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Published May 31, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Annville, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The facility locations for region 4 are Bradford RC, Clearfield RC, and Punxsutawney RC which is listed in this project statement and scope of work. The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) is seeking to award a contract for On-Call HVAC/Plumbing Services at Region 4 PA National Guard facilities across Pennsylvania in accordance with this Project Statement and Scope of Work. Method of Award and Term of Contract. DMVA shall award the contract to the lowest responsive quote by region (lot) who meets the "Eligibility Requirements". To be deemed responsive, the bidder must be able to perform the required services as outlined in the project statement and in accordance with the terms and conditions. The award shall be made on a region-to-region basis. It is DMVA's intent to establish a three (3) year contract with two (2) separate one (1) year renewal options. The term of the contract shall commence on the executed effective date and shall end on the expiration date identified on the contract. Services shall begin as specified in the project statement and scope of work or the date specified in the notice to proceed letter, whichever is the later date. DMVA reserves the right, upon written notice to the awarded contractor, to extend the term of the contract or any part of the contract for up to 90 days under the same terms and conditions. Contractor Experience. Potential bidders shall be licensed to work in the jurisdiction listed in the contract. Up to 5 years contract/warranty The awarded contractor shall receive approval from the DMVA Division of Field Maintenance (DFM) Chief prior to commencement of work for all work which is not considered repair(s) to existing equipment or fixtures. The awarded contractor shall be limited to sub-contracting in the following services: (a) Excavation Services, (b) Crane Services, (c) drain cleaning services, and (d) backflow preventor testing. Any other subcontracted services used by the awarded contractor will be at the expense of the awarded contractor and will not be the obligation of DMVA for payment. The awarded contractor shall obtain pre-approval from DMVA for any equipment operator. Invoices and payment for approved sub-contracting services will be billed and will not exceed actual cost plus three (3) percent by the awarded contractor. A work order number for the awarded contractor to reference on all relevant paperwork will be generated/emailed to the awarded contractor. The awarded contractor shall be allowed a $2,000.00 threshold to complete each work order. The awarded contractor shall provide DMVA with a written estimate for all costs that will exceed $2,000.00 before any work can continue. Billing will be limited to actual time spent on the job, plus material costs with a 10% mark-up.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Annville, PA

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On-Call HVAC/Plumbing Services at Region 4

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