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Published June 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Eugene, Oregon. Completed plans call for the renovation of a sidewalk / parking lot; for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; transportation facility; transportation facility; and transportation facility.

CM/GC - EUG Concourse A Expansion. Proposals Will Not Be Accepted After the Request for Proposals (Rfp) Closing Time and Date. Proposals Shall Be Valid for 60 Days After Opening Unless Otherwise Specified in the Specifications. Project Description in General, Work Includes Cm/gc Services for: Concourse a Seating Expansion (7040 Sf); Pre-engineered Ada Egress Ramp (14 Feet Total Elevation Change); Carpet Replacement With Mixture of Carpet and Hard Surface (24,600 Sf Total); Family Restroom Renovation With Adult Changing Table and Lift (100 Sf); Existing Restroom Renovation (1080 Sf); New Gender-neutral Restroom (740 Sf); New Sensory Room (380 Sf); Hvac Modernization in Concourse a and the Walkway Bridge. The City of Eugene Will Complete a Request for Proposals (Rfp) Process to Select the Most Qualified Cm/gc From Among Those Offerors Submitting Proposals According to the Requirements of the Rfp. When Selected, the Cm/gc Will Be a Part of a Project Team Composed of the Owner Team, Design Team, Cm/gc, and Subcontractors and Other Project Consultants as Required Through the Completion of This Project. Prevailing Wage / Public Works the Contract Awarded as a Result of This Solicitation Will Become a Public Works Contract Either When the Contract First Constitutes a Binding and Enforceable Obligation on the Part of the Cm/ Gc to Perform or Arrange for the Performance of Construction, Reconstruction, Major Renovation or Painting of an Improvement That is a Public Works or When the Cm/gc Contract Enters the Construction Phase, Whichever Occurs First. The current size of the aircraft departure lounges for the six gates in Concourse A of the Eugene Airport were originally sized for smaller aircraft. The growth of the region and the popularity of Eugene as a destination has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of passengers traveling through the airport. Airlines have responded with more, larger aircraft. This results in the overcrowding of the concourse during peak periods. Additional departure lounge seating is needed to help ease the congestion. The project is to widen the bridge that currently connects the Terminal to Concourse A to provide additional area for seating. The "Phase 2" predesign report dated 2024-05-06 is included in Attachment C as a reference. o The expansion will utilize moment frames throughout but may introduce some limited braced frames as needed pending structural development. o In addition, there is the need to provide an ADA egress solution so that in the event of power outages or emergencies, disabled passengers have a pathway from the upper-level Concourse A to the ground level. This can aid in ground boarding (when needed) and emergency egress. o Inside the seating expansion, the existing ramp will remain. The underlying structure of the seating expansion will match the existing slope of the walkway bridge including the ramp. Overframing will be used to raise the level of the floor to make the seating area flat. There will be a 1' step with railing between the existing concession area and the new seating area


Transportation Terminals

Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work




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28801 Douglas Dr, Eugene, OR

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