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Site work for a water / sewer project in Los Angeles, California. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Existing Conditions: Existing 5 main water lines (6" Domestic Hot Water, 8" Cold Water Pressurized, 8" Cold Water Supply, 12" Fire Water, and 6" Condensate) from Building 501 (Chiller Building) to Building 500 (Hospital) including Building 501 basement, Building 500 basement, and the tunnel from 501 to 500. Because these existing water lines are in bad condition/end of their useful life, they need to be replaced to prevent catastrophic failure/see examples below. Objective: Construct 5 bypass lines, approx. 450' and divert water to these pipes. Then replace approx. 400' of the 5 lines. Then remove the bypass lines. Notes: -Current tunnel includes a pipe rack with multiple pipes, and an adjacent walkway. The space is tight. To allow for proper replacement of the 5 pipes, a bypass route has been defined to bypass the lines and allow the hospital to fully function during replacement of pipes. -Contractor to provide all parts, equipment, labor and materials required to make a harmonized removal, for connections of existing wet supply lines and reinstallation of diverse water lines parallel to existing system and consistent with any new piping, fittings, valves, regulators, strainers for regulators, gages, manifold, isolation valves and redundant bypass -Contractor will provide and maintain temporary water service for main hospital during alterations -Contractor must have knowledge of/past performance with methodology of construction procedures/phasing schedules at VA facilities -Not a DB or DBB project -Design being completed at USACE Los Angeles District by USACE Engineers.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Site Work

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August 2, 2024


To Be Determined, Los Angeles, CA

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