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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Toronto, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000270881 Question Acceptance Deadline 2024/06/12 04:00:00 PM EDT Pricing Lump sum The following list must be part of the Consultant's Scope of Work. However this list is to be used as a minimum guide and does not alleviate the Consultant of the responsibility to also carry out, in addition, other work according to the conventional good and current trade practices. 1. The Alex Park Phase 2A Site 3 & 16 townhouse project comprises of twenty one townhouses. Five of the townhouses are through-units (Site 3) and Sixteen of the townhouses are back-to-back units (Site 16). The design of the twenty-one townhouses is targeting Passive House Institute US (PHIUS+) 2018 certification. The extent of this Contract is bounded by the entire boundaries of both Site 3 and Site 16 where the owner is Toronto Community Housing corporation. 2. The Consultant acknowledges that the plans and specifications are in some respects not complete. The Consultant agrees that it will perform all Building Testing, Inspection and reporting scope of work required for the Townhomes on Site 3&16, in accordance with the spirit and intent of these plans and specifications and to conventional and good trade practices, at no extra charge, even if not specifically reflected in the Scopes, Drawings or Specifications. The Consultant shall also fulfill all requirements of the Ontario Building Code and of all authorities having jurisdiction, at no expense to the Owner. Furthermore, the Consultant acknowledges the Owner's intent to pursue PHIUS+ certification and consents to make commercial best efforts to assist in this regard. 3. This Consultant shall be responsible to complete the work for the Contract Price without additional cost to the Owner, notwithstanding any errors, omissions, or defects in the Contract Documents. The Consultant shall review the Plans, Specifications, Drawings, and related documentation and shall promptly report to the Construction Manager any error, inconsistency, or omission that the Consultant may discover. 4. The Consultant shall provide all labour, materials, supervision, tools, equipment, transport, taxes, insurance, permits, inspection fees, etc necessary to carry out and complete the Consultant's work in all areas on the above project as outline hereing and as noted in the Specifications 5. The Consultant shall provide all sufficient equipment, labour and materials for on-site inspections in line with Owner's Construction Schedule which may be amended from time to time by the Construction Manager, and to cooperate with other Contractors and Consultants, as well as the Owner and Construction Manager, in reviewing the Construction Schedule, identified as Schedule D. The limits of this insurance shall be for an amount not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, including loss of use thereof. General Liability Insurance shall be in the name of the Proponent with TCHC and Deltera and its subsidiaries named as an additional insured under such policy. The party responsible under this policy shall be responsible for the deductible. Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 26, 2024

July 29, 2024


593 Dundas St W, Toronto, ON

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