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Published June 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Raleigh, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

NCDOT Transportation Building Auditorium The renovation of the NCDOT Transportation Complex, IT Alteration, Raleigh, NC 27601 SCO ID# 23-27121-01A The state reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all proposals. Scope- the project scope consists of renovation for rooms 11, 14, 16, 40, 95 & 97. scope of work for each area: room 11 - remove existing door and frame from corridor into vestibule space, patch and paint opening at door frame removal. remove existing door and wall between vestibule and office 11. remove ceiling in vestibule, clean up above ceiling removing old abandoned light fixtures and ceilings. bring any existing above ceiling electrical work up to current codes. install new lay-in ceiling and light fixtures in vestibule, paint walls within work area. rooms 14 & 16 - remove existing partitions, remove door to office 16 and infill door openings from corridor and at adjacent offices (2 locations). remove existing ceiling and clean up above ceiling removing old abandoned light fixtures and ceilings. bring any existing above ceiling electrical work up to current codes. install new ceiling and light fixtures. provide and install 5 systems furniture workstations with doors and floor to ceiling partitions. provide and install new carpet and rubber base and paint all walls within work area. rework hvac and electrical to suit new layout. room 40 - remove existing double door and frame. remove existing ceiling and clean up above ceiling removing old abandoned light fixtures and ceilings. bring any existing above ceiling electrical work up to current codes. install new ceiling and light fixtures. install new door at demoed door location. provide and install new carpet and rubber base and paint all walls within work area. rework hvac and electrical to suit new layout. - rooms 95 & 97 - remove and reconfigure existing workstations. provide a new wall to divide space into two offices. provide and install new carpet and rubber base and paint all walls within work area. rework hvac and electrical to suit new layout. The Work of this Project is as defined by the Contract Documents prepared by MHAworks, 800 Taylor Street, Suite 9A-154, Durham, NC 27701, dated November 30, 2023. The project is located on the Basement and 1st floor of the NC DOT - Transportation Complex, located at 1 S. Wilmington St., Raleigh N.C. 27601. The work consists of some partition reconfiguring with ceiling work as needed to accommodate the partition work. In the areas where partition work is taking place and ceilings are removed, any existing abandoned electrical and mechanical devices will be removed. All existing conduit that remains will be supported per code requirements if they are not currently in compliance. The carpet will be removed and replaced in designated areas including the wall base. The doors being replaced will have ADA compliant hardware. Painting of walls will be typical throughout project areas.




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1 S Wilmington St, Raleigh, NC

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