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Published June 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Lavallette, New Jersey. Working plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of 6/20/24 all bids rejected. A timeline for the rebid has not yet been established. The Lavallette Board of Education hereby advertises for competitive bids in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-21 (a) (b) for INTERIOR RENOVATIONS AND ALTERATION AT LAVALLETTE ES Estimated Budget: $150,000 to $200,000 In order to submit a Bid for the Project, Bidders, and/or a Bidders' subcontractor, if applicable, shall be classified by the New Jersey Department of the Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction in C008 - General Construction or C009 General Construction / Alterations & Additions. Contractor shall have not less than five (5) years of experience. Additionally, as of the date of the bid opening, in the event that the Bidder is not classified by the DPMC in the below disciplines, the Bidder shall be required to contract with subcontractors who are classified by the DPMC in the below disciplines as of the date of the bid opening, and such subcontractors shall be listed in the bid: C019 - Concrete/Foundation/Footings/Masonry work; and C030 - Plumbing; and C032 - HVAC; and C047 - Electrical Alternately, bid documents can be sent by delivery service, which can be arranged upon receipt of the fee and recipient's delivery service account information. Contact the office regarding questions or additional information about the bid specifications. The envelope is to bear the following information: Title: Interior Renovations and Alterations at Lavallette ES Bid Number 24-01 Name and Address of the Bidder Bids may also be submitted to the School Business Administrator or their designee at the bid opening meeting or prior to the advertised date and time. On the advertised date and time, the School Business Administrator shall publicly receive and open all bids. No bids shall be received after the time designated in the advertisement. (N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-21(b)). The Board of Education does not accept electronic (e-mail) submissions of bids at this time. A bidder on a public works project for a Board of Education where the cost of the work exceeds $20,000.00 must first have been qualified by the Department of the Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-27 through 33, and shall submit with his bid a Prequalification Affidavit--No Material Adverse Change, a copy of a valid and active NOTICE OF CLASSIFICATION, a certified copy of a Total Amount of Uncompleted Contracts Form and such Affidavit that subsequent to the latest such statement submitted there has been no material adverse change in his qualification information except as set forth in said Affidavit. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond, cashier's check, or certified check made payable to the LAVALLETTE Board of Education, for ten percent (10%) of the amount of the total bid, however, not to exceed $20,000.00. The bid package will also include other documents that must be completed and returned with the bid. Failure to comply with Instructions to Bidders and to complete and submit all required forms may be cause for disqualification and rejection of the bid. All contractors named in this proposal shall possess a valid and current New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development Public Works Contractor's Registration Certificate pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.48 et seq., at the time the proposal is received by the Board of Education. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any non-responsive bids or all bids, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-22, and to waive minor informalities or non-material exceptions.

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105 Brooklyn Ave, Lavallette, NJ

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