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Published August 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a conference / convention center in Plano, Texas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a conference / convention center.

The City of Plano is soliciting bids per plans and specifications provide drawings and obtain approval from the Fire Department to furnish and replace the Fire Alarm System. This project is estimated at $500,000.00 All responses are due prior to the published closing date and time. No late responses will be accepted. ime Critical Bid/Proposal Deliveries: The City of Plano cannot guarantee, due to internal procedures, that any bids/proposals sent via US mail will be picked up and delivered by the closing date and time. It is recommended that critical bid/proposal deliveries be made either electronically through IonWave or in person as described above. It is further recommended that users review all electronic response attachments to ensure the uploaded files are able to be downloaded and viewed. Instructions for this, if needed, can be found in the Supplier Bid Response Quick Tutorial online in Ionwave or by calling Ionwave Support at 866-277-2645. Responses or parts of a response whether hardcopy or electronic that cannot be viewed may deem your submittal as non-responsive. In addition, the City reserves the right to request clarification in such cases. Question Deadline 06/21/2024 at 1:00 PM CT If you have any questions regarding this addendum, please contact the City of Plano Purchasing Division, (972) 941-7557 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials; shall secure all required permits and approvals; and shall perform all operations required in connection with the installation of a new addressable automatic fire detection and emergency voice/alarm communication system throughout the Plano Events Center located at 2000 East Spring Creek in Plano Texas, hereinafter described as Project. B. Work shall begin at the source of 120-volt AC power for the fire alarm field panels and shall include, but not be limited to, providing the following: 1. Intelligent / Analog Addressable Fire Alarm Control Unit. 2. Remote Annunciator(s). 3. Programming. 4. Networking. 5. SLC Circuits. 6. Dedicated 120 VAC Power Circuits and any associated electrical work required. 7. Initiating Circuits. 8. Notification Appliance Circuits. 9. Control Circuits. 10. Monitoring Circuits. 11. Detection Devices. 12. Manual Pull Stations. 13. Addressable Monitor Modules. 14. Addressable Control Modules. 15. Speaker/Visual Appliances. 16. HVAC Shutdown / Alarm Interface with Building Automation System (BAS). 17. Existing HVAC Control Panel Interface 18. Existing deluge fire sprinkler system monitoring. 19. Sprinkler System Interface. 20. Carbon Monoxide Detectors. 21. Cutting, and Access Panels. 22. Raceway, Conduits, and Sleeves. 23. Securing all Required Permits and Approvals. C. Provide three (3) four (4) hour training sessions for staff personnel, in the operation and use of the system. Training to include digital video recording (performed by Contractor) of the training session for future use by Owner. D. All equipment, devices, conductors, raceway and other materials shall be new.


Conference / Convention Centers


Public - City






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