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Published June 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, remodeling and renovation of a military facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the remodel of a military facility.

Description of Work: The project is for the AE-87 Crane, Crane Rail Alignment, a Design-Build project located at the Naval Foundry and Propeller Center (NFPC), Building 546 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Scope includes the vertical and horizontal alignment adjustment of the crane runway rail and horizontal adjustment of the rail supporting girder (as necessary) to align the runway rail in accordance with CMAA 70-2020 (hereafter referred to as "CMAA" or "CMAA 70") tolerance, and a post alignment crane runway rail survey, and engineering analysis report to confirm alignment tolerance has been met. The contractor will perform crane rail alignment adjustment per the attached report, 5046994_NFPC Building 546 Low Bay Runway Survey_Rev2, Dated 4/1/2024 and drawings 5046994-1_NFPC Building 546 Low Bay Runway Survey Drawing_As-Built_Rev2 and 5046994-2_NFPC Building 546 Low Bay Runway Survey Drawing_As-Built (After Moves)_Rev2. , and additional alignment as identified herein. The design span of the new crane: 97' 8-1/2" Prior to realignment, the Contractor shall review the above crane runway rail survey report, perform any additional site investigation and survey deemed necessary, and submit proposed changes to rail and supporting girder in a draft report for the Navy to review. After review, the Navy in conjunction with the Contractor, will determine the best solutions to get the rails and girders into conformance. After final realignment, the Contractor shall re-survey and provide a new crane runway rail survey and engineering analysis report that follows the previous format. The final report shall show final alignment is within CMAA tolerance and NAVFAC 11230.1F for the overall alignment. The report data shall indicate horizontal position of the crane runway and the position of the centerline of the rail to the centerline of the runway girder (i.e. the additional eccentricity requirement). The results shall be compared to the CMAA 70 criteria (i.e. clearly indicate compliance). The crane rail survey points shall be taken at locations matching the previous report (at column lines), and additional points (suggest halfway point between columns) as necessary for points along runway not to exceed the "less than or equal to 20 ft." CMAA 70 requirement. The crane rail survey shall be referenced to the facility so that crane runway rail location on the crane girder beam can be determined. The survey, drawings and report shall be performed under the supervision of and/or prepared by a Registered/Licensed Pennsylvania Professional Engineer experienced in this type of work and analysis. All documents shall be signed and sealed by this Engineer.




Public - Federal

Remodeling, Renovation, Site Work



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4747 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA

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DB Crane Rail Alignment and Survey

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