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Site work for a municipal facility in Las Vegas, Nevada. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Lead Reclamation Project at Clark County Shooting Complex Questions Due Date: Jun 19th 2024, 10:00 AM PDT Questions regarding this RFP must be directed to the contact listed in the RFP document. Should you have any questions, please contact me at INTENT COUNTY is soliciting proposals for Lead Reclamation Project at the Clark County Shooting Complex. The intent of this formal Request for Proposal is to receive responses from qualified respondents for awards exempt from competitive solicitation under Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 332.115, Revised 2019. 3. SCOPE OF PROJECT A. Remove lead from earthen backstops for a minimum depth of six (6) inches for the entire face of the berm. B. Remove lead from the main bullet impact zone to a minimum depth of twenty-four (24) inches. The main impact zone location is determined by the location of each shooting position or station at the firing line. The main impact zone for each range is describes as follows: o Shooters Public Range 50 yd.: should be right at the toe of the berm and up one-hundred eighty (180) inches, full length of the berm. o Shooters Public Range 100 yd.: should be right at the toe of the berm and up to one-hundred twenty (120) inches, full length of the berm. o Shooters Public Range 200 yd.: should be right at the toe of the berm and up to seventy-two (72) inches from the top, full length of the berm. o Shooters Education Center 50 yd.: should be right at the toe of the berm and up to one-hundred twenty (120) inches, full length of the berm. o Shooters Educations Center 100 yd.: should be right at the toe of the berm and up to one-hundred twenty (120) inches, full length of the berm. C. Any clean soil that results from the lead screening process will be reinstalled on the berm. D. Re-establish any berms or grades where berms will have a face slope of 1:1 and a minimum height of twenty (20) feet for all berms. E. All reclaimed areas shall be returned back to original grade, free of rock and material piles. F. Deliver all reclaimed lead to a COUNTY approved recycling facility. Rifle Shooting Range Berm Reconstruction Existing soil-cement material should be thoroughly mixed with 5% Portland cement and used to reconstruct the berm at the rifle shooting range. The mixture should be pulverized so that the soil-cement mixture does not contain material larger than 1 inch in size at the time of compaction. Water should be added to bring the soil-cement mixture to within +- 2% of the optimum moisture content (8.5%). Water should not be added until soil-cement mixture is thoroughly mixed. Soil-cement mixtures should be placed and compacted in layers not exceeding 8 inches in thickness. For effective bonding of successive layers, the time between placements of successive layers should be minimized, and dry cement should be applied at a rate of 1 lb. /yd2 to a moistened surface prior to placement of subsequent layers. Compaction should be completed not more than four hours after water was introduced in to the mixture. The soils cement should be compacted to a minimum of 96% of the maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM D558. Curing should be provided to help the soil-cement mixture retain moisture and hydrate. A moisture retaining cover, such as bituminous material, plastic sheets, wet sand, fog type water spray, and wet burlap could be used for curing. When bullets or shot are reclaimed from a range, coordinate application of a soil stabilization agent to the backstop and range floor, or shotfall zone, as part of preparing the range to resume shooting in coordination with Clark County Department of Air Quality




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