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Published August 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Cornwall, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Work of this Contract comprises of the installation of two (2) new high-efficiency boilers at 26 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON for the SD&G counties including all electrical, mechanical and other trades required to complete the work. Documents may be obtained at https://www.biddingo.com/ This Bid Request involves the supply and total installation of two (2) new high-efficiency natural gas boilers. The following effort is within the scope of work: -Attend an in-person project start-up meeting with County staff at the County administration building; -design, or obtain a design by a qualified HVAC designer for the replacement of the northern pair of boilers (the right-most two boilers on the cover page of this RFQ document). Submit the design to County staff for approval prior to ordering any material or starting any work. The County requires the following items be incorporated into the design: a) Instrumentation allowing the County Building Maintenance Coordinator to verify the good operation of the equipment during daily checks; b) Compatibility with existing controls, and/or new controls required to operate the system; c) Alternating lead and lag operation of the boiler pair; d) Adequate space around the boiler units permitting access for future maintenance; e) Ensuring that adequate space is left for the same treatment to be performed on the boiler pair that is not part of this 2024 replacement project; -opening all permits required to complete the scope of work. A copy of each permit shall be provided to the County for records purposes; -all gas disconnections required to complete the scope of work; -all electrical de-energizing and disconnects required to complete the scope of work; -any other work to decommission of the northern pair of boilers; -setting aside the decommissioned boilers pair for parts, at a location within the SDG administration building as directed by County staff; -supply and install two new, approved boilers, as well as any materials required to adapt the existing system to the new boilers. Such adaptation shall be deemed to include: -ensure level base -hot and cold water piping -electrical supply -gas supply -thermostats, controllers, programming, or any other logic -new circulation pumps and isolation valves -exhaust ducting to the outside, fresh air supply from outside, and duct insulation if necessary -condensation drainage -filters, additives, etc to the circulated water -all reconnections, gas and power supply, and commissioning, testing and verifying operation of the newly installed boilers; -provide start-up, operation and troubleshooting training to SDG building maintenance coordinator, complete with 1 electronic and 1 paper copy of an operation and maintenance manual; -shut down new boilers for remainder of summer of 2024 and, if necessary, provide start-up support services at the onset of fall in 2024; Question Deadline 06/04/2024 at 11:59 PM ET Bid value not released for publication.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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26 Pitt St, Cornwall, ON

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