks, shall have a cross slope of 0.015 FT/FT toward the gutter and shall be laid to the exact line and grade given by the Engineer when applicable. Sidewalks shall have a total thickness of not less than four (4) inches, except where driveways are encountered, and then the walk shall have a thickness of not less than six (6) inches for the width of the driveway opening. 6. Jointing. The sidewalk shall be dummy jointed into separate slabs every four (4) or five (5) feet depending on the width of the existing sidewalk. The surface edge of each joint and the edges of the slab shall be rounded to a one quarter (1/4) inch radius. 7. Expansion Joints. Expansion joints for longer sections shall be placed at intervals of fifty (50) feet or where necessary throughout the width and depth of the walk. All sidewalk repairs shall be separated by expansion joints from abutting buildings, curb and gutter, house walks, carriage walks, driveways and driveway approaches. The expansion joint material shall be one half (1/2) inch non-extrusive and pre-molded material. If the sidewalk is removed across the entire width of a driveway expansion joints should be inserted at each end of replaced sidewalk. 8. Backfilling. When the walk is complete, the Contractor shall notify the DPW so that the Street Division can backfill with good loam material and new topsoil, seed, and mulch. 9. Protection of Work. The Contractor shall furnish and maintain adequate barriers and lights to protect his work and the public both by day and by night. Any sidewalk under repair must be properly barricaded and lit at all times. If one square of sidewalk is to be removed, one (1) barricade with flasher shall be used. Anything over one (1) square shall have barricade with flasher on both ends. If 20 feet or more is to be removed, there shall be a barricade with flasher on both ends and one placed in the center of excavation. If sidewalk crosses a driveway, there will also be a barricade with a flasher put in the drive approach for seven (7) days. Contractor must provide and use appropriate signs and barricades according to "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices", while blocking traffic lanes in the roadway. The contractor will be held totally responsible for ANY DAMAGES during the curing process of the new sidewalk including but not limited to: the concrete surface marked up by footprints, handprints, words, bike tires, dog prints, rain etc. The contractor shall be responsible for removing and replacing the entire sidewalk square at the contractor's expense. 10. Re-adjusting water stop-boxes. All stop-boxes, gate valves and other fixtures within the limits of the work shall, if necessary, be reset with their covers "by the City" to the grades and contour of the new work. The Contractor shall notify the Water Utility at least 24 hours in advance of planned concrete pour to arrange for the Water Utility to adjust water stop box to proper grade. 11. Mail Service. Mail service to the properties along and contiguous with the construction area shall remain uninterrupted at all times. 12. Removing Concrete Pavement. All concrete removed under this Contract may be disposed of at the City of Watertown's gravel quarry located at 408 Bonner Street. Removed material shall be consolidated by CONTRACTOR in locations designated by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE with contractor's equipment; this work is incidental to contract. The CONTRACTOR shall remove as little dirt/gravel as possible with the concrete. If the CONTRACTOR elects to dispose of the concrete in this manner, the concrete shall become the property of the OWNER. The contractor prior to entering City quarry to dispose of concrete must contact OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 13. Removing Asphaltic Surface. The CONTRACTOR shall remove the existing asphaltic surface necessary for placement of curb and gutter forms only. The unit price for the removal shall include the cost of hauling and disposing of the removed materials to the City of Watertown's gravel quarry at 408 Bonner Street. Removed material shall be consolidated by CONTRACTOR in locations designated by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE with contractor's equipment, Hauling, disposal and consolidation of removed materials is incidental to contract. If the CONTRACTOR elects to dispose of the asphalt in this manner, the asphalt shall become the property of the OWNER. 14. Removing Concrete Sidewalk. The CONTRACTOR shall sawcut, full depth, the existing concrete sidewalk as marked in the field prior to removal. The unit price for the removal shall include the cost of hauling and disposing of the removed materials to the City of Watertown's gravel quarry at 408 Bonner Street. Removed material shall be consolidated by CONTRACTOR in locations designated by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE with contractor's equipment; hauling, disposal and consolidation of removed materials is incidental to contract. If the CONTRACTOR elects to dispose of the concrete in this manner, the concrete shall become the property of the OWNER. All costs associated with sawing existing concrete sidewalk shall be included in each respective bid for Concrete Sidewalk "Inches". 15. Base Aggregate Dense 3/4-Inch. The CONTRACTOR shall place and compact 4-inches of base aggregate dense 3/4-inch under all concrete sidewalk and driveway apron removal areas. All costs associated with furnishing, placing, and compacting of the base aggregate under all concrete sidewalk, and driveway apron construction areas shall be included in the unit price bid for "Base Aggregate Dense 3/4-Inch". 16. Placing Concrete. Concrete, when placed, shall have a temperature of not less than 70 F. nor more than 100 F. Freshly placed concrete shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than 70 F. for three (3) days or 50 F. for five (5) days for ordinary concrete, and not less than 40 for two (2) days or 50 F. for three (3) days for high early strength concrete. The methods of protection and curing shall be such as to prevent evaporation of moisture from the concrete and injury to the surface. Unless specified in plans, heated concrete is not anticipated to be needed in the scope of work. Prior to use of heated concrete, the CONTRACTOR must receive prior approval from OWNER' S REPRESENTATIVE. 17. Sidewalk. The CONTRACTOR shall construct sidewalk at locations shown in the plans and as directed by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. Sidewalk shall conform to Section 602 of the Standard Specifications. The CONTRACTOR shall remove all excavated material from the site including any pieces of sod removed to make room for the forms. The CONTRACTOR shall also backfill and compact the areas adjacent to the new concrete after it has been installed. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for loading, delivering, placing and compacting topsoil according to this provision. These costs are incidental to the pay items of the Bid. 18. Final Cleanup. Each Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning up its work and its waste and rubbish on a daily basis. It is the Contractor's responsibility to completely clean up the construction site at the completion of the work.
Sidewalks / Parking Lot
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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