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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bellingham, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Port of Bellingham is seeking competitive proposals from qualified firms to perform general construction Work in accordance with the Port's Job Order Contracting program. Job Order Contracting (JOC) is an alternative public works process authorized and governed by RCW 39.10. JOC is an indefinite quantity contract pursuant to which the Contractor may perform an ongoing series of individual Projects (Job Orders) at various locations under the jurisdiction of the Port. Job Order Contracting is typically used for small to medium sized repair and rehabilitation work, replacement in kind projects, and minor new construction. The Contract Documents include a Construction Task online containing construction tasks with preset Unit Prices. All Unit Prices are based on local labor, material and equipment prices and are for the direct cost of construction. The Work of this Contract will be set forth in the Detailed Scopes of Work referenced in the individual Job Orders. The Contractor is required to complete each Detailed Scope of Work for the Job Order Price within the Job Order Completion Time. Bidders will bid six (6) Adjustment Factors to be applied to the Unit Prices: 1. Adjustment Factor for performing work during Normal Working Hours, 2. Adjustment Factor for performing work during Other Than Normal Working Hours, 3. Adjustment Factor for performing work at Secured Facilities during Normal Working Hours 4. Adjustment Factor for performing work at Secured Facilities during Other than Normal Working Hours, 5. Adjustment Factor for performing work at Class A Commercial during all hours, 6. Adjustment Factor for Non Pre-Priced Tasks. Question Deadline 06/13/2024 at 5:00 PM PT Any and all questions related to this project must be submitted via email to Brian Wilson at No questions will be accepted after that time. Responses to questions will be posted via addendum by 4:00 PM, local time, on June 20, 2024. All Unit Prices listed in the Construction Task online are priced at a net value of 1.0000. The Adjustment Factors shall be an increase or decrease to all the Unit Prices listed in the Construction Task online. For example, 1.1000 would be a 10% increase to the Unit Prices and 0.9500 would be a 5% decrease to the Unit Prices. Bidders who submit separate Adjustment Factors for separate Unit Prices will be considered non-responsive and their bid will be rejected. Thereafter, as work is identified, the Contractor will attend a Joint Scope Meeting with the Port to review and discuss the proposed work. The Port will prepare a Detailed Scope of Work and issue a Request for Job Order Proposal to the Contractor. The Contractor will then prepare a Job Order Proposal including a Price Proposal, construction schedule, list of proposed subcontractors, and other requested documentation. The value of the Price Proposal shall be determined by summing the total of the following calculation for each Prepriced Task: Unit Price x quantity x Adjustment Factor, plus the value of all Non-Prepriced Tasks. The Job Order Price shall equal the value of the approved Price Proposal. If the Job Order Proposal is found to be complete and accurate, the Port may issue a Job Order to the Contractor A Job Order will reference the Detailed Scope of Work and set forth the Job Order Completion Time and the Job Order Price. The Contractor will be paid the Job Order Price for completing the Detailed Scope of Work within the Job Order Completion Time. Extra work, credits, and deletions will be contained in a Supplemental Job Order. The initial term of the Contract is two (2) years from date of contract execution. The Contract may be extended for an additional one-year period by the Port with approval from Contractor(s). All Job Orders issued during the term of this Contract shall be valid and in effect notwithstanding that the Detailed Scope of Work may be performed, payments may be made, and the guarantee period may continue, after contract term has expired provided that the Job Order was executed prior to the expiration date. Each bid must be accompanied by an original signed and stamped surety bid bond in the amount of $200,000, which is no less than five percent (5%) of the Maximum Contract Value of $4,000,000, made payable to the Port of Bellingham. EVent Pre-bid notes: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 844 0429 8590 Passcode: jy3nkn) The Port of Bellingham reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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