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Saving Project...

Published June 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for site work for a casino; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Question Deadline 06/24/2024 All questions about the meaning or intent of the RFP Documents shall be submitted to the Company Representative in writing Questions received less than two days before the opening date of bids will not be answered. Cherokee Nation Entertainment, LLC. (CNE) is seeking proposals from qualified bidders to provide parking lot maintenance at Cherokee Casino Ft. Gibson. Maintenance will consist of the following: 1. Filling and sealing cracks in asphalt. 2. Sealcoat of parking lots. 3. Re-striping of parking lots. 4. Mitigation of failed areas, legal dispose of same, and new concrete or asphalt where required. The successful contractor will be responsible for traffic control, clean up, labor, equipment, and materials. Contractor shall assume four (4) phases as identified in Exhibit 'A' for the sealing and striping. All phases to be consecutive to minimize mobilization(s). In addition to attending the mandatory pre-bid, Contractor is encouraged to visit the property and be fully acquainted with the entirety of the scope. Failure to make a site visit to evaluate site conditions shall not be a basis for claims of additional work or cost. Pollution Liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 each incident and annual aggregate of $2,000,000 (only applicable for bidding if required per the Statement of Work). Upon award of the bid Company may require this coverage per the Contract Agreement if such coverage is merited per the scope of the Work to be performed and the minimum limits quoted may be adjusted accordingly. If required per the Statement of Work or Contract Agreement, the successful Bidder shall obtain and provide to Company a Payment and Performance bond covering the discharge of the successful Bidder's obligations. This insurance guarantee shall represent one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract award (including any and all subsequent additions and deletions to the contract award due to changes in the scope of the work). Said bond shall be issued in a form acceptable to Company covering the obligations of the successful Bidder under the Contract Agreement. Company may, at its election, terminate the Contract Agreement if the required bond is not obtained within such time as Company will deem reasonable (in no event later than commencement of the Work). This insurance guarantee shall remain in full force until final acceptance of successful Bidder's work. All questions about the meaning or intent of the RFP Documents shall be submitted to the Company Representative in writing. Replies will be issued by Addenda mailed to, delivered to, or sent by email to all parties recorded by the Company as having received the RFP Documents. Questions received less than two days before the opening date of bids will not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. The successful Bidder shall execute and deliver the Contractor's Payment and Performance Bond (if required per the Statement of Work or Contract Agreement) and the required certificate(s) of insurance evidencing the limits and endorsements as required by the terms and conditions of the Contract Agreement within five (5) calendar days of receipt of the Notice of Award. If the successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Contractor's Payment and Performance Bond and the required certificates of insurance(s) within five (5) calendar days of the Notice of Award, the Company may annul the Notice of Award. Provisions for liquidated damages, if any, will be specified in the Statement of Work and/or as set forth in the Contact Agreement. The Work to be performed is described in Section III, Statement of Work and Specifications, of the enclosed RFP Documents. The Company reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any and all bid document requirements, to negotiate Contract terms with the successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, or conditional bids. Discrepancies between words and figures will be resolved in favor of words. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work




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107 N Georgetown Rd, Fort Gibson, OK

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Parking Lot Maintenance Cherokee Casino, Ft Gibson

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