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Published June 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Concord, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The purpose of this bid invitation is to establish a contract in the form of a purchase order, for supplying the State of New Hampshire with the item indicated in the "Offer" section of this bid invitation, in accordance with the requirements of this bid invitation and any resulting order. This shall be a one-time order with delivery required to the location indicated in the F.O.B. section of this invitation. Honeywell Silent Knight or equal Any proposed alternatives shall provide sufficient information to determine applicability, compatibility, and completeness of their scope of supply. 1) Systems must be Non-Proprietary and available through general distribution. 2) All systems shall be from the same manufacturer and the same brand for interchangeability. 3) Programming software for all components must be included. Since systems must be available through general distribution, software updates and firmware patches and updates shall be free. 4) Systems must be able to be serviced by local, New England-based Alarm Dealers for technical support, parts availability, and ease of service. 5) Systems must be an addressable fire alarm System. Conventional fire alarm systems will not be accepted. 6) Main panel at the WRBP Franklin Wastewater Treatment Plant must have the ability to have a minimum of 6 SLC loops without adding slave panels. 7) Manufacturing company shall be US based to assure continued, timely supply of parts and components. 8) Systems must include Submittals and As-Built Drawings for all locations and documented pre-test and final test at all locations. Original stamped blueprints for reference for all the locations listed in the bid spec will be supplied. 9) Purchased equipment shall have full manufacturer's warranty. 10) Excludes installation. WRBP will be installing the systems and completing the final testing in house with verification to the winning bidder. WRBP Locations include: 1) Main Treatment Plant Campus - on Franklin WWTF Campus at 528 River St. Franklin, NH 2) UV Building (new) - on Franklin WWTF Campus at 528 River St. Franklin, NH 3) River Street PS - 101 River St. Franklin, NH 4) Laconia Maintenance Facility - 202 Water St. Laconia, NH 5) Winnisquam PS - 202 Water St. Laconia, NH 6) North Main PS - 1539 Old N. Main St. Laconia, NH 7) State School PS - 1 Right Way Path Laconia, NH 8) Paugus PS - 29 Paugus Park Rd. Laconia, NH 9) Pendelton PS - 67 Pendleton Beach Rd. Laconia, NH 10) Jewett Brook PS- 73 Stafford St. Laconia, NH 11) Maiden Lady Cove PS - 763 Scenic Rd. Laconia, NH 12) Gilford PS - 74 Weirs Rd. Gilford, NH 13) Glendale PS - 31 Dock St. Gilford, NH 14) Ellacoya PS - 280 Scenic Rd. Gilford, NH 15) Belmont PS - 74 South Rd. Belmont, NH Question Deadline 06/06/2024 at 4:00 PM ET Any questions, clarifications, and/or requested changes shall be submitted by an individual authorized to commit their organization to the Terms and Conditions of this bid and shall be received in writing at the Bureau of Purchase and Property. Questions shall be submitted by email to Steven Burgess at Steven.H.Burgess@DAS.NH.Gov. Questions shall not be submitted to anyone other than the Purchasing Agent or his/her representative. The award shall be made to the Vendor meeting the criteria established in this RFB and providing the lowest cost in total The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof and add/delete items/locations to the contract. The award shall be, in the form of a State of New Hampshire Contract in the form of a purchase order. Successful Vendor shall not be allowed to require any other type of purchase order, nor shall the successful Vendor be allowed to require the filling out or signing of any other document by State of New Hampshire personnel. Bid results may be viewed when available, once the award has been made, online. The F.O.B. shall be destination to the following delivery point (included in the price bid), which means delivered to a state agency's receiving dock or other designated point as specified in this bid or subsequent purchase orders without additional charge: WRBP Laconia Maintenance Facility 202 Water St. Laconia, NH 03246 The Bureau of Purchase and Property reserves the right to reject or accept all or any part of any bid, to determine what constitutes a conforming bid, to award the bid solely as it deems to be in the best interest of the State, and to waive irregularities that it considers not material to the bid.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply




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Multiple Locations, Concord, NH

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